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Created July 13, 2017 20:31
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Exploring App State
function equal(objA, objB) {
const sObjA = JSON.stringify(objA);
const sObjB = JSON.stringify(objB);
return (sObjA === sObjB);
class AppState {
constructor(state = {}, components = []) {
this.state = state;
this.components = components;
update(newState = {}) {
// merge
const nextState = Object.assign({}, this.state, newState);
console.log(`AppState Update:`, nextState);
// set
this.state = nextState;
// notify components
registerComponent(component) {
if (!component) {
throw new Error('AppState: missing required component')
return false;
// register state to component
component.appState = this.state;
// add component to array store
// notify components
return true;
notify() {
this.components.forEach((c) => c.update(this.state));
class Button {
constructor(selector = null, state = { color: 'red', text: 'Login' }) {
this.state = state;
this.button = selector ? document.querySelector(selector) : document.createElement('button');
this.appState = {}; // this gets set on component registration
render() {
this.button.innerHTML = this.state.text; = this.state.color;
this.button.onclick = () => (console.log(`State: `, this.state));
update(newAppState) {
if (!newAppState) {
throw new Error('Button Update: missing newAppState');
* Login Button Biz Logic
* Color
* =======
* user.loggedIn = red
* !user.loggedIn = blue
* Text
* =======
* user.loggedIn = Logout
* !user.loggedIn = Login
if (equal(this.appState, newAppState)) {
console.warn('AppState is the same, no updates performed.');
const { user: { loggedIn } } = newAppState;
this.state.color = loggedIn ? 'red' : 'blue';
this.state.text = loggedIn ? 'Logout' : 'Login';
const state = new AppState();
const button = new Button();
user: {
loggedIn: false
// setInterval(() => {
// state.update({
// user: {
// loggedIn: !state.state.user.loggedIn
// }
// });
// }, 1000);
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