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Last active October 3, 2015 22:10
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What words do people use to describe their coffee shop experience?


This chart shows the frequency of words used in 5000 Yelp reviews of coffee shops and cafes. Unsuprisingly, the most frequent words are coffee, place, time, food, and service. These words could probably be filtered out of the visualization, since they would be expected to be common. This visualization provokes a couple of ideas:

  • The words shown here could be grouped into broad categories: the coffee (Latte, Mocha, Flavor, Chai, Drinks, Quality etc...), the service (staff, barista, line, minutes, etc...), and the location (atmosphere, vibe, music, art, etc..).

  • The words could be associated with the review rating to see if some words more frequently appear in negative and positive reviews.


This chart was modified from an example created by Mike Bostock.

counts words
960 staff
295 selection
289 cake
1317 service
267 prices
179 chai
128 plenty
402 ice
221 night
194 items
231 business
164 caramel
105 sunday
107 café
1306 tea
125 cookies
121 course
365 lot
238 shops
327 boba
682 drink
118 cakes
256 salad
210 anything
110 case
190 bacon
244 price
118 vibe
326 line
113 corner
145 amount
268 kind
282 house
156 bagel
174 someone
214 wifi
220 nothing
205 chicken
545 menu
151 water
269 store
101 life
101 world
101 sauce
316 sandwiches
110 honey
304 side
452 milk
339 spot
240 options
319 friend
190 lots
351 everything
273 drive
533 chocolate
143 front
325 places
357 seating
388 thing
153 meal
114 soy
135 point
144 donut
399 lunch
193 fan
4666 coffee
125 size
101 window
457 atmosphere
585 way
292 counter
153 bean
160 yelp
310 home
200 door
103 dinner
116 neighborhood
266 things
105 family
155 reviews
249 pastries
216 everyone
156 girl
231 mocha
146 decor
107 weekend
203 star
461 latte
101 husband
105 lattes
112 money
276 minutes
101 treat
292 tables
501 cup
244 taste
116 coffees
144 vegan
315 stars
223 space
692 day
221 hours
158 gelato
189 crepe
160 room
762 people
242 bar
218 owner
181 week
444 something
141 stuff
163 card
262 friends
168 thru
745 shop
274 table
183 restaurant
1363 food
107 year
112 right
160 fact
136 top
3079 place
106 bakery
412 morning
223 street
159 patio
132 person
758 drinks
153 wait
305 work
143 variety
512 sandwich
656 breakfast
109 strip
133 fruit
141 crepes
150 soup
188 name
378 cream
130 eggs
668 location
119 half
128 chairs
200 sugar
316 experience
254 town
207 teas
453 bit
172 years
114 city
458 area
122 afternoon
131 kids
277 music
190 part
107 saturday
133 dessert
190 review
160 egg
160 flavors
307 customer
114 pastry
146 days
210 bread
193 customers
552 order
216 barista
107 trip
150 reason
981 starbucks
281 flavor
488 cafe
198 one
189 love
345 donuts
200 beans
185 baristas
192 employees
287 vegas
111 toast
109 fun
198 today
303 cheese
449 times
142 dunkin
209 visit
158 vanilla
148 guy
124 art
274 quality
106 cappuccino
1422 time
110 hour
322 espresso
129 desserts
108 choice
217 parking
152 phoenix
202 couple
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return "<div><span>Word:</span> <span style='color:white'>" + d.words + "</span></div>" +
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" (" + d3.round(100 * d.counts / 5000, 0)+ "%)" + "</span></div>";
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# This script tokenizes each review, removes stopwords, identifies
# the most common words, and quantifies positivity and negativity
# associated with each word.
# Clear working space
rm(list = ls())
# Load packages
# Load the Data
loc <- '/Users/josiahdavis/Documents/GitHub/earl/'
dr <- read.csv(paste(loc, 'yelp_review.csv', sep=""))
# Create sample because POS tagging is computationally expensive
# Create a random set of indexes for sampling
idx <- sample(1:nrow(dr), 5000, replace=FALSE)
# Conver to list of strings
texts <- dr[idx,]$text
texts <- lapply(texts, as.String)
# =====================================
# Identify and reviews to only include nouns.
# This section modified from an excellent tutorial:
# =====================================
# Define function for performing the annotations
annotate_entities <- function(doc, annotation_pipeline) {
annotations <- annotate(doc, annotation_pipeline)
AnnotatedPlainTextDocument(doc, annotations)
# Define types of annotations to perform
tagging_pipeline <- list(
# Annotate the texts (THIS STEP CAN TAKE A WHILE TO RUN)
texts_annotated <- texts %>% lapply(annotate_entities, tagging_pipeline)
str(texts_annotated[[1]], max.level = 2)
# Define the POS getter function
POSGetter <- function(doc, parts) {
s <- doc$content
a <- annotations(doc)[[1]]
k <- sapply(a$features, `[[`, "POS")
if(sum(k %in% parts) == 0){
s[a[k %in% parts]]
# Identify the nouns
nouns <- texts_annotated %>% lapply(POSGetter, parts = c("NN", "NNS", "NNP", "NNPS"))
# Turn each character vector into a single string
nouns <- nouns %>% lapply(as.String)
# =====================================
# Perform text mining
# transformations
# =====================================
# Conver to dataframe
d <- data.frame(reviews = as.character(nouns))
# Replace new line characters with spaces
d$reviews <- gsub("\n", " ", d$reviews)
# Convert the relevant data into a corpus object with the tm package
d <- Corpus(VectorSource(d$reviews))
# Convert everything to lower case
d <- tm_map(d, content_transformer(tolower))
# Remove stopwords
stopwords <- c(stopwords("english"))
d <- tm_map(d, removeWords, stopwords)
# Strip whitespace
d <- tm_map(d, stripWhitespace)
# Convert to a document term matrix (rows are documents, columns are words)
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(d)
# Look up most frequent terms
dtmd <- as.matrix(dtm)
freq <- colSums(dtmd)
ord <- order(freq, decreasing = TRUE)
freq[head(ord, 100)]
# Create a dataframe
words <- data.frame(counts = freq[head(ord, 200)])
words$words <- row.names(words)
row.names(words) <- 1:dim(words)[1]
# Sort randomly
idx <- sample(1:nrow(words), nrow(words), replace=FALSE)
words <- words[idx,]
# Write to csv file
writeLoc <- "/Users/josiahdavis/Documents/d3/words/"
write.csv(words, paste(writeLoc, "data.csv", sep=""), row.names=FALSE)
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