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Forked from ericcoopey/
Created June 26, 2017 06:42
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D3 US Map with Hover

D3 US Map with Hover

Basic US map using D3 and topojson. Each state gets colored and neighbors should never be the same color. Also has some mousein/mouseout functions for highlighting the state your cursor is over

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.states {
stroke: #000;
fill-opacity: .7;
.symbol {
fill: steelblue;
fill-opacity: .8;
stroke: #fff;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var width = 960,
height = 500;
var radius = d3.scale.sqrt()
.domain([0, 1e6])
.range([0, 10]);
var path = d3.geo.path();
var color = d3.scale.category20();
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
.defer(d3.json, "us.json")
.defer(d3.json, "us-state-centroids.json")
function ready(error, us, centroid) {
var countries = topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features,
neighbors = topojson.neighbors(us.objects.states.geometries);
.enter().insert("path", ".graticule")
.attr("class", "states")
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", function(d, i) { return color(d.color = d3.max(neighbors[i], function(n) { return countries[n].color; }) + 1 | 0); })
.on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
var currentState = this;'fill-opacity', 1);
// var thoseStates = d3
// .selectAll('path')[0]
// .filter(function(state) {
// return state !== currentState;
// });
// d3.selectAll(thoseStates)
// .style({
// 'fill-opacity':.5
// });
// })
.on('mouseout', function(d, i) {
// var paths = svg.append("path")
// .attr("class", "states")
// .datum(topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states))
// .attr("d", path)
// .style("fill", function(d, i) { return color(d.color = d3.max(neighbors[i], function(n) { return countries[n].color; }) + 1 | 0); })
// .on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
// var currentState = this;
// var thoseStates = d3
// .selectAll('path')[0]
// .filter(function(state) {
// return state !== currentState;
// });
// d3.selectAll(thoseStates)
// .transition()
// .duration(300)
// .style({
// 'stroke-opacity': 1,
// 'stroke': '#f00'
// });
// });
// svg.selectAll(".symbol")
// .data(centroid.features.sort(function(a, b) { return -; }))
// .enter().append("path")
// .attr("class", "symbol")
// .attr("d", path.pointRadius(function(d) { return radius(; }));
// }
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