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Created November 21, 2014 18:49
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Currying, argument reordering, and partial function application in Swift
func curry<T, U, R>(binary: (T, U) -> R) -> T -> U -> R {
return { t in
return { u in
return binary(t, u)
func curry<T, U, V, R>(ternary: (T, U, V) -> R) -> T -> U -> V -> R {
return { t in
return { u in
return { v in
return ternary(t, u, v)
func curry<T, U, V, W, R>(quaternary: (T, U, V, W) -> R) -> T -> U -> V -> W -> R {
return { t in
return { u in
return { v in
return { w in
return quaternary(t, u, v, w)
func reorder<T, U, R>(curried: T -> U -> R) -> U -> T -> R {
return { u in
return { t in
return curried(t)(u)
func partial<T, U, R>(binary: (T, U) -> R, argument: T) -> U -> R {
return { u in
return binary(argument, u)
func partial<T, U, V, R>(ternary: (T, U, V) -> R, t: T) -> (U, V) -> R {
return { u, v in
return ternary(t, u, v)
func partial<T, U, V, R>(ternary: (T, U, V) -> R, t: T, u: U) -> V -> R {
return { v in
return ternary(t, u, v)
func partial<T, U, V, W, R>(quaternary: (T, U, V, W) -> R, t: T) -> (U, V, W) -> R {
return { u, v, w in
return quaternary(t, u, v, w)
func partial<T, U, V, W, R>(quaternary: (T, U, V, W) -> R, t: T, u: U) -> (V, W) -> R {
return { v, w in
return quaternary(t, u, v, w)
func partial<T, U, V, W, R>(quaternary: (T, U, V, W) -> R, t: T, u: U, v: V) -> W -> R {
return { w in
return quaternary(t, u, v, w)
let addThree = partial(+, 3)
let eight = addThree(5)
let curriedDivide: Int -> Int -> Int = curry(/)
let tenDividedBy = curriedDivide(10)
let two = tenDividedBy(5)
let divideByTen = reorder(curriedDivide)(10)
let four = divideByTen(40)
func printFourThings(thing1: String, thing2: String, thing3: String, thing4: String) {
let greetTheWorldAnd = partial(printFourThings, "hello, world", "and")
greetTheWorldAnd("let's get", "some nachos")
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