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Created February 12, 2021 14:56
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appmap.yml for Rails Sample App 6th Edition
name: sample_app_6th_ed
- path: app/mailers
- path: app/models
- path: app/jobs
- path: app/controllers
- path: app/helpers
- gem: actioncable
- gem: actionmailbox
- gem: actionmailer
#- gem: actionpack
- gem: actiontext
- gem: actionview
- gem: activejob
- gem: activemodel
- gem: activerecord
- gem: activestorage
- gem: sqlite3
- gem: rack
- ActionController::UrlFor#url_options
- ActionView::RoutingUrlFor#url_options
- ActionView::RoutingUrlFor#url_for
- ActiveModel::Attribute#value
- ActiveRecord::Base.attribute_aliases
- ActionController::Base#default_url_options
- ActiveRecord::ModelSchema::ClassMethods.symbol_column_to_string
- ActionView::I18nProxy#locale
- AbstractController::Base.method_added
- ActiveModel::Naming.model_name
- ActiveRecord::Translation.i18n_scope
- ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Read#_read_attribute
- ActiveModel::Validations#errors
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger
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