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Created April 7, 2023 21:28
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Guriddo compartment helper
import ast
from typing import Union
def is_contiguous(lst: list[int]) -> bool:
"""Checks if a list of integers is contiguous.
A list is considered contiguous if each element is equal to the
previous element plus one.
lst: A list of integers.
True if the list is contiguous, False otherwise.
sorted_list = get_sorted(lst)
return all(sorted_list[i] == sorted_list[0]+i for i in range(len(sorted_list)))
def get_sorted(lst: list[int]) -> list[int]:
"""Returns a sorted copy of a list of integers.
lst: A list of integers.
A sorted copy of the input list.
sorted_list = lst[:]
return sorted_list
def parse_input(input_str: str):
"""Parses the input string into a list of lists of integers.
The input string should be in one of two formats:
- A comma-separated list of lists of integers enclosed in square brackets,
e.g. "[[1, 4, 2], [6], [8, 7]]".
- A space-separated list of integers, where each integer is the candidate
digits concatenated together, e.g. "123 456 789".
input_str: A string containing the input.
A list of lists of integers.
if input_str.startswith("[") and input_str.endswith("]"):
# Parse as a list of lists
return ast.literal_eval(input_str)
# Parse as a space-separated list of integers
cell_strs = input_str.strip().replace(',', '').split()
cells = []
for cell_str in cell_strs:
cell = [int(digit) for digit in cell_str]
return cells
def permute_lists(lst: list[list[int]], i: int, current: list[int], result: list[list[int]]) -> None:
"""Generates all valid contiguous permutations of a list of lists of integers.
A contiguous permutation is one where each sublist in the permutation is
either unchanged or replaced with a contiguous sequence of integers.
lst: A list of lists of integers.
i: The current index being processed.
current: A list containing the current permutation being generated.
result: A list to collect all valid contiguous permutations.
if i == len(lst):
if is_contiguous(current):
for j in lst[i]:
current[i] = j
permute_lists(lst, i + 1, current, result)
def main():
"""Main function that prompts the user for input and prints the results.
This function prompts the user to enter a list of lists of integers,
then generates all contiguous permutations of those lists using the
permute_lists function. It then prints each valid permutation along with
its sorted form and lists candidates that can be eliminated.
input_str = input("Enter cells' candidates either in form [1, 4, 2], [6], [8, 7], or concat form 142 6 87: ").strip("\'\"`, ")
input_list: list[Union[int, list[int]]] = parse_input(input_str)
# Fix any ints that are given singly
for i in range(0, len(input_list)):
if isinstance(input_list[i], int):
input_list[i] = [input_list[i]]
input_list: list[list[int]]
current_permutation: list[int] = [0] * len(input_list)
valid_permutations: list[list[int]] = []
permute_lists(input_list, 0, current_permutation, valid_permutations)
if len(valid_permutations) == 0:
print("No valid contiguous sequences found.")
# Print out the solutions
for solution in valid_permutations:
sorted_vals = get_sorted(solution)
print(f"{', '.join((str(cell) for cell in solution))} --> {', '.join((str(val) for val in sorted_vals))}")
# Print out the requirements
requirements: set[int] = set()
for i in range(1, 10):
# if all valid_permutations contain a cell with i it is a requirement
if all(i in solution for solution in valid_permutations):
lower = min(cell for solution in valid_permutations for cell in solution)
upper = max(cell for solution in valid_permutations for cell in solution)
print(f"Lower={lower}, Upper={upper}")
if requirements:
print(f"Required={repr(requirements)}; Min={min(requirements)}, Max={max(requirements)}")
remove: list[list[int]] = []
for i in range(0, len(input_list)):
input_cell = input_list[i]
for candidate in input_cell:
# If the input candidate is not the cell's number for any of the solutions
if all(candidate != valid_permutation[i] for valid_permutation in valid_permutations):
if remove:
print("Candidates that can be eliminated:")
print("No candidates to eliminate")
except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
print("Invalid input format.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
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