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Last active March 14, 2024 23:13
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// This function is based on the code found at (the original source doesn't work well)
// She following page explains how UV map should be calculated
// The following documentation shows what a apherical UV map should look like
var ThreeUvMapper = {
assignUVs: function(geometry) {
// converting all vertices into polar coordinates
var polarVertices =;
geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] = []; // This clears out any UV mapping that may have already existed on the object
// walking through all the faces defined by the object
// ... we need to define a UV map for each of them
geometry.faces.forEach(function(face) {
var uvs = [];
// Each face is a triangle defined by three points or vertices (point a, b and c).
// Instead of storing the three points (vertices) by itself,
// a face uses points from the [vertices] array.
// The 'a', 'b' and 'c' properties of the [face] object in fact represent
// index at which each of the three points is stored in the [vertices] array
var ids = [ 'a', 'b', 'c'];
for( var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ ) {
// using the point to access the vertice
var vertexIndex = face[ ids[ i ] ];
var vertex = polarVertices[ vertexIndex ];
// If the vertice is located at the top or the bottom
// of the sphere, the x coordinates will always be 0
// This isn't good, since it will make all the faces
// which meet at this point use the same starting point
// for their texture ...
// this is a bit difficult to explainm, so try to comment out
// the following block and take look at the top of the
// spehere to see how it is mapped. Also have a look
// at the following image:
if(vertex.theta === 0 && (vertex.phi === 0 || vertex.phi === Math.PI)) {
// at the sphere bottom and at the top different
// points are alligned differently - have a look at the
// following image
var alignedVertice = vertex.phi === 0 ? face.b : face.a;
vertex = {
phi: vertex.phi,
theta: polarVertices[ alignedVertice ].theta
// Fixing vertices, which close the gap in the circle
// These are the last vertices in a row, and are at identical position as
// vertices which are at the first position in the row.
// This causes the [theta] angle to be miscalculated
if(vertex.theta === Math.PI && ThreeUvMapper.cartesian2polar(face.normal).theta < Math.PI/2) {
var ThreeUvMapper = {
assignUVs: function(geometry) {
// converting all vertices into polar coordinates
var polarVertices =;
geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] = []; // This clears out any UV mapping that may have already existed on the object
// walking through all the faces defined by the object
// ... we need to define a UV map for each of them
geometry.faces.forEach(function(face) {
var uvs = [];
// Each face is a triangle defined by three points or vertices (point a, b and c).
// Instead of storing the three points (vertices) by itself,
// a face uses points from the [vertices] array.
// The 'a', 'b' and 'c' properties of the [face] object in fact represent
// index at which each of the three points is stored in the [vertices] array
var ids = [ 'a', 'b', 'c'];
for( var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ ) {
// using the point to access the vertice
var vertexIndex = face[ ids[ i ] ];
var vertex = polarVertices[ vertexIndex ];
// If the vertice is located at the top or the bottom
// of the sphere, the x coordinates will always be 0
// This isn't good, since it will make all the faces
// which meet at this point use the same starting point
// for their texture ...
// this is a bit difficult to explainm, so try to comment out
// the following block and take look at the top of the
// spehere to see how it is mapped. Also have a look
// at the following image:
if(vertex.theta === 0 && (vertex.phi === 0 || vertex.phi === Math.PI)) {
// we can't rely on vertice order, so we choose the one
// which the lower/higher [theta] among the other two vertices
// which one will be chosen (lower or higher) depends on
// which part of the sphere we are fixing (top or bottom)
var alignTheta,
mathFn = (vertex.phi === 0) ? Math.max : Math.min;
switch(ids[ i ]) {
case 'a':
alignTheta = mathFn(polarVertices[face.b].theta, polarVertices[face.c].theta);
case 'b':
alignTheta = mathFn(polarVertices[face.a].theta, polarVertices[face.c].theta);
case 'c':
alignTheta = mathFn(polarVertices[face.a].theta, polarVertices[face.b].theta);
vertex = {
phi: vertex.phi,
theta: alignTheta
// Fixing vertices, which close the gap in the circle
// These are the last vertices in a row, and are at identical position as
// vertices which are at the first position in the row.
// This causes the [theta] angle to be miscalculated
if(vertex.theta === Math.PI && ThreeUvMapper.cartesian2polar(face.normal).theta < Math.PI/2) {
vertex.theta = -Math.PI;
var canvasPoint = ThreeUvMapper.polar2canvas(vertex);
uvs.push( new THREE.Vector2( canvasPoint.x, canvasPoint.y ) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( uvs );
geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true;
}, // function _assignUVs(geometry) {...}
var r=Math.sqrt(position.x*position.x + position.z*position.z + position.y*position.y);
var x = Math.round(position.x*10000)/10000,
z = Math.round(position.z*10000)/10000;
if(x===-0) { x=0; }
if(z===-0) { z=0; }
r: r,
phi:Math.acos(position.y / r),
theta:Math.atan2(z, x)
polar2cartesian: function(polar){
x: polar.distance * Math.cos(polar.radians),
z: polar.distance * Math.sin(polar.radians)
polar2canvas: function(polarPoint) {
y: polarPoint.phi/Math.PI,
x: (polarPoint.theta+Math.PI) / (2*Math.PI)
} // var ThreeUvMapper = {...}
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akssieg commented Jun 4, 2023

Thanks for the code! I loaded a group of meshes (buffer geometry) in the threejs scene, and just noticed that they don’t have uv attribute at all. I wonder if your code can generate uvs for geometry.attributes, maybe based on the normals and positions? Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 10 24 59 PM
Is it working?

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