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Created July 8, 2022 10:02
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Scripts that were used in the "Video Games with Sense2Vec" tutorial found here:
This script combines two datasets to generate a file with all found patterns.
import srsly
from prodigy.components.db import connect
import spacy
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
def text_to_patterns(text):
return [{"lower": t.text.lower()} for t in nlp(text)]
db = connect()
# These are the patterns from the custom approach
dataset = db.get_dataset("more-video-terms")
first_set = [{"label": "GAME", "pattern": text_to_patterns(d['text'])} for d in dataset if d['answer'] == 'accept']
# These are the patterns from the sense2vec.teach recipe
dataset = db.get_dataset("video-game-terms")
second_set = [{"label": "GAME", "pattern": text_to_patterns(d['word'])} for d in dataset if d['answer'] == 'accept']
srsly.write_jsonl("all-patterns.jsonl", first_set + second_set)
This script uses sense2vec to find potentially relevant phrases in your training data.
import tqdm
import spacy
import typer
import srsly
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_distances
from rich.console import Console
def scan_file(jsonl_file, s2v_path, queries, out_file):
console = Console()
# Initialize all components
console.log("Loading spaCy model.")
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
console.log("Loading s2v model.")
s2v_component = nlp.add_pipe("sense2vec")
# More setup
console.log("Reading jsonl data.")
blob = list(srsly.read_jsonl(jsonl_file))
queries = queries.split(",")
# Things to keep track of
terms = set()
not_terms = set()
distances = []
# Construct generator
g = nlp.pipe((e["text"] for e in blob), batch_size=50)
console.log("Staring big loop.")
for doc in tqdm.tqdm(g, total=len(blob)):
for phrase in doc._.s2v_phrases:
for query in queries:
terms, not_terms, distances = handle_phrase(
phrase, query, terms, not_terms, distances, s2v_component
# Write terms into file
output = [{"text": t, "meta": {"dist": float(d)}} for t, d in zip(terms, distances)]
srsly.write_jsonl(out_file, output)
console.log(f"Write written in {out_file}.")
def handle_phrase(phrase, query, terms, not_terms, distances, s2v_component):
# First check if phrase needs to be considered
best_key = s2v_component.s2v.get_best_sense(query)
p1 = phrase.text.lower() not in terms
p2 = phrase.text.lower() not in not_terms
if p1 & p2:
# Phrase needs to be considered
v1 = phrase[:5]._.s2v_vec
v2 = s2v_component.s2v[best_key]
if v1 is not None:
dist = cosine_distances([v1], [v2])[0, 0]
if dist < 0.6:
terms = terms | {phrase.text.lower()}
if p2:
# Phrase won't need to be considered
not_terms = not_terms | {phrase.text.lower()}
return terms, not_terms, distances
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is an optional script that doesn't appear in the video, but it creates a subset
of the original data such that we only have examples where at least one pattern matches.
import json
import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
import srsly
patterns = srsly.read_jsonl("all-patterns.jsonl")
for p in patterns:
matcher.add(p["label"], [p["pattern"]])
texts = srsly.read_jsonl("xbox-support.jsonl")
for doc in nlp.pipe(t['text'] for t in texts):
matches = matcher(doc)
if matches:
print(json.dumps({"text": doc.text}))
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