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Created May 8, 2011 09:08
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thank your friends for wishing you on your birthday on facebook
import simplejson as json
import urllib2, urllib, string
read_token = 'abc
write_token = 'def'
def GetJsonResponse(requestUrl, content = None):
request = urllib2.Request(requestUrl)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, content)
result = json.load(response)
return result
def GetFirstName(facebookId):
url = '' + facebookId + '&access_token=' + read_token
profileInfoJson = GetJsonResponse(url)
first_name = profileInfoJson['first_name']
return first_name
def MakeComment(messageId, content):
url = '' + messageId + '/comments'
print url
formPosts = {}
formPosts['access_token'] = write_token
formPosts['message'] = content
data = urllib.urlencode(formPosts)
print data
f = urllib.urlopen(url, data)
feedUrl='' + read_token + '&limit=100'
response = GetJsonResponse(feedUrl)
if len(response['data']) != 100:
print 'error while retrieving data'
for counter in range(0, 100):
if ('message' in response['data'][counter]) and (string.find(response['data'][counter]['message'].lower(), 'happy') != -1) \
and ('comments' not in response['data'][counter]):
first_name = GetFirstName(response['data'][counter]['from']['id'])
thanks_message = 'Thanks ' + first_name
message_id = response['data'][counter]['id']
print thanks_message
MakeComment(message_id, thanks_message)
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