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Last active August 6, 2017 03:16
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modify modules and html
const fs = require('fs');
// addComponentToModule('./src/library/library.module.js', 'Module', '', '', 'new-component', 'newComponent', 'NewComponent');
// addComponentToModule('./src/docs/docs.module.js', 'Demo', 'demos/', '-demo', 'new-component', 'newComponent', 'NewComponent');
// addComponentToDemoHtml('new-component', 'newComponent', 'NewComponent');
module.exports.addComponentToModule = function addComponentToModule(filename, variableSuffix, importPrefix, importSuffix, componentName, camelName, capitalName) {
// read the file
let content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
// TODO use this for safety
const eol = '\r\n';
// find the import statements
const importMatches = content.match(new RegExp(`(import [A-z]+${variableSuffix} from '.*';${eol})`, 'gm'));
const lastImport = importMatches[importMatches.length - 1];
// append our import after the last one
const newImport = `import ${capitalName}${variableSuffix} from './${importPrefix}${componentName}/${componentName}${importSuffix}.module';${eol}`;
content = content.replace(lastImport, `${lastImport}${newImport}`);
// extract module name from lastImport
const moduleNameMatches = lastImport.match(new RegExp(`import (.*)${variableSuffix}`));
const lastDependencyWithRegExp = ` ${moduleNameMatches[1]}${variableSuffix},?${eol}`;
const newDependency = ` ${capitalName}${variableSuffix},${eol}`;
// since we're not enforcing comma-dangle:always, this is trickier than it needs to be
content = content.replace(new RegExp(lastDependencyWithRegExp), `${lastDependencyWithRegExp.replace('?', '')}${newDependency}`);
fs.writeFileSync(filename, content, 'utf8');
return true;
module.exports.addComponentToDemoHtml = function addComponentToDemoHtml(componentName, camelName, capitalName) {
// read the file
const filename = './src/docs/docs.html';
let content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
// TODO use this for safety
const eol = '\r\n';
// find the last instance of </demo> and add our stuff after it
const demoCloser = `</demo>${eol}`;
const position = content.lastIndexOf(demoCloser) + demoCloser.length;
const titleName = capitalName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').trim();
const newDemo = ` <h1>${titleName}</h1>
content = `${content.slice(0, position)}${newDemo}${content.slice(position)}`;
fs.writeFileSync(filename, content, 'utf8');
return true;
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