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Last active May 24, 2023 01:22
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Grafana python datasource - using pandas for timeseries and table data. inspired by and compatible with the simple json datasource ---- Up-to-date version maintained @
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, json, abort
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import pandas as pd
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app)
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'
methods = ('GET', 'POST')
metric_finders= {}
metric_readers = {}
annotation_readers = {}
panel_readers = {}
def add_reader(name, reader):
metric_readers[name] = reader
def add_finder(name, finder):
metric_finders[name] = finder
def add_annotation_reader(name, reader):
annotation_readers[name] = reader
def add_panel_reader(name, reader):
panel_readers[name] = reader
@app.route('/', methods=methods)
def hello_world():
print request.headers, request.get_json()
return 'Jether\'s python Grafana datasource, used for rendering HTML panels and timeseries data.'
@app.route('/search', methods=methods)
def find_metrics():
print request.headers, request.get_json()
req = request.get_json()
target = req.get('target', '*')
if ':' in target:
finder, target = target.split(':', 1)
finder = target
if not target or finder not in metric_finders:
metrics = []
if target == '*':
metrics += metric_finders.keys() + metric_readers.keys()
return jsonify(metrics)
return jsonify(list(metric_finders[finder](target)))
def dataframe_to_response(target, df, freq=None):
response = []
if df.empty:
return response
if freq is not None:
orig_tz =
df = df.tz_convert('UTC').resample(rule=freq, label='right', closed='right', how='mean').tz_convert(orig_tz)
if isinstance(df, pd.Series):
response.append(_series_to_response(df, target))
elif isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
for col in df:
response.append(_series_to_response(df[col], target))
abort(404, Exception('Received object is not a dataframe or series.'))
return response
def dataframe_to_json_table(target, df):
response = []
if df.empty:
return response
if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
response.append({'type': 'table',
'columns': col: {"text": col}).tolist(),
'rows': df.where(pd.notnull(df), None).values.tolist()})
abort(404, Exception('Received object is not a dataframe.'))
return response
def annotations_to_response(target, df):
response = []
# Single series with DatetimeIndex and values as text
if isinstance(df, pd.Series):
for timestamp, value in df.iteritems():
"annotation": target, # The original annotation sent from Grafana.
"time": timestamp.value // 10 ** 6, # Time since UNIX Epoch in milliseconds. (required)
"title": value, # The title for the annotation tooltip. (required)
#"tags": tags, # Tags for the annotation. (optional)
#"text": text # Text for the annotation. (optional)
# Dataframe with annotation text/tags for each entry
elif isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
for timestamp, row in df.iterrows():
annotation = {
"annotation": target, # The original annotation sent from Grafana.
"time": timestamp.value // 10 ** 6, # Time since UNIX Epoch in milliseconds. (required)
"title": row.get('title', ''), # The title for the annotation tooltip. (required)
if 'text' in row:
annotation['text'] = str(row.get('text'))
if 'tags' in row:
annotation['tags'] = str(row.get('tags'))
abort(404, Exception('Received object is not a dataframe or series.'))
return response
def _series_to_annotations(df, target):
if df.empty:
return {'target': '%s' % (target),
'datapoints': []}
sorted_df = df.dropna().sort_index()
timestamps = (sorted_df.index.astype( // 10 ** 6).values.tolist()
values = sorted_df.values.tolist()
return {'target': '%s' % (,
'datapoints': zip(values, timestamps)}
def _series_to_response(df, target):
if df.empty:
return {'target': '%s' % (target),
'datapoints': []}
sorted_df = df.dropna().sort_index()
timestamps = (sorted_df.index.astype( // 10 ** 6).values.tolist() # New pandas version
timestamps = (sorted_df.index.astype( // 10 ** 6).tolist()
values = sorted_df.values.tolist()
return {'target': '%s' % (,
'datapoints': zip(values, timestamps)}
@app.route('/query', methods=methods)
def query_metrics():
print request.headers, request.get_json()
req = request.get_json()
results = []
ts_range = {'$gt': pd.Timestamp(req['range']['from']).to_pydatetime(),
'$lte': pd.Timestamp(req['range']['to']).to_pydatetime()}
if 'intervalMs' in req:
freq = str(req.get('intervalMs')) + 'ms'
freq = None
for target in req['targets']:
if ':' not in target.get('target', ''):
abort(404, Exception('Target must be of type: <finder>:<metric_query>, got instead: ' + target['target']))
req_type = target.get('type', 'timeserie')
finder, target = target['target'].split(':', 1)
query_results = metric_readers[finder](target, ts_range)
if req_type == 'table':
results.extend(dataframe_to_json_table(target, query_results))
results.extend(dataframe_to_response(target, query_results, freq=freq))
return jsonify(results)
@app.route('/annotations', methods=methods)
def query_annotations():
print request.headers, request.get_json()
req = request.get_json()
results = []
ts_range = {'$gt': pd.Timestamp(req['range']['from']).to_pydatetime(),
'$lte': pd.Timestamp(req['range']['to']).to_pydatetime()}
query = req['annotation']['query']
if ':' not in query:
abort(404, Exception('Target must be of type: <finder>:<metric_query>, got instead: ' + query))
finder, target = query.split(':', 1)
results.extend(annotations_to_response(query, annotation_readers[finder](target, ts_range)))
return jsonify(results)
@app.route('/panels', methods=methods)
def get_panel():
print request.headers, request.get_json()
req = request.args
ts_range = {'$gt': pd.Timestamp(int(req['from']), unit='ms').to_pydatetime(),
'$lte': pd.Timestamp(int(req['to']), unit='ms').to_pydatetime()}
query = req['query']
if ':' not in query:
abort(404, Exception('Target must be of type: <finder>:<metric_query>, got instead: ' + query))
finder, target = query.split(':', 1)
return panel_readers[finder](target, ts_range)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Sample annotation reader : add_annotation_reader('midnights', lambda query_string, ts_range: pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(ts_range['$gt'], ts_range['$lte'], freq='D', normalize=True)).fillna('Text for annotation - midnight'))
# Sample timeseries reader :
# def get_sine(freq, ts_range):
# freq = int(freq)
# ts = pd.date_range(ts_range['$gt'], ts_range['$lte'], freq='H')
# return pd.Series(np.sin(np.arange(len(ts)) * np.pi * freq * 2 / float(len(ts))), index=ts).to_frame('value')
# add_reader('sine_wave', get_sine)
# To query the wanted reader, use `<reader_name>:<query_string>`, e.g. 'sine_wave:24''', port=3003, debug=True)
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amotl commented Apr 29, 2023

Hi @tvirmani,

let us know if you have any problems to get grafana-pandas-datasource working. If you find any flaws, please report them on its issue tracker.

With kind regards,

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