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Last active January 4, 2016 18:49
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Context Managers, __iter__ implemented as a generator, and multiple decorators.
__author__ = 'matt'
__date__ = '1/27/14'
Create an example Reader class that implements a context manager and __iter__ method.
Use this Reader class in a with statement in conjunction with a Writer class.
Processing classes are examples of class-based decorator patterns. These operate
on the Writer class' public interface, the write() method.
class ListReader:
An implementation of a file-like object that contains context
manager methods __enter__ and __exit__, and an __iter__ method
implemented as a generator.
def __init__(self, data):
# NOTE: would realistically be populated dynamically
# after instanciation of the class. The __init__ method would
# typically contain things like a db connection string. = data
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_type is not None:
# Exception occurred
return False # Will raise the exception
return True # Everything's okay
def __iter__(self):
for datum in
yield datum
class ProcessorScreenWriter:
A class which implements a file-like object's write() method.
Simply prints contents of a line.
def __init__(self, writer):
self.writer = writer
def write(self, inLine):
print inLine
class ProcessorChangeCase:
A decorator class which implements a writer class' public
interface, the write() method.
def __init__(self, writer, case):
self.writer = writer = case
def write(self, inLine):
if == 'upper':
elif == 'lower':
raise ValueError("Case Not Supported")
class ProcessorTruncateToFirstChar:
A decorator class which implements a writer class' public
interface, the write() method.
def __init__(self, writer):
self.writer = writer
def write(self, inLine):
firstElem = inLine[0]
class ProcessorAddFoo:
A decorator class which implements a writer class' public
interface, the write() method.
def __init__(self, writer):
self.writer = writer
def write(self, inLine):
fooLine = inLine + "fooooo"
class ProcessorExplodeFoo:
A decorator class which implements a writer class' public
interface, the write() method.
def __init__(self, writer):
self.writer = writer
def _explode(self, feature):
index = 0
explodedFeatures = []
for element in feature:
index += 1
element = str(element) + " Feature: " + str(index)
return explodedFeatures
def write(self, inLine):
explodedFeatures = self._explode(inLine)
for feature in explodedFeatures:
class DevNull:
A decorator class intended to be implemented at the last step
of the processing chain. simply ends the workflow.
def write(self, inLine):
class NoProcessorException(Exception):
An exception raised when no processors are passed to
the controller.
class MainController:
A control class which is composed of a reader
and n-number of processors.
def __init__(self, reader, processors=None):
self.reader = reader
if processors is None:
raise NoProcessorException("ERROR: No Processors Found.")
# Add an instance of ProcessorDevNull, ensuring process ends.
self.processors = processors
def serialize(self):
Using the reader classes' context manager, loop through
a reader's contents using the reader's __iter__() method.
Output is written (serialized) using the writer class's
write() method.
with self.reader as local_reader:
for record in local_reader:
decorated_processor = DevNull()
for processor, args in self.processors:
if args:
decorated_processor = processor(decorated_processor, *args)
decorated_processor = processor(decorated_processor)
if __name__ == '__main__':
myDataList = ['matt', 'roger', 'greg']
myDataString = 'matt roger greg'
# For each record: Print it, Explode It, Convert That to Upper Case, Print That
# NOTE: each element of the processingSteps list is a two-element tuple containing
# The processor class to be executed and either a list of positional arguments OR
# None. This is currently required due to tuple unpacking inside the contoller class'
# serialize method.
processingSteps = [(ProcessorScreenWriter, None),
(ProcessorExplodeFoo, None),
(ProcessorScreenWriter, None)]
myControllerWithProcessor = MainController(ListReader(myDataList), processingSteps)
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