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Last active March 2, 2022 09:38
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Jenkins backup
// This is a Jenkinsfile that backs up (parts of) Jenkins.
// So why not use the SCM-sync plugin? I've found it's just not configurable
// enough, and if something goes wrong it's a lot more opaque than this technique
// which uses standard shell and git commands.
// By default this approach covers users, credentials, and job and plugin configs,
// but not full builds/workspaces. Obviously you want to send this stuff only to
// a private repository! If you want to change the files that are included to
// add or remove files from consideration with the backup, edit the shell script
// section below. Make sure this job is pinned to your Jenkins master using your
// preferred technique for that.
// The job that executes this Jenkinsfile should describe three parameters:
// a string representing the repo you want your backup's pushed to
// a string representing where you want backup's pushed to
// a string representing the Jenkins credential id for
// i.e. your github deploy key SSH. See the /credentials
// URL on your Jenkins server to add a new SSH key, and make
// sure that the username is `git`. Add github deployment keys
// at i.e.$user/$project/settings/keys. Make
// sure your key allows push and isn't read-only.
pipeline { agent any; stages {
stage("INIT"){ steps{
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: '*/${BACKUP_BRANCH}']],
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
extensions: [[
$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory',
relativeTargetDir: 'jenkins-backup']],
submoduleCfg: [],
userRemoteConfigs: [
[ credentialsId: "$GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID",
url: "$BACKUP_REPO"]
}} //steps // stage
stage("BACKUP"){ steps{
sh """#!/bin/bash
pushd jenkins-backup
git config --local ""
git config --global "Jenkins"
find .|xargs git rm
cp -v $JENKINS_HOME/*xml $WORKSPACE/jenkins-backup
for i in \$( find jobs|grep config.xml ); do
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/jenkins-backup/`dirname \$i`
cp \$i $WORKSPACE/jenkins-backup/`dirname \$i`
cp -rfv $JENKINS_HOME/secret* $WORKSPACE/jenkins-backup/
cp -rfv $JENKINS_HOME/user* $WORKSPACE/jenkins-backup/
pushd jenkins-backup
find .|xargs git add
git commit -a -m"Jenkins Backup Job"
}} //steps // stage
stage("PUSH"){ steps{
sshagent(["$GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID"]) {
sh "cd jenkins-backup && git push origin HEAD:$BACKUP_BRANCH"
} // sshagent
}} //steps // stage
}} //stages // pipeline
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