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Last active December 12, 2015 00:08
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getline_until = #mburr A version of getline() that takes a predicate to determine the delimiter. Some overloads provided that take a list of characters as delimiters (like strtok()) From an SO answer:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <typename Predicate>
istream& getline_until( istream& is, string& str, Predicate pred)
bool changed = false;
istream::sentry k(is,true);
if (bool(k)) {
streambuf& rdbuf(*is.rdbuf());
istream::traits_type::int_type ch = rdbuf.sgetc(); // get next char, but don't move stream position
for (;;ch = rdbuf.sgetc()) {
if (istream::traits_type::eof() == ch) {
changed = true;
rdbuf.sbumpc(); // move stream position to consume char
if (pred(istream::traits_type::to_char_type(ch))) {
if (str.size() == str.max_size()) {
if (!changed) {
return is;
// a couple of overloads (along with a predicate) that allow you
// to pass in a string that contains a set of delimiter characters
struct in_delim_set : unary_function<char,bool>
in_delim_set( char const* delim_set) : delims(delim_set) {};
in_delim_set( string const& delim_set) : delims(delim_set) {};
bool operator()(char ch) {
return (delims.find(ch) != string::npos);
string delims;
istream& getline_until( istream& is, string& str, char const* delim_set)
return getline_until( is, str, in_delim_set(delim_set));
istream& getline_until( istream& is, string& str, string const& delim_set)
return getline_until( is, str, in_delim_set(delim_set));
// a simple example predicate functor
struct is_digit : unary_function<char,bool>
bool operator()(char c) const {
return ('0' <= c) && (c <= '9');
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
string test;
// treat anything that's not a digit as end-of-line
while (getline_until( cin, test, not1(is_digit()))) {
cout << test << endl;
return 0;
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