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Last active July 28, 2021 13:59
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Better safe than sorry. A shell function wrapper for Composer to check for local changes and create back-ups before executing operations that may overwrite data.
# Alias of `composer` command that, if Composer's installed.json is present, checks
# for local changes in dependencies and backs-up the composer.json, composer.lock,
# and vendor directory before executing install, reinstall, or update commands.
# Useful if you often need to modify the code of your dependencies and they are
# installed from source.
# Version: 1.1.0
# License: MIT
# Author: Chauncey McAskill
# Note:
# - This code has only been tested on Unix systems.
# - Change the `bin` variable to where the `composer` binary is located.
# - Change the `bck` variable to where you want to store backups,
# defaults to Composer's `cache-dir`.
# - Backups are named with a timestamp, seconds since the Unix epoch.
# - If the status check detects changes, the requested operation
# will be aborted.
# - If the back-up process fails in any way, the requested operation
# will be aborted.
# - The status check and back-up can considerably slow down any attempt
# to install or update.
# Example of a command to delete 15-day-or-older backups, which can be used as
# a cronjob:
# ```
# find $(composer config cache-dir)/backups -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +15 -delete
# ```
# Link:
# -
# -
# Arguments:
# -
function composer() {
local bin=/usr/local/bin/composer
if [ -f "vendor/composer/installed.json" ]; then
case $1 in
install | reinstall | update)
echo "The current operation may overwrite data."
echo "Verifying if you have local changes…"
$bin status
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
local bck=$($bin config cache-dir)/backups/$(date +%s)
echo "Preparing backup of manifest, lock file, and vendor directory…"
mkdir -p $bck
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed to create backup directory"
cp -R ./vendor $bck
local ex=$?
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed to backup vendor directory"
cp ./composer.lock $bck
local ex=$?
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed to backup lock file"
cp ./composer.json $bck
local ex=$?
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed to backup manifest file and vendor directory"
echo "Backup of vendor directory is located at: ${bck}"
$bin $*
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