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Created May 7, 2016 15:39
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Ruby script to parse a dump of Bulbapedia's Pokémon pages into obtainability data
# This script parses a dump of Bulbapedia's Pokémon pages into a JSON file
# with details about what Pokémon are obtainable in respective regions
# (specifically, the latest series of games set in a specific region).
require 'nokogiri'
require 'json'
# An XML dump of all of Bulbapedia's Pokémon pages is required to exist at
# this path. It can be generated using this special page:
# The file is about 17 MB as of Gen 6 (721 pages).
PATH = 'Bulbapedia-20160506234550.xml'
# Path where the output file will end up
RESULT_PATH = 'obtainability.json'
doc = Nokogiri::XML( do |config|
# The xml file generated is valid so we can use strict mode to check for
# corruption etc. Enabling nonet just in case
# Get all page objects
pages = doc.css('mediawiki page')
puts "#{pages.length} pages found (should be 721)."
# Remove the " (Pokémon)" at the end of page titles
def poke_for(title)
title.gsub(' (Pokémon)', '')
# Hash of what games correspond to what regions
'FireRed' => 'Kanto',
'LeafGreen' => 'Kanto',
'Diamond' => 'Sinnoh',
'Pearl' => 'Sinnoh',
'Platinum' => 'Sinnoh',
'HeartGold' => 'Johto',
'SoulSilver' => 'Johto',
'Black 2' => 'Unova',
'White 2' => 'Unova',
'X' => 'Kalos',
'Y' => 'Kalos',
'Omega Ruby' => 'Hoenn',
'Alpha Sapphire' => 'Hoenn'
# Array of regions
REGIONS = RELEVANT_VERSIONS.values.uniq.freeze
# Represents one instance of Bulbapedia's Availability template. It ignores
# data such as colour and focuses only on whether it is available, the versions
# in which it is (or isn't) available, and the specified area.
class AvailabilityTag
def initialize(raw, available, versions, area = nil)
@raw = raw
@available = available
@versions = versions
@area = area
# Readers
def available?; @available; end
attr_reader :area, :versions
# The region this availability tag is in (if its versions are
# FireRed/LeafGreen, this method will return 'Kanto').
def region
if @versions.any? { |e| RELEVANT_VERSIONS.include?(e) }
puts "!!!WARNING!!! Version #{@versions.first} isn't relevant even though there are relevant ones in array #{@versions.inspect}." unless RELEVANT_VERSIONS.include?(@versions.first)
else nil; end
# Regex for the key part of a version attribute ("v=", "v2=")
VERSION_REGEX = /^v\d?=/
# Parses a raw template line into an instance of this class
def self.parse(raw)
# Strip the outer two brackets each, and the final newline
tag = raw[2..-4]
# Split the template into attributes
split = tag.split('|')
# Get an array of versions this template corresponds to
versions = { |e| e =~ VERSION_REGEX }.map { |e| e.split('=')[1..-1].join('=') }
# Check availability - availability tags for unavailable Pokémon are
# suffixed with "/None"
available = !tag.include?('/None|')
area_index = split.index { |e| e.start_with? 'area=' } # Get index of first area attribute
area = if area_index
area_attr = split[area_index..-1].join('|') # Join all subsequent "attributes" together so we don't cut off in some sub-tag
else nil; end, available, versions, area)
# Corresponds to the entirety of availability tags on a particular page
class AvailabilityTagSet
def initialize(tags)
@tags = tags
attr_reader :tags
# Returns a hash of region => { availability, area } for all six regions.
def regions
result = {}
REGIONS.each do |region|
# Find the relevant tag, i. e. the template tag that corresponds to the
# region we're checking in the current iteration and that is available.
# If no such tag exists (either there's no tag for the current region or
# there's no available tag for it) it will be nil
relevant_tag = @tags.find { |tag| tag.region == region && tag.available? }
result[region] = if relevant_tag
result[region] = { available: true, area: relevant_tag.area }
# If there's no tag for this particular region set as
# available, we check whether there's any tag for this
# region.
regional_tag = @tags.find { |tag| tag.region == region }
result[region] = {
available: false,
# If there is a tag for this region,
# we use its area (will be something
# like "Event" or "Trade"), if not,
# we set it to nil
area: regional_tag ? regional_tag.area : nil
# Parse an array of availability tag lines into an instance of this class
def self.parse(tags)
parsed = { |e| AvailabilityTag.parse(e) }
# Hash in which the resulting data will be stored
result_file = {}
pages.each do |e|
# Get the title and the Pokémon it represents
title = e.at_css('title').text
poke = poke_for(title)
puts "Parsing page #{title}, Pokémon is #{poke}"
# Get the page's content
content = e.at_css('text').text
# Then, get a list of lines from the content and filter out the ones that
# contain availability tags
avail_tags = { |e| e.start_with? '{{Availability/Entry' }
# Parse a tag set for the list of lines we retrieved earlier
tag_set = AvailabilityTagSet.parse(avail_tags)
# Set this Pokémon's region data to the tag set's
result_file[poke] = tag_set.regions
# Write to file. We're done
bytes = File.write(RESULT_PATH, result_file.to_json)
puts "Wrote availabilities to file '#{RESULT_PATH}' (#{bytes} bytes)"
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Amazing! May I ask where can I download the Bulbapedia dump?

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