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Created December 15, 2012 00:01
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Sudoku solution checker
Created on 15/dic/2012
@author: mlarocca
from sudoku_solver import solve_sudoku
super_hard = [[0,0,3,0,0,5,4,1,0],
blank = [[0]*9 for i in xrange(9)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import cProfile'solve_sudoku(super_hard)', 's_profile.txt')
import pstats
p = pstats.Stats('s_profile.txt')
Created on 15/dic/2012
@author: mlarocca
# Use your check_sudoku function as the basis for solve_sudoku(): a
# function that takes a partially-completed Sudoku grid and replaces
# each 0 cell with an integer in the range 1..9 in such a way that the
# final grid is valid.
# The solver should return None for broken
# input, False for inputs that have no valid solutions, and a valid
# 9x9 Sudoku grid containing no 0 elements otherwise.
'''Checks if the grid is a valid sudoku (partial) solution
ASSUMES that the grid is well formed
Checks ONLY the distribution of the values inside a valid grid
DO NOT check that all values are valid (for performance reasons it is checked
only once when the input is read)
@param grid: The grid to be checked
@return: True <=> the grid is a valid (possibly partial) solution
False <-> Otherwise
def check_sudoku(grid):
#checks rows and cols values
row_i = {}
col_i = {}
for i in xrange(9):
for j in xrange(9):
#For every values it gets on the grid,
#Increments a counter that keeps track
#Of how many times that value appear in the ith col and row
row_i[grid[i][j]] += 1
except KeyError:
row_i[grid[i][j]] = 1
col_i[grid[j][i]] += 1
except KeyError:
col_i[grid[j][i]] = 1
#Discards values relative to zeros (wildcards)
del row_i[0]
except KeyError:
del col_i[0]
except KeyError:
#If any value (excluding 0) appears more than once in a single
#row or column, then the sudoku assignment isn't valid
row_i_v = row_i.values()
col_i_v = col_i.values()
if ((len(row_i_v) > 0 and max(row_i_v) > 1) or
(len(col_i_v) > 0 and max(col_i_v) > 1)):
return False
#now checks the 3x3 cells
cell = {}
for cell_row in xrange(3):
for cell_col in xrange(3):
#For each cell...
for row in xrange(3 * cell_row, 3 * (cell_row + 1)):
for col in xrange(3 * cell_col, 3 * (cell_col + 1)):
#...for each value found in a single cell
#Increments a counter that keeps track
#Of how many times that value appear in the cell
cell[grid[row][col]] += 1
except KeyError:
cell[grid[row][col]] = 1
#Discards values relative to zeros (wildcards)
del cell[0]
except KeyError:
#If any value (excluding 0) appears more than once in a single
#cell, then the sudoku assignment isn't valid
cell_v = cell.values()
if len(cell_v) > 0 and max(cell_v) > 1:
return False
#If it has made it so far, the assignment is valid
return True
'''A sudoku solver function
If the grid is well formed (any iterable containing 9 iterables each of
which contains 9 integers between 0 and 9 included is accepted as valid)
and if it is a valid partial solution for the sudoku puzzle,
it tries to solve it, if possible.
@param grid: The grid representing the specific sudoku puzzle to solve;
@return: The grid properly filled <=> The grid is properly formatted and
the puzzle is solvable
False <=> The grid is properly formatted but there is no
solution to the puzzle
None <=> The grid violates the sudoku contraints
(wrong size or wrong types or values)
def solve_sudoku(grid):
''' For a partial solution grid and a cell (the cell at the
crossing of ith row and jth column) enumerates all the possible
values that can be assigned to that cell;
@param grid: A partial solution grid
@param i: Row of the cell under evaluation
@param j: Column of the cell under evaluation
@return: A list of the possible values for the cell.
def get_valid_values_for_cell(grid, i, j):
valid_values = {i : 0 for i in xrange(10) } #Initially, 1 to 9 are supposed to be valid
for k in xrange(9):
#For every values it gets on the grid,
#removes it from the valid ones, if it's still included
valid_values[grid[i][k]] = 1
valid_values[grid[k][j]] = 1
#Now checks the 3x3 cell
cell_i = i - i%3
cell_j = j - j%3
for i in xrange(cell_i, cell_i + 3):
for j in xrange(cell_j, cell_j + 3):
valid_values[grid[i][j]] = 1
#If the call is issued correctly grid[i][j] == 0 and therefore valid_values[0] == 1 => 0 in valid_values
del valid_values[0]
return [k for (k,v) in valid_values.items() if v == 0]
''' Given a partial solution grid and the list of its unassigned cells
chooses the next move (i.e. the next cell to be assigned a value)
according to the most constrained one first criterium
@param grid: A partial solution grid
@param free_cells: A list of the free cells remaining in the grid
@return: A couple containing:
- The list of possible values that can be assigned to the chosen cell
- A couple of indices for row and column of the chosen cell
def pick_next_move(grid, free_cells):
best_choice_len = float("inf")
for (i,j) in free_cells:
values = get_valid_values_for_cell(grid, i, j)
n = len(values)
if n == 0:
return None, (None, None) #This cell has no possible choice, so we can as well backtrack
elif n == 1:
#This is the most possible constrained situation
#so we can as well choose this
return values, (i, j)
elif n < best_choice_len:
best_choice_len = n
best_choice = (values, (i,j))
return best_choice
''' Given a partial solution grid and the list of its unassigned cells
tries to solve the puzzle by choosing the best possible next cell
to assign a value to and then trying to assign it all the possible
values, for each one recursively calls itself in a DFS search.
@param grid: A partial solution grid
@param free_cells: A list of the free cells remaining in the grid
@return: The grid properly filled <=> The grid is properly formatted and
the puzzle is solvable
False <=> The grid is properly formatted but there is no
solution to the puzzle
def recursive_solver(grid, free_cells):
#Grid completed
if len(free_cells) == 0:
return grid
#looks for the best next move
values, (i,j) = pick_next_move(grid, free_cells)
if values is None:
return False #Must backtrack
#free cell!
for val in values:
grid[i][j] = val
sol = recursive_solver(grid, free_cells[:])
if sol != False:
return sol
#If none of the attempted substitution worked, then must backtrack
grid[i][j] = 0
return False
''' solve_sudoku BODY '''
#checks that the grid is well formed
rows = len(grid)
except TypeError:
return None
if rows != 9:
return None
free_cells = []
for i in xrange(9): #INVARIANT: assert(len(grid) == 9)
#check that the single rows are well formed
cols = len(grid[i])
except TypeError:
return None
if cols != 9:
return None
for j in xrange(9): #INVARIANT: assert(len(grid[i]) == 9)
val = grid[i][j]
if val == 0:
elif type(val) != int or val < 0 or val > 9:
#The cell contains an invalid value
return None
check = check_sudoku(grid)
if check != True:
return False #The input is already an invalid solution
#else, try to solve the puzzle
return recursive_solver(grid, free_cells)
Created on 15/dic/2012
@author: mlarocca
from sudoku_solver import *
# solve_sudoku should return None
ill_formed = [[5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2],
[4,2,6,8,5,3,7,9], # <---
ill_formed_2 = [(5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2),
[4,2,6,8,5,3,7,9,10], # <---
# solve_sudoku should return valid unchanged
valid = [[5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2],
# solve_sudoku should return False
invalid = [[5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2],
# solve_sudoku should return False
invalid_2 = [[1,0,0,0,0,7,0,9,0],
# solve_sudoku should return a
# sudoku grid which passes a
# sudoku checker. There may be
# multiple correct grids which
# can be made from this starting
# grid.
easy = [[2,9,0,0,0,0,0,7,0],
# Note: this may timeout
# in the Udacity IDE! Try running
# it locally if you'd like to test
# your solution with it.
hard = [[1,0,0,0,0,7,0,9,0],
super_hard = [[0,0,3,0,0,5,4,1,0],
blank = [[0]*9 for i in xrange(9)]
print solve_sudoku(ill_formed) # --> None
print solve_sudoku(ill_formed_2) # --> None
print solve_sudoku(3) # --> None
print solve_sudoku([3]) # --> None
print solve_sudoku([3 for i in xrange(9)]) # --> None
print solve_sudoku(valid)
print solve_sudoku(invalid) # --> False
print solve_sudoku(invalid_2) # --> False
print solve_sudoku(easy)
print solve_sudoku(hard)
print solve_sudoku(super_hard)
print solve_sudoku(blank) #edge case
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Sudoku Solver - Fast version

  • - The solver itself
  • - A unit test suite that provides 100% statement and branch coverage
  • - A profiler for the solver (helped reducing excution time by 80%)

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