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NyaMisty /
Created September 1, 2022 01:02
IDA Graph view with outlined function included
summary: drawing custom graphs
Showing custom graphs, using `ida_graph.GraphViewer`. In addition,
show how to write actions that can be performed on those.
keywords: graph, actions
from __future__ import print_function
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
aucker / Rust
Created April 22, 2022 14:56
some type convert

Converting a &str to a String

There are several ways to convert.

  • to_string()
fn main() {
    let new_string = "hello".to_string();

to_string() turns a &str to String.

  • to_owned()

The Rust macro learning: A Methodical Introduction

There are four types of macros in rust.


As noted previously, macro_rules! is itself a syntax extension, meaning it is technically not part of the Rust Syntax. It uses the following forms:

Macro_rules! $name {
    $rule0 ;
    $rule1 ;
 // ...
rexim /
Last active April 3, 2024 19:40
The Most Memory Safe Buffer Overflow in Rust!
// The Most Memory Safe Buffer Overflow in Rust!
// Consider all the code below under Public Domain
// How to build:
// $ rustc
// Wrong password:
// $ printf "hello\n" | ./main
muff-in /
Last active May 30, 2024 06:00
A curated list of Assembly Language / Reversing / Malware Analysis / Game Hacking-resources
nneonneo / 01_game.bin
Last active March 8, 2022 23:34
CPU Adventure files
rylev /
Created March 5, 2019 10:50
How to Learn Rust

Learning Rust

The following is a list of resources for learning Rust as well as tips and tricks for learning the language faster.


Rust is not C or C++ so the way your accustomed to do things in those languages might not work in Rust. The best way to learn Rust is to embrace its best practices and see where that takes you.

The generally recommended path is to start by reading the books, and doing small coding exercises until the rules around borrow checking become intuitive. Once this happens, then you can expand to more real world projects. If you find yourself struggling hard with the borrow checker, seek help. It very well could be that you're trying to solve your problem in a way that goes against how Rust wants you to work.

LiveOverflow / AcoraidaMonicaGame.sol
Last active February 10, 2024 13:13
Acoraida Monica
pragma solidity =0.4.25;
contract AcoraidaMonicaGame{
uint256 public version = 4;
string public description = "Acoraida Monica admires smart guys, she'd like to pay 10000ETH to the one who could answer her question. Would it be you?";
string public constant sampleQuestion = "Who is Acoraida Monica?";
string public constant sampleAnswer = "$*!&#^[` a@.3;Ta&*T` R`<`~5Z`^5V You beat me! :D";
Logger public constant logger=Logger(0x5e351bd4247f0526359fb22078ba725a192872f3);
address questioner;
string public question;
seanjensengrey / octal_x86.txt
Last active May 26, 2024 20:34
x86 is an octal machine
# source:
From: (Mark Hopkins)
Newsgroups: alt.lang.asm
Subject: A Summary of the 80486 Opcodes and Instructions
(1) The 80x86 is an Octal Machine
This is a follow-up and revision of an article posted in alt.lang.asm on
7-5-92 concerning the 80x86 instruction encoding.
The only proper way to understand 80x86 coding is to realize that ALL 80x86
yamnikov-oleg /
Created February 20, 2016 09:19
Linux Syscalls Reference

Source: man syscall

Architecture calling conventions

Every architecture has its own way of invoking and passing arguments to the kernel. The details for various architectures are listed in the two tables below.

The first table lists the instruction used to transition to kernel mode, (which might not be the fastest or best way to transition to