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Camerons-MacBook-Pro:origin cbritt$ oc logs apiserver-1l1h5 -p -n openshift-template-service-broker
Error: unknown flag: --template-namespace
openshift start template-service-broker [options]
--audit-log-maxage=0: The maximum number of days to retain old audit log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
--audit-log-maxbackup=0: The maximum number of old audit log files to retain.
--audit-log-maxsize=0: The maximum size in megabytes of the audit log file before it gets rotated.
--audit-log-path='': If set, all requests coming to the apiserver will be logged to this file. '-' means standard out.
--audit-policy-file='': Path to the file that defines the audit policy configuration. Requires the 'AdvancedAuditing' feature gate. With AdvancedAuditing, a profile is required to enable auditing.
--audit-webhook-config-file='': Path to a kubeconfig formatted file that defines the audit webhook configuration. Requires the 'AdvancedAuditing' feature gate.
--audit-webhook-mode='batch': Strategy for sending audit events. Blocking indicates sending events should block server responses. Batch causes the webhook to buffer and send events asynchronously. Known modes are batch,blocking.
--authentication-kubeconfig='': kubeconfig file pointing at the 'core' kubernetes server with enough rights to create
--authentication-skip-lookup=false: If false, the authentication-kubeconfig will be used to lookup missing authentication configuration from the cluster.
--authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl=10s: The duration to cache responses from the webhook token authenticator.
--authorization-kubeconfig='': kubeconfig file pointing at the 'core' kubernetes server with enough rights to create
--authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl=10s: The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook authorizer.
--authorization-webhook-cache-unauthorized-ttl=10s: The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook authorizer.
--bind-address= The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port. The associated interface(s) must be reachable by the rest of the cluster, and by CLI/web clients. If blank, all interfaces will be used (
--cert-dir='apiserver.local.config/certificates': The directory where the TLS certs are located. If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored.
--client-ca-file='': If set, any request presenting a client certificate signed by one of the authorities in the client-ca-file is authenticated with an identity corresponding to the CommonName of the client certificate.
--config='': filename containing the TemplateServiceBrokerConfig
--contention-profiling=false: Enable lock contention profiling, if profiling is enabled
--enable-swagger-ui=false: Enables swagger ui on the apiserver at /swagger-ui
--profiling=true: Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/
--requestheader-allowed-names=[]: List of client certificate common names to allow to provide usernames in headers specified by --requestheader-username-headers. If empty, any client certificate validated by the authorities in --requestheader-client-ca-file is allowed.
--requestheader-client-ca-file='': Root certificate bundle to use to verify client certificates on incoming requests before trusting usernames in headers specified by --requestheader-username-headers
--requestheader-extra-headers-prefix=[x-remote-extra-]: List of request header prefixes to inspect. X-Remote-Extra- is suggested.
--requestheader-group-headers=[x-remote-group]: List of request headers to inspect for groups. X-Remote-Group is suggested.
--requestheader-username-headers=[x-remote-user]: List of request headers to inspect for usernames. X-Remote-User is common.
--secure-port=443: The port on which to serve HTTPS with authentication and authorization. If 0, don't serve HTTPS at all.
--tls-ca-file='': If set, this certificate authority will used for secure access from Admission Controllers. This must be a valid PEM-encoded CA bundle. Altneratively, the certificate authority can be appended to the certificate provided by --tls-cert-file.
--tls-cert-file='': File containing the default x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). If HTTPS serving is enabled, and --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to /var/run/kubernetes.
--tls-private-key-file='': File containing the default x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.
--tls-sni-cert-key=[]: A pair of x509 certificate and private key file paths, optionally suffixed with a list of domain patterns which are fully qualified domain names, possibly with prefixed wildcard segments. If no domain patterns are provided, the names of the certificate are extracted. Non-wildcard matches trump over wildcard matches, explicit domain patterns trump over extracted names. For multiple key/certificate pairs, use the --tls-sni-cert-key multiple times. Examples: "example.crt,example.key" or "foo.crt,foo.key:*,".
Use "openshift options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
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