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Last active March 23, 2018 22:07
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Shifted Array Search
// A characteristic of a shifted sorted array
// is that if you brake it into two halves,
// at LEAST ONE half is ALWAYS going to be sorted:
// 4 5 6 [7] 0 1 2 -> left side is sorted
// 6 7 0 [1] 2 4 5 -> right side is sorted
// ...
// 5 6 7 [0] 1 2 4 -> both side sorted (pivot === shift)
// This means we can use this informatin to apply a BST strategy without having to look for the pivot
// Time complexity O(logn)
// Space complexity O(1)
function shiftedArrSearch(nums, target) {
let start = 0;
let end = nums.length - 1;
while (start < end) {
const pivot = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
if (nums[pivot] === target) {
return pivot;
const leftStart = nums[start];
const leftEnd = nums[pivot - 1];
const rightStart = nums[pivot + 1];
const rightEnd = nums[end];
// If left side is the sorted side we can safely tell if it might contain the target or not
// therefore we know if we need to move our search on the left side or on the right side
if (leftStart < leftEnd) {
if (target <= leftEnd && target >= leftStart) {
end = pivot - 1; // search the left side
} else {
start = pivot + 1; // search the right side
} else {
if (target >= rightStart && target <= rightEnd) {
start = pivot + 1; // search the right side
} else {
end = pivot - 1; // search the left side
// As we pivot on the lower bound (Math.floor) before giving up
// we need to check against our upper bound
// console.log(start, end);
return target === nums[end] ? end : -1;
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