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Last active May 10, 2016 17:58
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  • Save nicocrm/0afae7d1de23df86ed6a30b4a01b6aa3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Use caps as modifier, remapping letter keys to symbols
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CapsLock & q:: Send, {\}
CapsLock & w:: Send, {=}
CapsLock & f:: Send, {[}
CapsLock & p:: Send, {]}
CapsLock & g:: Send, `%
CapsLock & j:: Send, {^}
CapsLock & l:: Send, {BS}
CapsLock & u:: Send, {Up}
CapsLock & y:: Send, {Tab}
CapsLock & `;:: Send, {``}
CapsLock & a:: Send, {Home}
CapsLock & r:: Send, {!}
CapsLock & s:: Send, {(}
CapsLock & t:: Send, {)}
CapsLock & d:: Send, {{}
CapsLock & h:: Send, {}}
CapsLock & n:: Send, {Left}
CapsLock & e:: Send, {Down}
CapsLock & i:: Send, {Right}
CapsLock & o:: Send, {:}
CapsLock & ':: Send, {-}
CapsLock & z:: Send, {End}
CapsLock & x:: Send, {+}
CapsLock & c:: Send, {Escape}
CapsLock & v:: Send, {&}
CapsLock & b:: Send, {|}
CapsLock & k:: Send, {_}
CapsLock & m:: Send, {Enter}
; CapsLock:: Send, {BS}
; CapsLock:: Send, {BS}
CapsLock:: ; CapsLock
+CapsLock:: ; Shift+CapsLock
!CapsLock:: ; Alt+CapsLock
^CapsLock:: ; Ctrl+CapsLock
#CapsLock:: ; Win+CapsLock
^!CapsLock:: ; Ctrl+Alt+CapsLock
^!#CapsLock:: ; Ctrl+Alt+Win+CapsLock
;............ ; You can add whatever you want to block
return ; Do nothing, return
; Want to keep this one as a Caps
ScrollLock:: CapsLock
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