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Last active July 16, 2021 16:11
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import algebra.lie.cartan_matrix
open widget
variables {α : Type}
namespace svg
meta def fill : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "fill" $ s
meta def stroke : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "stroke" $ s
meta def : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "cx" $ s
meta def : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "cy" $ s
meta def circle.r : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "r" $ s
meta def line.x1 : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "x1" $ s
meta def line.x2 : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "x2" $ s
meta def line.y1 : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "y1" $ s
meta def line.y2 : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "y2" $ s
end svg
namespace matrix
variables {n : ℕ} (A : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ℤ)
include A
def nat_index (i j : ℕ) : ℤ := if h : i < n ∧ j < n then A ⟨i, h.1⟩ ⟨j, h.2⟩ else 999
/-- TODO Delete me once `get_node_pos` smart enough to infer layout from values in `A`. -/
def get_node_pos_E : ℕ → ℕ × ℕ
| 0 := ⟨0, 0⟩
| 1 := ⟨2, 1⟩
| (i+1) := ⟨i, 0⟩
/-- TODO Use `A` to infer sensible layout. -/
def get_node_pos : ℕ → ℕ × ℕ := if n < 6 then (λ i, ⟨i, 0⟩) else A.get_node_pos_E
def get_node_cx (i : ℕ) : ℤ := 40 + (A.get_node_pos i).1 * 80
def get_node_cy (i : ℕ) : ℤ := 40 + (A.get_node_pos i).2 * 80
meta def get_node_html (i : ℕ) : html α :=
h "circle" [ $ to_string $ A.get_node_cx i, $ to_string $ A.get_node_cy i, "10",
svg.fill "white",
svg.stroke "black"
] []
/-- TODO
* Error if `j ≤ i`
* Error if `(A i j, A j i) ∉ [((0 : ℤ), (0 : ℤ)), (-1, -1), (-1, -2), (-2, -1), (-1, -3), (-3, -1)]`
* Render `(A i j) * (A j i)` edges
* Render arrow on double or triple edge with direction decided by `A i j < A j i` -/
meta def get_edge_html : ℕ × ℕ → list (html α) :=
function.uncurry $ λ i j, if A.nat_index i j = 0 then [] else
[h "line" [
svg.line.x1 $ to_string $ A.get_node_cx i,
svg.line.y1 $ to_string $ A.get_node_cy i,
svg.line.x2 $ to_string $ A.get_node_cx j,
svg.line.y2 $ to_string $ A.get_node_cy j,
svg.fill "black",
svg.stroke "black"
] []]
meta def get_nodes_html : list (html α) := (list.range n).map A.get_node_html
meta def get_edges_html : list (html α) :=
list.foldl list.append [] $ A.get_edge_html $
list.filter (λ (ij : ℕ × ℕ), ij.1 < ij.2) $
list.product (list.range n) (list.range n)
end matrix
-- def A := cartan_matrix.G₂
-- def A := cartan_matrix.F₄
def A := cartan_matrix.E₈
#html h "div" [] [
with_style "height" "200px" $
with_style "width" "600px" $
with_style "background" "grey" $
h "svg" [] $ A.get_edges_html ++ A.get_nodes_html]
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ocfnash commented Jul 14, 2021


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