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1st Simulation - Interactive
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import numpy as np
import math
from numpy.linalg import inv
def container(x,ui):
container function returns the speed U in m/s (optionally) and the
time derivative of the state vector: x = [ u v r x y psi p phi delta n ] for
a container ship L = 175 m, where
u = surge velocity SOG (m/s)
v = sway velocity SOG (m/s)
r = yaw velocity (rad/s)
x = position in x-direction (m)
y = position in y-direction (m)
psi = yaw angle (rad)
p = roll velocity (rad/s)
phi = roll angle (rad)
delta = actual rudder angle (rad)
n = actual shaft velocity (rpm)
ucx = current surge velocity (m/s) invoke constant current x
ucy = current sway velocity (m/s) invoke constant current y
The input vector is :
ui = [ delta_c n_c ]' where
delta_c = commanded rudder angle (rad)
n_c = commanded shaft velocity (rpm)
Reference: Son og Nomoto (1982). On the Coupled Motion of Steering and
Rolling of a High Speed Container Ship, Naval Architect of Ocean Engineering,
20: 73-83. From J.S.N.A. , Japan, Vol. 150, 1981.
Author: Trygve Lauvdal
Date: 12th May 1994
Revisions: 18th July 2001 (Thor I. Fossen): added output U, changed order of x-vector
20th July 2001 (Thor I. Fossen): changed my = 0.000238 to my = 0.007049
10th January 2019 (Angelos Ikonomakis): translated the whole script in python
assert (len(x) == 12),'x-vector must have dimension 10 !'
assert (len(ui) == 2),'u-vector must have dimension 2 !'
# Normalization variables
L = 175 # length of ship (m)
#U = np.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) # service speed STW (m/s)
U = np.sqrt((x[0]-x[10])**2 + (x[1]-x[11])**2) # service speed STW (m/s)
Uog = np.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) # SOG
# Check service speed
assert (U > 0),'The ship must have speed greater than zero'
assert (x[9] > 0),'The propeller rpm must be greater than zero'
delta_max = 10; # max rudder angle (deg)
Ddelta_max = 5; # max rudder rate (deg/s)
n_max = 160; # max shaft velocity (rpm)
# Non-dimensional states and inputs
delta_c = ui[0];
n_c = ui[1]/60*L/U;
u = (x[0]-x[10])/U; v = (x[1]-x[11])/U;
p = x[6]*L/U; r = x[2]*L/U;
phi = x[7]; psi = x[5];
delta = x[8]; n = x[9]/60*L/U;
# Parameters, hydrodynamic derivatives and main dimensions
m = 0.00792; mx = 0.000238; my = 0.007049;
Ix = 0.0000176; alphay = 0.05; lx = 0.0313;
ly = 0.0313; Ix = 0.0000176; Iz = 0.000456;
Jx = 0.0000034; Jz = 0.000419; xG = 0;
B = 25.40; dF = 8.00; g = 9.81;
dA = 9.00; d = 8.50; nabla = 21222;
KM = 10.39; KB = 4.6154; AR = 33.0376;
Delta = 1.8219; D = 6.533; GM = 0.3/L;
rho = 1025; t = 0.175; T = 0.0005;
W = rho*g*nabla/(rho*L**2*U**2/2);
Xuu = -0.0004226; Xvr = -0.00311; Xrr = 0.00020;
Xphiphi = -0.00020; Xvv = -0.00386;
Kv = 0.0003026; Kr = -0.000063; Kp = -0.0000075;
Kphi = -0.000021; Kvvv = 0.002843; Krrr = -0.0000462;
Kvvr = -0.000588; Kvrr = 0.0010565; Kvvphi = -0.0012012;
Kvphiphi = -0.0000793; Krrphi = -0.000243; Krphiphi = 0.00003569;
Yv = -0.0116; Yr = 0.00242; Yp = 0;
Yphi = -0.000063; Yvvv = -0.109; Yrrr = 0.00177;
Yvvr = 0.0214; Yvrr = -0.0405; Yvvphi = 0.04605;
Yvphiphi = 0.00304; Yrrphi = 0.009325; Yrphiphi = -0.001368;
Nv = -0.0038545; Nr = -0.00222; Np = 0.000213;
Nphi = -0.0001424; Nvvv = 0.001492; Nrrr = -0.00229;
Nvvr = -0.0424; Nvrr = 0.00156; Nvvphi = -0.019058;
Nvphiphi = -0.0053766; Nrrphi = -0.0038592; Nrphiphi = 0.0024195;
kk = 0.631; epsilon = 0.921; xR = -0.5;
wp = 0.184; tau = 1.09; xp = -0.526;
cpv = 0.0; cpr = 0.0; ga = 0.088;
cRr = -0.156; cRrrr = -0.275; cRrrv = 1.96;
cRX = 0.71; aH = 0.237; zR = 0.033;
xH = -0.48;
# Masses and moments of inertia
m11 = (m+mx);
m22 = (m+my);
m32 = -my*ly;
m42 = my*alphay;
m33 = (Ix+Jx);
m44 = (Iz+Jz);
# Rudder saturation and dynamics
if np.abs(delta_c) >= delta_max*math.pi/180:
delta_c = np.sign(delta_c)*delta_max*math.pi/180;
delta_dot = delta_c - delta
if np.abs(delta_dot) >= Ddelta_max*math.pi/180:
delta_dot = np.sign(delta_dot)*Ddelta_max*math.pi/180;
# Shaft velocity saturation and dynamics
n_c = n_c*U/L;
n = n*U/L;
if np.abs(n_c) >= n_max/60:
n_c = np.sign(n_c)*n_max/60;
if n > 0.3:
n_dot = 1/Tm*(n_c-n)*60;
# Calculation of state derivatives
vR = ga*v + cRr*r + cRrrr*r**3 + cRrrv*r**2*v;
uP = math.cos(v)*((1 - wp) + tau*((v + xp*r)**2 + cpv*v + cpr*r));
J = uP*U/(n*D);
KT = 0.527 - 0.455*J;
uR = uP*epsilon*np.sqrt(1 + 8*kk*KT/(math.pi*J**2));
alphaR = delta + math.atan(vR/uR);
FN = - ((6.13*Delta)/(Delta + 2.25))*(AR/L**2)*(uR**2 + vR**2)*math.sin(alphaR);
T = 2*rho*D**4/(U**2*L**2*rho)*KT*n*np.abs(n); # Thrust
T_real = rho*D**4*KT*n*np.abs(n); # Denormalized Thrust (surge)
R_real = 0.5*rho*U**2*L**2*Xuu*u**2 # Denormalized Resistance (surge)
# Forces and moments
X = Xuu*u**2 + (1-t)*T + Xvr*v*r + Xvv*v**2 + Xrr*r**2 + Xphiphi*phi**2 + \
cRX*FN*math.sin(delta) + (m + my)*v*r;
Y = Yv*v + Yr*r + Yp*p + Yphi*phi + Yvvv*v**3 + Yrrr*r**3 + Yvvr*v**2*r + \
Yvrr*v*r**2 + Yvvphi*v**2*phi + Yvphiphi*v*phi**2 + Yrrphi*r**2*phi + \
Yrphiphi*r*phi**2 + (1 + aH)*FN*math.cos(delta) - (m + mx)*u*r;
K = Kv*v + Kr*r + Kp*p + Kphi*phi + Kvvv*v**3 + Krrr*r**3 + Kvvr*v**2*r + \
Kvrr*v*r**2 + Kvvphi*v**2*phi + Kvphiphi*v*phi**2 + Krrphi*r**2*phi + \
Krphiphi*r*phi**2 - (1 + aH)*zR*FN*math.cos(delta) + mx*lx*u*r - W*GM*phi;
N = Nv*v + Nr*r + Np*p + Nphi*phi + Nvvv*v**3 + Nrrr*r**3 + Nvvr*v**2*r + \
Nvrr*v*r**2 + Nvvphi*v**2*phi + Nvphiphi*v*phi**2 + Nrrphi*r**2*phi + \
Nrphiphi*r*phi**2 + (xR + aH*xH)*FN*math.cos(delta);
# Dimensional state derivatives xdot = [ u v r x y psi p phi delta n ]'
detM = m22*m33*m44-m32**2*m44-m42**2*m33;
xdot =np.array([ X*(U**2/L)/m11,
0, # hardcode x-current acceleration
0 # hardcode y-current acceleration
return xdot, U, Uog, T_real, R_real
def Lcontainer(x,ui,U0=7.0):
'''Lcontainer(x,ui,U0) returns the speed U in m/s (optionally) and the
time derivative of the state vector: x = [ u v r x y psi p phi delta ]' using the
the LINEARIZED model corresponding to the nonlinear model container.m.
u = surge velocity (m/s)
v = sway velocity (m/s)
r = yaw velocity (rad/s)
x = position in x-direction (m)
y = position in y-direction (m)
psi = yaw angle (rad)
p = roll velocity (rad/s)
phi = roll angle (rad)
delta = actual rudder angle (rad)
The inputs are :
Uo = service speed (optinally. Default speed U0 = 7 m/s
ui = commanded rudder angle (rad)
Reference: Son og Nomoto (1982). On the Coupled Motion of Steering and
Rolling of a High Speed Container Ship, Naval Architect of Ocean Engineering,
20: 73-83. From J.S.N.A. , Japan, Vol. 150, 1981.
Author: Thor I. Fossen
Date: 23rd July 2001
# Check of input and state dimensions
assert (x.shape[0] == 9),'x-vector must have dimension 9 !'
assert (U0 > 0),'The ship must have speed greater than zero'
# Normalization variables
rho = 1025 # water density (kg/m^3)
L = 175 # length of ship (m)
U = np.sqrt(U0**2 + x[1,0]**2) # ship speed (m/s)
# rudder limitations
delta_max = 10 # max rudder angle (deg)
Ddelta_max = 5 # max rudder rate (deg/s)
# States and inputs
delta_c = ui
v = x[1,0]; y = x[4,0];
r = x[2,0]; psi = x[5,0];
p = x[6,0]; phi = x[7,0];
nu = np.array([[v, r, p]]).T
eta = np.array([[y, psi, phi]]).T
delta = x[8,0]
# Linear model using nondimensional matrices and states with dimension (see Fossen 2002):
# TM'inv(T) dv/dt + (U/L) TN'inv(T) v + (U/L)^2 TG'inv(T) eta = (U^2/L) T b' delta
T = np.diag([ 1, 1/L, 1/L]);
Tinv = np.diag([ 1, L, L ]);
M = np.array([[ 0.01497, 0.0003525, -0.0002205],
[ 0.0003525, 0.000875, 0],
[-0.0002205, 0, 0.0000210 ]])
N = np.array([[ 0.012035, 0.00522, 0],
[ 0.0038436, 0.00243, -0.000213],
[-0.000314, 0.0000692, 0.0000075]])
G = np.array([[ 0, 0, 0.0000704],
[ 0, 0, 0.0001468],
[ 0, 0, 0.0004966]])
b = np.array([[-0.002578, 0.00126, 0.0000855]]).T
# Rudder saturation and dynamics
if np.abs(delta_c) >= delta_max*math.pi/180:
delta_c = np.sign(delta_c)*delta_max*math.pi/180
delta_dot = delta_c - delta
if np.abs(delta_dot) >= Ddelta_max*math.pi/180:
delta_dot = np.sign(delta_dot)*Ddelta_max*math.pi/180
# TM'inv(T) dv/dt + (U/L) TN'inv(T) v + (U/L)^2 TG'inv(T) eta = (U^2/L) T b' delta
nudot = inv(T @ M @ Tinv) @ ((U**2/L)*T@b*delta - (U/L)*T@N@Tinv@nu - (U/L)**2*T@G@Tinv@eta)
# Dimensional state derivatives xdot = [ u v r x y psi p phi delta ]'
xdot =np.array([[ 0,
delta_dot ]]).T
return xdot, U
def euler2(xdot,x,h):
EULER2 Integrate a system of ordinary differential equations using
Euler's 2nd-order method.
xnext = euler2(xdot,x,h)
xdot - dx/dt(k) = f(x(k)
x - x(k)
xnext - x(k+1)
h - step size
Author: Thor I. Fossen
Date: 14th June 2001
xnext = x + h*xdot;
return xnext
def zigzag(ship,x,ui,t_final,t_rudderexecute,h,maneuver=[20,20]):
ZIGZAG [t,u,v,r,x,y,psi,U] = zigzag(ship,x,ui,t_final,t_rudderexecute,h,maneuver)
performs the zig-zag maneuver, see ExZigZag.m
Inputs :
'ship' = ship model. Compatible with the models under .../gnc/VesselModels/
x = initial state vector for ship model
ui = [delta,:] where delta=0 and the other values are non-zero if any
t_final = final simulation time
t_rudderexecute = time control input is activated
h = sampling time
maneuver = [rudder angle, heading angle]. Default 20-20 deg that is: maneuver = [20, 20]
rudder is changed to maneuver(1) when heading angle is larger than maneuver(2)
Outputs :
t = time vector
u,v,r,x,y,psi,U = time series
Author: Thor I. Fossen
Date: 22th July 2001
Revisions: 15th July 2002, switching logic has been modified to handle arbitrarily maneuvers
assert (t_final>t_rudderexecute),'t_final must be larger than t_rudderexecute';
N = round(t_final/h) # number of samples
xout = np.zeros((N+1,9)) # memory allocation
for i in range(0,N+1):
time = i*h;
psi = x[5]*180/math.pi
r = x[2]
if round(time)==t_rudderexecute:
if round(time) > t_rudderexecute:
if (psi>=maneuver[1] and r>0):
u_ship[0] = -maneuver[0]*math.pi/180
elif (psi<=-maneuver[1] and r<0):
u_ship[0] = maneuver[0]*math.pi/180
xdot,U, X, Y, K, N = container(x,ui) # ship model
xout[i,:] = np.hstack((time,x[0:6],U,u_ship[0]))
x = euler2(xdot,x,h) # Euler integration
# time-series
t = xout[:,0];
u = xout[:,1];
v = xout[:,2];
r = xout[:,3]*180/math.pi;
x = xout[:,4];
y = xout[:,5];
psi = xout[:,6]*180/math.pi;
U = xout[:,7];
delta_c = xout[:,8]*180/math.pi;
return t,u,v,r,x,y,psi,U,delta_c
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