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Created August 23, 2017 12:45
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zoomable turkey
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
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.town-boundary {
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stroke: #fff;
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.defer(d3.csv, 'pivot.csv')
function draw(err, results) {
const tr = results[0];
const data = results[1];
var cities = topojson.feature(tr, tr.objects.cities);
var towns = topojson.feature(tr, tr.objects.towns)
d3.min(data, function(d) {
return d.population;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return d.population;
[0, 0],
[width, height]
], cities);
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city population
Adana-1 2201670.0
Adıyaman-2 610484.0
Afyonkarahisar-3 714523.0
Ağrı-4 542255.0
Aksaray-68 396673.0
Amasya-5 326351.0
Ankara-6 5346518.0
Antalya-7 2328555.0
Ardahan-75 98335.0
Artvin-8 168068.0
Aydın-9 1068260.0
Balıkesir-10 1196176.0
Bartın-74 192389.0
Batman-72 576899.0
Bayburt-69 90154.0
Bilecik-11 218297.0
Bingöl-12 269560.0
Bitlis-13 341225.0
Bolu-14 299896.0
Burdur-15 261401.0
Bursa-16 2901396.0
Çanakkale-17 519793.0
Çankırı-18 183880.0
Çorum-19 527863.0
Denizli-20 1005687.0
Diyarbakır-21 1673119.0
Düzce-81 370371.0
Edirne-22 401701.0
Elazığ-23 578789.0
Erzincan-24 226032.0
Erzurum-25 762021.0
Eskişehir-26 844842.0
Gaziantep-27 1974244.0
Giresun-28 444467.0
Gümüşhane-29 172034.0
Hakkari-30 267813.0
Hatay-31 1555165.0
Iğdır-76 192785.0
Isparta-32 427324.0
İstanbul-34 1.4804116E7
İzmir-35 4223545.0
Kahramanmaraş-46 1112634.0
Karabük-78 242347.0
Karaman-70 245610.0
Kars-36 289786.0
Kastamonu-37 376945.0
Kayseri-38 1358980.0
Kilis-79 130825.0
Kırıkkale-71 277984.0
Kırklareli-39 351684.0
Kırşehir-40 229975.0
Kocaeli-41 1830772.0
Konya-42 2161303.0
Kütahya-43 573642.0
Malatya-44 781305.0
Manisa-45 1396945.0
Mardin-47 796237.0
Mersin-33 1773852.0
Muğla-48 923773.0
Muş-49 406501.0
Nevşehir-50 290895.0
Niğde-51 351468.0
Ordu-52 750588.0
Osmaniye-80 522175.0
Rize-53 331048.0
Sakarya-54 976948.0
Samsun-55 1295927.0
Şanlıurfa-63 1940627.0
Siirt-56 322664.0
Sinop-57 205478.0
Şırnak-73 483788.0
Sivas-58 621224.0
Tekirdağ-59 972875.0
Tokat-60 602662.0
Trabzon-61 779379.0
Tunceli-62 82193.0
Uşak-64 358736.0
Van-65 1100190.0
Yalova-77 241665.0
Yozgat-66 421041.0
Zonguldak-67 597524.0
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