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Last active January 12, 2024 13:11
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Homebridge Switch Plugin Example
'use strict'
let Service, Characteristic
module.exports = (homebridge) => {
/* this is the starting point for the plugin where we register the accessory */
Service = homebridge.hap.Service
Characteristic = homebridge.hap.Characteristic
homebridge.registerAccessory('homebridge-switch-example', 'SwitchExample', SwitchAccessory)
class SwitchAccessory {
constructor (log, config) {
* The constructor function is called when the plugin is registered.
* log is a function that can be used to log output to the homebridge console
* config is an object that contains the config for this plugin that was defined the homebridge config.json
/* assign both log and config to properties on 'this' class so we can use them in other methods */
this.log = log
this.config = config
* A HomeKit accessory can have many "services". This will create our base service,
* Service types are defined in this code:
* Search for "* Service" to tab through each available service type.
* Take note of the available "Required" and "Optional" Characteristics for the service you are creating
this.service = new Service.Switch(
getServices () {
* The getServices function is called by Homebridge and should return an array of Services this accessory is exposing.
* It is also where we bootstrap the plugin to tell Homebridge which function to use for which action.
/* Create a new information service. This just tells HomeKit about our accessory. */
const informationService = new Service.AccessoryInformation()
.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, 'oznu')
.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, 'SwitchExample')
.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber, 'oznu-switch-example')
* For each of the service characteristics we need to register setters and getter functions
* 'get' is called when HomeKit wants to retrieve the current state of the characteristic
* 'set' is called when HomeKit wants to update the value of the characteristic
.on('get', this.getOnCharacteristicHandler.bind(this))
.on('set', this.setOnCharacteristicHandler.bind(this))
/* Return both the main service (this.service) and the informationService */
return [informationService, this.service]
setOnCharacteristicHandler (value, callback) {
/* this is called when HomeKit wants to update the value of the characteristic as defined in our getServices() function */
* The desired value is available in the `value` argument.
* This is just an example so we will just assign the value to a variable which we can retrieve in our get handler
this.isOn = value
/* Log to the console the value whenever this function is called */
this.log(`calling setOnCharacteristicHandler`, value)
* The callback function should be called to return the value
* The first argument in the function should be null unless and error occured
getOnCharacteristicHandler (callback) {
* this is called when HomeKit wants to retrieve the current state of the characteristic as defined in our getServices() function
* it's called each time you open the Home app or when you open control center
/* Log to the console the value whenever this function is called */
this.log(`calling getOnCharacteristicHandler`, this.isOn)
* The callback function should be called to return the value
* The first argument in the function should be null unless and error occured
* The second argument in the function should be the current value of the characteristic
* This is just an example so we will return the value from `this.isOn` which is where we stored the value in the set handler
callback(null, this.isOn)
"name": "homebridge-switch-example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [
"engines": {
"homebridge": ">=0.2.5"
"author": "",
"license": "MIT"
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