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Forked from kingel/python2.4.rb
Created December 5, 2012 13:47
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homebrew python2.4 formula (osx 10.8)
require 'formula'
class Python24 <Formula
url ''
homepage ''
md5 '7564b2b142b1b8345cd5358b7aaaa482'
depends_on 'gdbm' => :optional
depends_on 'readline'
# Skip binaries so modules will load;
# skip lib because it is mostly Python files
skip_clean ['bin', 'lib']
def prefix_site_packages
# The HOMEBREW_PREFIX location of site-packages
HOMEBREW_PREFIX + "lib/python2.4/site-packages"
# def patches
# { :p0 => "" }
# end
def install
# The system readline is broken (bus error), and the formula is keg_only.
# It seems presumptuous to `brew link readline`. So:
ENV['CC'] = ["gcc-4.2", "-I#{Formula.factory('readline').prefix}/include",
"-L#{Formula.factory('readline').prefix}/lib"].join(" ")
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-tk",
system "/usr/bin/make"
# no man pages; only install 'python2.4' binary, not 'python'
system "make altbininstall"
system "make libinstall"
system "make inclinstall"
system "make libainstall"
system "make sharedinstall"
system "make oldsharedinstall"
# Add the Homebrew prefix path to site-packages via a .pth
(lib + "python2.4/site-pacakges/homebrew.pth").write prefix_site_packages
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new plone python repo is here git:// also builds correct with libjpeg etc..

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