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Last active January 9, 2019 17:20
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USA Energy From Coil Pollution
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name capacity_mw latitude longitude fuel1 commissioning_year
A B Brown 706.8 37.9053 -87.715 Coal 1986
A.E.S. Corp. 454.3 17.9474 -66.1494 Coal
AES Hawaii 203 21.3034 -158.1065 Coal 1992
AES Petersburg 2154.8 38.5281 -87.2525 Coal 1977
AES Shady Point LLC 350 35.1931 -94.6458 Coal 1990
AES Warrior Run Cogeneration Facility 229 39.5952 -78.7453 Coal 1999
Allen S King 598.4 45.03 -92.7786 Coal 1958
Allen Steam Plant 1610.8 35.0741 -90.1487 Coal 1964
Amalgamated Sugar Twin Falls 10.2 42.5328 -114.4328 Coal 1976
American Crystal Sugar Crookston 6.5 47.7647 -96.6334 Coal 1964
American Crystal Sugar Drayton 6 48.5932 -97.1761 Coal 1965
American Crystal Sugar East Grand Forks 7.5 47.9272 -97.0072 Coal 1990
American Crystal Sugar Hillsboro 13.3 47.4376 -97.0631 Coal 1990
American Crystal Sugar Moorhead 5 46.9026 -96.7611 Coal 1953
Antelope Valley 869.8 47.3705 -101.8357 Coal 1985
Apache Station 660.7 32.0603 -109.8931 Coal 1978
ArcelorMittal Warren 20.5 41.2119 -80.8176 Coal 1960
Archer Daniels Midland Cedar Rapids 294.6 41.9221 -91.6875 Coal 1997
Archer Daniels Midland Clinton 180 41.8206 -90.2097 Coal 2009
Archer Daniels Midland Columbus 71.4 41.4164 -97.2863 Coal 2010
Archer Daniels Midland Decatur 335 39.8701 -88.8908 Coal 1996
Archer Daniels Midland Des Moines 7.9 41.6244 -93.5845 Coal 1988
Archer Daniels Midland Lincoln 7.9 40.8665 -96.6145 Coal 1988
Archer Daniels Midland Mankato 6.1 44.1871 -93.9924 Coal 1987
Argus Cogen Plant 62.5 35.765 -117.3833 Coal 1974
Asbury 212.8 37.3613 -94.5893 Coal 1970
Ashdown 156.5 33.6417 -94.1083 Coal 1985
Asheville 837.1 35.4731 -82.5417 Coal 1984
Aurora Energy LLC Chena 27.5 64.8477 -147.7351 Coal 1969
Avon Lake 709 41.5045 -82.0546 Coal 1970
B L England 339.6 39.2908 -74.6364 Coal 1970
Bailly 641 41.645 -87.1225 Coal 1966
Baldwin Energy Complex 1894.1 38.205 -89.8544 Coal 1973
Barry 2569.5 31.0069 -88.0103 Coal 1981
Bay Front 67.2 46.5872 -90.9017 Coal 1953
Belews Creek 2491.2 36.2811 -80.0603 Coal 1975
Belle River 1664.4 42.7756 -82.495 Coal 1987
Big Bend 1884.5 27.7944 -82.4036 Coal 1977
Big Brown 1186.8 31.8206 -96.0544 Coal 1973
Big Cajun 2 1902.9 30.7261 -91.3692 Coal 1982
Big Stone 451 45.3037 -96.5101 Coal 1975
Birchwood Power 258.3 38.2667 -77.3147 Coal 1996
Biron Mill 61.6 44.43 -89.78 Coal 1968
Boardman 642.2 45.6932 -119.8088 Coal 1980
Bonanza 499.5 40.0864 -109.2844 Coal 1986
Bowen 3498.6 34.1256 -84.9222 Coal 1973
Brame Energy Center 1707.3 31.395 -92.7167 Coal 1992
Brandon Shores 1370 39.18 -76.5389 Coal 1988
Brayton Point 1600.1 41.7103 -71.1931 Coal 1969
Bridgeport Station 418.6 41.1706 -73.1844 Coal 1968
Brunner Island 1624.2 40.0961 -76.6962 Coal 1966
Bull Run 950 36.0211 -84.1567 Coal 1967
Burlington (IA) 290.8 40.7412 -91.1167 Coal 1975
C D McIntosh Jr 890.4 28.0801 -81.9229 Coal 1989
CP Crane Power LLC 415.8 39.3236 -76.3651 Coal 1962
CPI USA NC Roxboro 67.5 36.435 -78.9619 Coal 1987
CPI USA NC Southport 135 33.9444 -78.0118 Coal 1987
Cambria Cogen 98 40.4742 -78.7014 Coal 1991
Canton North Carolina 52.5 35.535 -82.8411 Coal 1953
Cardinal 1880.4 40.2522 -80.6486 Coal 1970
Cargill Corn Milling Division 40 41.1386 -92.6467 Coal 1953
Cargill Salt 2 42.8183 -82.4856 Coal 1968
Cayuga 1184.9 39.9242 -87.4244 Coal 1973
Cayuga Operating Company 322.5 42.6028 -76.6336 Coal 1957
Chalk Point LLC 2647 38.5444 -76.6861 Coal 1977
Chambers Cogeneration LP 285 39.6935 -75.4858 Coal 1994
Charles R Lowman 538 31.488 -87.9107 Coal 1978
Cherokee 1006.4 39.8073 -104.9645 Coal 1997
Chester Operations 67 39.8437 -75.3588 Coal 1986
Chesterfield 1799.5 37.3822 -77.3833 Coal 1972
Cheswick Power Plant 637 40.5383 -79.7906 Coal 1970
Cholla 839.9 34.9394 -110.3033 Coal 1978
Clay Boswell 1073.3 47.2611 -93.6528 Coal 1975
Clifty Creek 1303.8 38.7378 -85.4206 Coal 1955
Clover 848 36.869 -78.704 Coal 1996
Coal Creek 1211.6 47.3777 -101.1571 Coal 1979
Coffeen 1005.4 39.0586 -89.4031 Coal 1970
Coleto Creek 622.4 28.7128 -97.2142 Coal 1980
Colorado Energy Nations Company 35 39.7606 -105.215 Coal 1980
Colstrip 2272 45.8831 -106.614 Coal 1982
Colstrip Energy LP 46.1 45.9752 -106.6547 Coal 1990
Columbia (MO) 85.1 38.9646 -92.3168 Coal 1974
Columbia (WI) 1112 43.4864 -89.4203 Coal 1977
Colver Power Project 118 40.55 -78.8 Coal 1995
Comanche (CO) 1635.3 38.2081 -104.5747 Coal 1993
Conemaugh 1884 40.3842 -79.0611 Coal 1970
Conesville 1729.3 40.1842 -81.8811 Coal 1975
Cooper 344 36.9981 -84.5919 Coal 1968
Cope 417.3 33.3644 -81.03 Coal 1996
Coronado 821.8 34.5789 -109.2708 Coal 1980
Coyote 450 47.2214 -101.8157 Coal 1981
Craig (CO) 1427.6 40.4627 -107.5912 Coal 1981
Crawfordsville Power Plant 24.9 40.0489 -86.8992 Coal 1961
Crisp Plant 17.5 31.8447 -83.9407 Coal 1957
Crist 1135.1 30.5661 -87.2244 Coal 1970
Cross 2390.1 33.3715 -80.1132 Coal 1999
Crystal River 2442.7 28.9656 -82.6977 Coal 1977
Cumberland (TN) 2600 36.3903 -87.6539 Coal 1973
D B Wilson 509.4 37.4497 -87.0806 Coal 1984
Dallman 617.8 39.7548 -89.6024 Coal 1987
Dan E Karn 1946.3 43.645 -83.8401 Coal 1972
Dave Johnston 922.2 42.8378 -105.7769 Coal 1967
Deerhaven Generating Station 471 29.7592 -82.3878 Coal 1982
Dickerson 933 39.2097 -77.4644 Coal 1972
Dolet Hills 720.7 32.0306 -93.5692 Coal 1986
Dover 49.6 40.5201 -81.4681 Coal 1975
Dry Fork Station 483.7 44.3889 -105.4608 Coal 2011
Duck Creek 441 40.4663 -89.9841 Coal 1976
Dunkirk Generating Plant 627.2 42.4915 -79.3466 Coal 1957
E C Gaston 2034 33.2442 -86.4581 Coal 1967
E D Edwards 644.3 40.5958 -89.6631 Coal 1970
E W Brown 1747.7 37.7883 -84.7126 Coal 1984
East Bend 772 38.9036 -84.8514 Coal 1981
East Campus Utility Plant 4.8 39.1379 -84.5049 Coal 2007
Ebensburg Power 57.6 40.455 -78.7472 Coal 1990
Eckert Station 240 42.7184 -84.5581 Coal 1968
Edgecombe Genco LLC 114.8 36.0373 -77.7533 Coal 1990
Edgewater 764.7 43.7151 -87.7059 Coal 1978
Edwardsport 804.5 38.8067 -87.2472 Coal 2013
Eielson AFB Central Heat & Power Plant 33.5 64.6714 -147.076 Coal 1976
Elizabethtown Power LLC 34.7 34.6472 -78.6415 Coal 1986
Elm Road Generating Station 1402.6 42.8492 -87.8336 Coal 2011
Elmer Smith 445.3 37.7942 -87.0608 Coal 1970
Erickson Station 154.7 42.6922 -84.6572 Coal 1973
Escalante 257 35.4159 -108.082 Coal 1985
Expera Specialty Solutions - Mosinee Mill 23.4 44.7881 -89.6917 Coal 1963
F B Culley 368.9 37.9111 -87.3275 Coal 1971
Fayette Power Project 1690 29.9172 -96.7506 Coal 1982
Fernandina Beach Mill 96.9 30.6818 -81.4554 Coal 1984
FirstEnergy Bruce Mansfield 2741.1 40.6348 -80.4159 Coal 1978
FirstEnergy Fort Martin Power Station 1152 39.7108 -79.9275 Coal 1968
FirstEnergy Harrison Power Station 2052 39.3842 -80.3325 Coal 1974
FirstEnergy Pleasants Power Station 1368 39.3667 -81.2944 Coal 1980
FirstEnergy W H Sammis 2468.1 40.5317 -80.6319 Coal 1967
Flint Creek 558 36.2561 -94.5241 Coal 1978
Foster Wheeler Mt Carmel Cogen 47.3 40.8112 -76.453 Coal 1990
Four Corners 1636.2 36.69 -108.4814 Coal 1970
G G Allen 1148.4 35.1897 -81.0122 Coal 1959
GREC 1134 36.1903 -95.2894 Coal 1983
Gadsden 138 34.0128 -85.9708 Coal 1949
Gallatin (TN) 1918.4 36.3156 -86.4006 Coal 1968
General Chemical 30 41.5933 -109.7542 Coal 1973
General James M Gavin 2600 38.9347 -82.1158 Coal 1975
Genoa 345.6 43.5589 -91.2325 Coal 1969
George Neal North 584.1 42.2998 -96.3617 Coal 1975
George Neal South 695.9 42.3006 -96.3617 Coal 1979
Gerald Gentleman 1362.6 41.0808 -101.1408 Coal 1981
Ghent 2225.9 38.7497 -85.035 Coal 1979
Gibbons Creek 453.5 30.6199 -96.0818 Coal 1983
Gibson 3339.5 38.3722 -87.7658 Coal 1978
Gorgas 1166.7 33.6443 -87.1965 Coal 1967
Grand Ave Plant 5 39.1119 -94.5811 Coal 1991
Grant Town Power Plant 95.7 39.5618 -80.1631 Coal 1992
Green Bay West Mill 90.8 44.4936 -88.0303 Coal 1976
Greene County 1288.4 32.6017 -87.7811 Coal 1982
Greenidge Generation LLC 112 42.6789 -76.9483 Coal 1954
H L Spurlock 1608.5 38.7 -83.8181 Coal 1991
HMP&L Station Two Henderson 405 37.6469 -87.5028 Coal 1974
Hamilton (OH) 126.9 39.4098 -84.5543 Coal 1968
Hammond 953 34.2528 -85.3456 Coal 1964
Hardin Generator Project 115.7 45.7578 -107.6 Coal 2006
Harrington 1080 35.2982 -101.7472 Coal 1978
Havana 488 40.2797 -90.08 Coal 1978
Hawthorn 1070.3 39.1306 -94.4778 Coal 1982
Hayden 465.4 40.4856 -107.185 Coal 1972
Healy 92.8 63.8542 -148.95 Coal 2000
Henderson 59 33.5173 -90.2097 Coal 1972
Hennepin Power Station 306.3 41.3028 -89.315 Coal 1958
Herbert A Wagner 1058.5 39.1781 -76.5268 Coal 1966
Hibbing 35.9 47.4294 -92.935 Coal 1981
Holcomb 348.7 37.9308 -100.9725 Coal 1983
Homer City Generating Station 2012 40.5128 -79.1961 Coal 1972
Hoot Lake 130.7 46.2906 -96.0433 Coal 1962
Hopewell Mill 47.6 37.2914 -77.2816 Coal 1981
Hugo 446 34.0158 -95.3206 Coal 1982
Hunter 1577.2 39.1747 -111.0289 Coal 1980
Huntington 1037.3 39.3792 -111.0781 Coal 1976
Iatan 1640 39.4472 -94.98 Coal 1997
Imperial Savannah LP 11.7 32.144 -81.1466 Coal 1966
Independence Steam Electric Station 1800 35.6784 -91.4088 Coal 1984
Indian River Generating Station 464.1 38.5857 -75.2341 Coal 1979
Indiantown Cogeneration LP 395.4 27.0389 -80.5125 Coal 1996
Ingredion Incorporated 54.6 41.7775 -87.8233 Coal 1992
Ingredion Winston Salem 8.4 36.0338 -80.2274 Coal 1987
Inland Paperboard Packaging Rome 70.4 34.2528 -85.3275 Coal 1975
Intermountain Power Project 1640 39.5097 -112.5802 Coal 1987
International Paper Pensacola 82.8 30.5966 -87.3264 Coal 1981
International Paper Prattville Mill 89.8 32.4187 -86.4718 Coal 1974
Iowa State University 46 42.0275 -93.6394 Coal 1982
J B Sims 80 43.0706 -86.235 Coal 1983
J H Campbell 1579.4 42.9103 -86.2007 Coal 1974
J K Spruce 1444 29.3097 -98.3203 Coal 2003
J M Stuart 2451.6 38.6361 -83.6939 Coal 1972
J T Deely 932 29.3081 -98.3228 Coal 1977
James De Young 51.3 42.7956 -86.1133 Coal 1966
James E. Rogers Energy Complex 1530.5 35.22 -81.7594 Coal 1996
James H Miller Jr 2822 33.6319 -87.0597 Coal 1986
James River Genco LLC 114.8 37.2939 -77.2697 Coal 1988
James River Power Station 450.5 37.1086 -93.2619 Coal 1976
Jeffrey Energy Center 2160 39.2865 -96.1172 Coal 1980
Jim Bridger 2441.9 41.7378 -108.7875 Coal 1976
John B Rich Memorial Power Station 88.4 40.7903 -76.1983 Coal 1988
John E Amos 2932.6 38.4731 -81.8233 Coal 1972
John P Madgett 387 44.3036 -91.9126 Coal 1979
John Twitty Energy Center 603 37.1517 -93.388 Coal 1995
John W Turk Jr Power Plant 609 33.6497 -93.8119 Coal 2013
Johnsonburg Mill 54 41.4915 -78.6758 Coal 1993
Johnsonville 1926 36.0278 -87.9861 Coal 1973
Joliet 29 1320 41.4946 -88.1238 Coal 1966
Joliet 9 360.4 41.4931 -88.1153 Coal 1959
Joppa Steam 1099.8 37.2094 -88.8589 Coal 1954
Kanawha River 439.2 38.2056 -81.4211 Coal 1954
KapStone Kraft Paper Corp 28.3 36.4769 -77.6414 Coal 1966
Kemper County IGCC Project 840 32.6547 -88.7622 Coal 2014
Kenneth C Coleman 602 37.9631 -86.7911 Coal 1970
Keystone 1884 40.6604 -79.3411 Coal 1968
Killen Station 689.3 38.6903 -83.4803 Coal 1982
Kincaid Generation LLC 1319 39.5906 -89.4964 Coal 1968
Kingston 1700 35.8992 -84.5194 Coal 1955
Kline Township Cogen Facility 59 40.8734 -75.9935 Coal 1989
Kyger Creek 1086.5 38.9144 -82.1289 Coal 1955
La Cygne 1578 38.3481 -94.6456 Coal 1975
LaFarge Alpena 47.2 45.0699 -83.4082 Coal 1975
Labadie 2389.4 38.5622 -90.8377 Coal 1972
Lake Road (MO) 273.3 39.7246 -94.8773 Coal 1970
Lamar Plant 55.7 38.0333 -102.5379 Coal 1989
Lansing 274.5 43.3359 -91.1675 Coal 1977
Laramie River Station 1710 42.1089 -104.8825 Coal 1981
Lawrence Energy Center 517 39.0072 -95.2692 Coal 1969
Leland Olds 656 47.2808 -101.3212 Coal 1973
Lewis & Clark 68.6 47.6785 -104.1566 Coal 1974
Limestone 1849.8 31.4219 -96.2525 Coal 1987
Logan Generating Company LP 242.3 39.7928 -75.4067 Coal 1994
Lon Wright 170 41.4281 -96.4623 Coal 1979
Longview Power Plant 807.5 39.7079 -79.959 Coal 2012
Louisa 811.9 41.3181 -91.0931 Coal 1983
Luke Mill 65 39.4736 -79.0569 Coal 1968
M L Hibbard 72.8 46.7353 -92.1517 Coal 1950
MSC Sebewaing 2.5 43.7411 -83.4472 Coal 1986
MU Combined Heat and Power Plant 91.1 38.9461 -92.3328 Coal 1990
Major Oak Power 349.2 31.0919 -96.695 Coal 1991
Manitowoc 122.9 44.082 -87.6558 Coal 1985
Marion 422 37.6197 -88.9531 Coal 1983
Marshall (NC) 2119 35.5975 -80.9658 Coal 1968
Martin Drake 207 38.8244 -104.8333 Coal 1972
Martin Lake 2379.6 32.2606 -94.5706 Coal 1978
Mayo 763.2 36.5278 -78.8917 Coal 1983
McIntosh 988 32.3563 -81.1683 Coal 1992
Mecklenburg Power Station 139.8 36.6 -78.53 Coal 1992
Meramec 1041 38.4017 -90.3358 Coal 1961
Merom 1080 39.0694 -87.5108 Coal 1983
Merrimack 496.4 43.1411 -71.4692 Coal 1966
Miami Fort 1180.8 39.1128 -84.8036 Coal 1976
Michigan City 540 41.7208 -86.9086 Coal 1974
Mill Creek (KY) 1717.2 38.0525 -85.9103 Coal 1977
Milton R Young 734 47.0659 -101.2131 Coal 1975
Mitchell (WV) 1632.6 39.8297 -80.8153 Coal 1971
Mobile Energy Services LLC 96.7 30.7365 -88.0516 Coal 1985
Monroe (MI) 3293.1 41.8906 -83.3464 Coal 1973
Monticello 1980 33.0917 -95.0417 Coal 1983
Montrose 376 38.3114 -93.9348 Coal 1962
Morgantown Energy Facility 68.9 39.6397 -79.9606 Coal 1991
Morgantown Generating Plant 1548 38.3592 -76.9767 Coal 1971
Morton Salt Rittman 2.5 40.9692 -81.7756 Coal 2015
Mountaineer 1300 38.9794 -81.9344 Coal 1980
Mt Storm 1680.9 39.2008 -79.2636 Coal 1968
Muscatine Plant #1 293.5 41.3917 -91.0569 Coal 1978
Muskogee 1716 35.7614 -95.2873 Coal 1980
Muskogee Mill 114 35.7322 -95.2939 Coal 1981
Naughton 832 41.7581 -110.5983 Coal 1968
Navajo 2409.3 36.9047 -111.3886 Coal 1975
Nearman Creek 355 39.1681 -94.6975 Coal 1988
Nebraska City 1389.6 40.6214 -95.7764 Coal 1995
Neenah Paper Munising Mill 6.2 46.4094 -86.6443 Coal 1930
Neil Simpson II 130 44.2856 -105.3833 Coal 1997
New Castle Plant 354.4 40.9379 -80.369 Coal 1959
New Madrid 1300 36.5147 -89.5617 Coal 1975
Newton 617.4 38.9361 -88.2781 Coal 1977
North Omaha 644.7 41.3291 -95.9447 Coal 1962
North Valmy 567 40.8813 -117.1516 Coal 1984
Northampton Generating Company LP 134.1 40.6917 -75.4792 Coal 1995
Northeastern 1477.5 36.4317 -95.7008 Coal 1980
Northside Generating Station 1407.1 30.4172 -81.5525 Coal 1973
Nucla 113.8 38.2383 -108.5069 Coal 1981
Oak Grove (TX) 1795.4 31.1803 -96.4866 Coal 2010
Oklaunion 720 34.0825 -99.1753 Coal 1987
Orrville 84.5 40.851 -81.7658 Coal 1966
Ottumwa 725.9 41.0961 -92.5558 Coal 1981
P H Glatfelter 109.5 39.8709 -76.8681 Coal 1984
P H Glatfelter Co -Chillicothe Facility 92.8 39.3246 -82.974 Coal 1966
PSEG Hudson Generating Station 659.7 40.7478 -74.0722 Coal 1969
PSEG Mercer Generating Station 652.8 40.1792 -74.7339 Coal 1961
Painesville 55.5 41.7265 -81.254 Coal 1973
Panther Creek Energy Facility 94 40.8556 -75.8781 Coal 1992
Paradise 2558.2 37.2608 -86.9783 Coal 1966
Pawnee 552.3 40.2217 -103.6803 Coal 1981
Pirkey 721 32.4607 -94.4852 Coal 1985
Platte 109.8 40.8548 -98.3482 Coal 1983
Pleasant Prairie 1235.2 42.5381 -87.9033 Coal 1983
Plum Point Energy Station 720 35.6644 -89.9489 Coal 2010
Polk 1029.5 27.7286 -81.9897 Coal 2001
Powerton 1785.6 40.5408 -89.6786 Coal 1974
Prairie Creek 213.4 41.944 -91.6392 Coal 1967
Prairie State Generating Station 1766 38.2792 -89.6669 Coal 2012
Presque Isle 450 46.5789 -87.395 Coal 1977
Procter & Gamble Cincinnati Plant 12.5 39.175 -84.5042 Coal 1965
Pulliam 322.2 44.54 -88.0086 Coal 1974
Purdue University 43.2 40.4172 -86.9122 Coal 1989
R D Green 586 37.6461 -87.5 Coal 1981
R D Morrow 400 31.2186 -89.394 Coal 1979
R Gallagher 300 38.2636 -85.8381 Coal 1960
R M Heskett 203 46.8669 -100.8836 Coal 1983
R M Schahfer 2201.4 41.2164 -87.0261 Coal 1981
R S Nelson 1596.8 30.2844 -93.2911 Coal 1972
RED-Rochester LLC 133.3 43.1989 -77.6319 Coal 1971
Radford Army Ammunition Plant 24 37.1804 -80.5428 Coal 1990
Rapids Energy Center 28.4 47.2348 -93.5372 Coal 1973
Rawhide 800.4 40.8609 -105.0212 Coal 1997
Ray D Nixon 282.6 38.6335 -104.7058 Coal 1985
Red Hills Generating Facility 513.7 33.3761 -89.2183 Coal 2001
Reid Gardner 294.8 36.6573 -114.6333 Coal 1983
Rhinelander Mill 21.3 45.6394 -89.4205 Coal 1951
River Rouge 368.9 42.2739 -83.1119 Coal 1958
Roanoke Valley Energy Facility I 182.3 36.4364 -77.6167 Coal 1994
Roanoke Valley Energy Facility II 57.8 36.4364 -77.6167 Coal 1995
Robert A Reid 194.8 37.6461 -87.5019 Coal 1971
Rockport 2600 37.9256 -87.0372 Coal 1988
Roquette America 84.4 40.3892 -91.3942 Coal 2005
Roxboro 2558.2 36.4833 -79.0731 Coal 1973
Rush Island 1242 38.1312 -90.2632 Coal 1977
S D Warren Westbrook 70.9 43.6849 -70.3532 Coal 1977
SABIC Innovative Plastics Mt. Vernon 5.5 37.9103 -87.9261 Coal 1996
SIUC 5.1 37.7119 -89.215 Coal 1998
San Juan 1848 36.8006 -108.4386 Coal 1979
San Miguel 410 28.7044 -98.4775 Coal 1982
Sandow No 4 590.6 30.5659 -97.064 Coal 1981
Sandow No 5 661.5 30.5681 -97.0614 Coal 2010
Sandy Creek Energy Station 1008 31.4744 -96.9571 Coal 2013
Scherer 3564 33.0606 -83.8075 Coal 1986
Schiller 171.2 43.0978 -70.7842 Coal 1957
Scrubgrass Generating Company LP 94.7 41.2691 -79.8134 Coal 1993
Seminole (FL) 1471.8 29.7331 -81.6328 Coal 1984
Seward (PA) 585 40.4062 -79.0337 Coal 2004
Shawnee 1575 37.1517 -88.775 Coal 1954
Sheldon 228.7 40.5589 -96.7847 Coal 1963
Sherburne County 2469.3 45.3808 -93.8931 Coal 1980
Shiras 77.5 46.5306 -87.3922 Coal 1977
Sibley 524 39.1783 -94.1844 Coal 1967
Sidney MT Plant 4 47.7172 -104.1356 Coal 1950
Sikeston Power Station 261 36.8791 -89.6209 Coal 1981
Silver Bay Power 131.6 47.2866 -91.2605 Coal 1959
Sioux 1099.4 38.9155 -90.2902 Coal 1967
Somerset Operating Co LLC 655.1 43.3589 -78.6047 Coal 1984
Sonoco Products Co 40.5 34.3853 -80.0678 Coal 1954
Sooner 1138 36.4531 -97.0528 Coal 1980
South Oak Creek 1240 42.8457 -87.8294 Coal 1964
Southeast Steam Plant 13 44.9808 -93.2497 Coal 1998
Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar 7.5 44.7964 -95.1798 Coal 1976
Spiritwood Station 106.2 46.9264 -98.4997 Coal 2014
Springerville 1779.2 34.3186 -109.1639 Coal 1998
Spruance Genco LLC 229.6 37.4556 -77.4308 Coal 1992
St Clair 1570.9 42.7642 -82.4719 Coal 1961
St Johns River Power Park 1358 30.4308 -81.5508 Coal 1988
St Nicholas Cogen Project 99.2 40.8222 -76.1736 Coal 1990
Stanton 191.2 47.2866 -101.3319 Coal 1967
Stanton Energy Center 1262 28.4822 -81.1678 Coal 1996
Streeter Station 51.5 42.5267 -92.4394 Coal 1970
Sunnyside Cogen Associates 58.1 39.5472 -110.3917 Coal 1993
T B Simon Power Plant 99.3 42.7178 -84.4836 Coal 1988
TES Filer City Station 70 44.2173 -86.2891 Coal 1990
TS Power Plant 242 40.7461 -116.5297 Coal 2008
Taconite Harbor Energy Center 168 47.5314 -90.9114 Coal 1957
TalenEnergy Montour 1775.1 41.0714 -76.6672 Coal 1972
Tate & Lyle Decatur Plant Cogen 62 39.8492 -88.9319 Coal 1989
Tecumseh Energy Center 82 39.0539 -95.5689 Coal 1957
Thomas Hill 1181.7 39.5522 -92.6381 Coal 1977
Tolk 1135.8 34.1865 -102.57 Coal 1984
Transalta Centralia Generation 1459.8 46.7559 -122.8598 Coal 1973
Trenton Channel 535.5 42.1217 -83.1808 Coal 1968
Trimble County 2594.1 38.5847 -85.4117 Coal 2003
Trinidad (CO) 12.9 37.179 -104.4875 Coal 1975
Tronox 41 41.6217 -109.8119 Coal 1969
Univ of NC Chapel Hill Cogen Facility 32 35.9069 -79.0617 Coal 1993
University of Alaska Fairbanks 22.6 64.8542 -147.8221 Coal 1987
University of Illinois Abbott Power Plt 85 40.1052 -88.2415 Coal 1988
University of Northern Iowa 7.5 42.5136 -92.4591 Coal 1982
University of Notre Dame 28.8 41.7094 -86.2367 Coal 1982
Utility Plants Section 20 64.8256 -147.6486 Coal 1964
Valmont 251 40.0195 -105.202 Coal 1966
Verso Paper Quinnesec Mich Mill 56 45.7956 -87.9556 Coal 1998
Victor J Daniel Jr 2229 30.5322 -88.5553 Coal 1990
Virginia 26.2 47.5224 -92.541 Coal 1966
Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center 668 36.9164 -82.3381 Coal 2012
Virginia Tech Power Plant 6.3 37.2319 -80.4211 Coal 1976
W A Parish 4008.4 29.4828 -95.6311 Coal 1975
W H Zimmer 1425.6 38.8675 -84.2289 Coal 1991
Walter Scott Jr Energy Center 1648.3 41.18 -95.8408 Coal 1995
Wansley 1956.8 33.4134 -85.0323 Coal 1978
Warrick 822.8 37.915 -87.3328 Coal 1966
Wateree 771.8 33.8264 -80.6228 Coal 1971
Waukegan 793.7 42.3833 -87.8133 Coal 1961
Wausau Paper Middletown 7.5 39.52 -84.4062 Coal 1986
Welsh 1116 33.0552 -94.84 Coal 1980
WestRock Panama City Mill 34 30.142 -85.6211 Coal 1951
WestRock Southeast LLC. 82.1 32.5036 -82.8443 Coal 1989
WestRock-West Point Mill 101 37.5392 -76.8053 Coal 1976
Western Sugar Coop - Scottsbluff 5 41.8589 -103.6344 Coal 1987
Western Sugar Coop - Torrington 2 42.0469 -104.1863 Coal 1978
Western Sugar Coop- Ft Morgan 3 40.263 -103.8069 Coal 1947
Weston 1103.4 44.8606 -89.6553 Coal 1994
Westwood Generation LLC 36 40.6191 -76.45 Coal 1987
Wheelabrator Frackville Energy 48 40.7824 -76.1762 Coal 1988
Whelan Energy Center 324.3 40.5809 -98.3124 Coal 2004
White Bluff 1800 34.4228 -92.1406 Coal 1981
Whitewater Valley 93.9 39.8028 -84.8953 Coal 1967
Will County 598.4 41.6334 -88.0629 Coal 1963
Williams 713.5 33.0158 -79.9297 Coal 1973
Willmar 30 45.1217 -95.0532 Coal 1971
Winyah 1260 33.3318 -79.3572 Coal 1978
Wisconsin Rapids Pulp Mill 72.3 44.3953 -89.826 Coal 1981
Wygen 1 90 44.2858 -105.3833 Coal 2003
Wygen 2 95 44.2919 -105.3811 Coal 2008
Wygen III 116 44.2919 -105.3806 Coal 2010
Wyodak 402.3 44.2901 -105.3815 Coal 1978
Yates 807.4 33.4622 -84.8986 Coal 1974
Yorktown 1257 37.2144 -76.4611 Coal 1970
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