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Forked from altercation/xmonad.hs
Created December 28, 2016 04:58
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Dirty XMonad config WIP
-- --
-- _| _| _| _| _| --
-- _| _| _|_| _|_| _|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| --
-- _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| --
-- _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| --
-- _| _| _| _| _|_| _| _| _|_|_| _|_|_| --
-- --
-- Ethan Schoonover <> @ethanschoonover --
-- --
-- current as of XMonad 0.12
-- Modules {{{
import Control.Monad (liftM2) -- myManageHookShift
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import System.Exit
import System.IO -- for xmonbar
import System.Posix.Process(executeFile)
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W -- myManageHookShift
-- to get my old keys working
import XMonad.Prompt
--import XMonad.Actions.SinkAll -- why did I have this here? x.a.withall has sinkall
import XMonad.Actions.WithAll
--import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators
import XMonad.Actions.Commands
import XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow
import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces
import XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog -- for xmobar
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
import XMonad.Hooks.FadeWindows
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks -- avoid xmobar
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Layout
import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
import XMonad.Layout.BorderResize
import XMonad.Layout.ComboP
import XMonad.Layout.Dishes
import XMonad.Layout.DragPane -- see only two window
import XMonad.Layout.Drawer -- see only two window
import XMonad.Layout.Gaps
import XMonad.Layout.Gaps
--import XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutScreens
import XMonad.Layout.OneBig
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders -- In Full mode, border is no use
import XMonad.Layout.NoFrillsDecoration
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace -- Configure layouts on a per-workspace
import XMonad.Layout.Renamed
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile -- Resizable Horizontal border
import XMonad.Layout.Simplest
import XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloat
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing -- this makes smart space around windows
import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns
import XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts -- Full window at any time
import XMonad.Layout.TwoPane
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
import XMonad.Layout.ShowWName
import XMonad.Layout.Master
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
-- experimenting with tripane
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.Maximize
import XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloat
import XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Util.Cursor
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig -- removeKeys, additionalKeys
import XMonad.Util.Loggers
import XMonad.Util.NamedActions
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run -- for spawnPipe and hPutStrLn
import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce
-- taffybar specific
-- import System.Taffybar.Hooks.PagerHints (pagerHints)
-- Colors, Fonts, & Themes {{{
myFocusFollowsMouse = False
myClickJustFocuses = True
base03 = "#002b36"
base02 = "#073642"
base01 = "#586e75"
base00 = "#657b83"
base0 = "#839496"
base1 = "#93a1a1"
base2 = "#eee8d5"
base3 = "#fdf6e3"
yellow = "#b58900"
orange = "#cb4b16"
red = "#dc322f"
magenta = "#d33682"
violet = "#6c71c4"
blue = "#268bd2"
cyan = "#2aa198"
green = "#859900"
gap = 9
border = 0
myNormalBorderColor = base03
myFocusedBorderColor = active
active = cyan
activeWarn = red
inactive = base02
focusColor = blue
unfocusColor = base02
myFont = "-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-160-*-*-*-*-*-*"
myBigFont = "-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-- this is a "fake title" used as a highlight bar in lieu of full borders
-- (I find this a cleaner and less visually intrusive solution)
--topBarTheme= defaultTheme
topBarTheme= def
{ fontName = myFont
, inactiveBorderColor = base03
, inactiveColor = base03
, inactiveTextColor = base03
, activeBorderColor = active
, activeColor = active
, activeTextColor = active
, urgentBorderColor = red
, urgentTextColor = yellow
, decoHeight = 5
--myTabTheme = defaultTheme
myTabTheme = def
{ fontName = myFont
, activeColor = active
, inactiveColor = base02
, activeBorderColor = active
, inactiveBorderColor = base02
, activeTextColor = base01
, inactiveTextColor = base1
--myShowWNameTheme = defaultSWNConfig
myShowWNameTheme = def
--{ swn_font = "xft:Monospace:pixelsize=120:regular:antialias=true:hinting=true"
{ swn_font = "xft:Roboto:pixelsize=120:regular:antialias=true:hinting=true"
--{ swn_font = myBigFont
, swn_fade = 0.25
, swn_bgcolor = base03
, swn_color = active
-- Applications & Utilities {{{
myTerminal = "terminator"
myConsole = "terminator -T console -p console"
myAltTerminal = "cool-retro-term"
myBrowser = "google-chrome-beta"
-- cribbed this idea from
-- for multiple screens, but there are better ways
--myStatusBar = "bash -c \"tee >(xmobar -x0 $HOME/.xmonad/xmobarrc) "
-- ++ "| xmobar -x1 $HOME/.xmonad/xmobarrc\""
myStatusBar = "xmobar -x0 $HOME/.xmonad/xmobarrc"
--myStatusBar = "polybar primary"
-- Startup {{{
myStartupHook = do
setDefaultCursor xC_left_ptr
spawnOnce "/usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1"
spawnOnce "dex -a"
spawnOnce "dunst -config ~/.i3/dunstrc"
spawnOnce "unclutter -root"
spawnOnce "feh --bg-fill ~/tmp/lowpoly6.jpg"
--spawnOnce "compton -b --config ~/.i3/compton.conf"
spawnOnce "compton -b --config ~/.i3/compton.conf --xrender-sync-fence" -- test as per
spawnOnce "spacefm -d"
spawn "$HOME/bin/init-tray"
spawn "nvidia-settings --load-config-only"
--spawn "killall stalonetray && stalonetray -c $HOME/.xmonad/stalonetrayrc"
--spawn "$HOME/bin/init-polybars"
--spawn "$HOME/bin/init-taffybars"
quitXmonad :: X ()
quitXmonad = io (exitWith ExitSuccess)
rebuildXmonad :: X ()
rebuildXmonad = do
spawn "xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart"
restartXmonad :: X ()
restartXmonad = do
spawn "xmonad --restart"
unspawn :: String -> X ()
unspawn p = spawn $ "for pid in $(pgrep " ++ p ++ "); do kill -9 $pid; done"
flash :: String -> X ()
flash s = spawn $ "flash "++ s
notify :: String -> X ()
notify s = spawn $ "notify "++ s
alert :: String -> X ()
alert s = spawn $ "alert "++ s
warn :: String -> X ()
warn s = spawn $ "warn "++ s
-- Main {{{
main = do
xmproc <- spawnPipe myStatusBar
-- for independent screens
-- nScreens <- countScreens
-- for taffybar, add pagerHints
-- $ withNavigation2DConfig defaultNavigation2DConfig
$ withNavigation2DConfig myNav2DConf
$ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook
$ ewmh
-- $ addDescrKeys ((mod4Mask, xK_9), gXmessage) myKeys
$ addDescrKeys ((mod4Mask, xK_F1), showKeybindings) myKeys
$ myConfig xmproc
--myConfig p = defaultConfig
myConfig p = def
{ borderWidth = border
, clickJustFocuses = myClickJustFocuses
, focusFollowsMouse = myFocusFollowsMouse
, focusedBorderColor = myFocusedBorderColor
, handleEventHook = myHandleEventHook
, layoutHook = myLayoutHook
, logHook = myLogHook p
, manageHook = myManageHook
, modMask = myModMask
, mouseBindings = myMouseBindings
, normalBorderColor = myNormalBorderColor
, startupHook = myStartupHook
, terminal = myTerminal
, workspaces = myWorkspaces
-- for independent screens
--, workspaces = withScreens nScreens myWorkspaces
-- `removeKeysP` myRemoveKeysP
-- `additionalKeysP` myAdditionalKeysP
-- Key & Mouse Bindings {{{
-- zenity helper from:
-- | Display keyboard mappings using zenity
showKeybindings :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> NamedAction
showKeybindings x = addName "Show Keybindings" $ io $ do
h <- spawnPipe "zenity --text-info --font=terminus"
hPutStr h (unlines $ showKm x)
hClose h
return ()
-- cf
-- cleverness and structure of following cribbed from
-- wsKeys = map (\x -> "; " ++ [x]) ['a'..'z']
wsKeys = map (\x -> "; " ++ [x]) ['1'..'9']
myKeys conf = let
subKeys str ks = subtitle str : mkNamedKeymap conf ks
screenKeys = ["w","v","z"]
directionKeys = ["j","k","h","l"]
directions = [ D, U, L, R ]
--screenAction f = screenWorkspace >=> flip whenJust (windows . f)
zipMod nm ks as m f = zipWith (\k d -> (m ++ k, addName nm $ f d)) ks as
zipMod' nm ks as m f b = zipWith (\k d -> (m ++ k, addName nm $ f d b)) ks as
subKeys "Window Management"
[ ("C-S-<Backspace>" , addName "Kill" kill1)
, ("M-!" , addName "Focus urgent" focusUrgent)
, ("M-m" , addName "(Un)maximize temporarily" $ withFocused (sendMessage . maximizeRestore))
] ^++^
subKeys "Window Movement" (
[ ("M-s M-m" , addName "Focus master" $ windows W.focusMaster)
, ("M-p" , addName "Focus up" $ windows W.focusUp)
, ("M-n" , addName "Focus down" $ windows W.focusDown)
, ("M-t" , addName "Focus next" $ windows W.focusDown)
, ("M-d" , addName "Focus prev" $ windows W.focusUp)
, ("M-s m" , addName "Swap master" $ windows W.swapMaster)
, ("M-s p" , addName "Swap next" $ windows W.swapUp)
, ("M-s n" , addName "Swap prev" $ windows W.swapDown)
, ("M4-m" , addName "Combo swap" $ sendMessage $ SwapWindow)
++ zipMod' "FOCUS Window" directionKeys directions "M-" windowGo True
++ zipMod' "SWAP Window " directionKeys directions "M-S-" windowSwap True
-- ++ zipMod "Focus direction" directionKeys directions "M-" (sendMessage . Go)
-- ++ zipMod "Swap direction" directionKeys directions "M-S-" (sendMessage . Swap)
) ^++^
subKeys "{a,o,e,u,i,d,...} focus and move window between workspaces"
( zipMod "View ws" wsKeys [0..] "M-" (withNthWorkspace W.greedyView)
++ zipMod "Move w to ws" wsKeys [0..] "M-S-" (withNthWorkspace W.shift)
++ zipMod "Copy w to ws" wsKeys [0..] "M-S-C-" (withNthWorkspace copy)
) ^++^
subKeys "BinarySpacePartition Specific" (
[ ("M-C-r" , addName "Rotate" $ sendMessage Rotate)
, ("M-C-s" , addName "Swap" $ sendMessage XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition.Swap)
, ("M-C-p" , addName "Focus Parent" $ sendMessage FocusParent)
, ("M-C-n" , addName "Select Node" $ sendMessage SelectNode)
, ("M-C-m" , addName "Move Node" $ sendMessage MoveNode)
++ zipMod "BSP Expand Towards" directionKeys directions "M-C-" (sendMessage . ExpandTowards)
++ zipMod "BSP Shrink From" directionKeys directions "M-S-C-" (sendMessage . ShrinkFrom)
) ^++^
subKeys "Applications & Utilities"
[ ("C-<Return>" , addName "Terminal" $ spawn myTerminal)
, ("C-S-<Return>" , addName "Console Terminal" $ runOrCopy myConsole (title =? "console"))
, ("C-\\" , addName "Browser" $ spawn myBrowser)
] ^++^
subKeys "System Commands"
[("<XF86Sleep>", addName "System sleep" $ spawn "notify-send system sleep")
,("<XF86PowerOff>", addName "System power off" $ spawn "notify-send system off")
,("S-<XF86PowerOff>", addName "System reboot" $ spawn "notify-send system reboot")
,("<XF86ScreenSaver>", addName "Lock screen" $ spawn "notify-send displays lock")
,("<XF86Display>", addName "Cycle display mode" $ spawn "notify-send displays toggle")
,("S-<XF86Display>", addName "Mirror display mode" $ spawn "notify-send displays mirror")
,("M-<XF86Display>", addName "Span display mode" $ spawn "notify-send displays span")
,("<XF86Launch1>", addName "Bluetooth toggle" $ spawn "notify-send wireless bluetooth toggle")
,("<XF86TouchpadOn>", addName "Trackpad toggle" $ spawn "notify-send trackpad toggle")
,("<Print>", addName "Screendraw start/stop" $ spawn "notify-send screendraw")
,("S-<Print>", addName "Screendraw force stop" $ spawn "notify-send screendraw finish")
,("M-<Print>", addName "Screendraw cancel" $ spawn "notify-send screendraw cancel")
,("<XF86RotateWindows>", addName "Screendraw clear" $ spawn "notify-send screendraw clear")
] ^++^
subKeys "Media Controls"
[("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", addName "Volume Up" $ spawn "notify-send volume up")
,("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", addName "Volume Down" $ spawn "notify-send volume down")
,("<XF86AudioMute>", addName "Volume Mute" $ spawn "notify-send volume mute")
,("<XF86AudioMicMute>", addName "Mic Mute" $ spawn "notify-send mic mute")
myModMask = mod1Mask -- alt key
-- Mouse bindings: default actions bound to mouse events
-- mod-button1, Set the window to floating mode and move by dragging
-- mod-button2, Raise the window to the top of the stack
-- mod-button3, Set the window to floating mode and resize by dragging
-- you may also bind events to the mouse scroll wheel (button4 and button5)
myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
[ ((myModMask, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w >> windows W.shiftMaster))
, ((myModMask, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.shiftMaster))
, ((myModMask, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w >> windows W.shiftMaster))
-- Logging {{{
myLogHook h = do
-- following block for copy windows marking
copies <- wsContainingCopies
let check ws | ws `elem` copies =
pad . xmobarColor yellow red . wrap "*" " " $ ws
| otherwise = pad ws
fadeWindowsLogHook myFadeHook
--dynamicLogWithPP $ defaultPP
dynamicLogWithPP $ def
{ ppCurrent = xmobarColor active "" . wrap "[" "]"
, ppTitle = xmobarColor active "" . shorten 100
, ppVisible = wrap "(" ")"
, ppUrgent = xmobarColor red "" . wrap " " " "
, ppHidden = check
, ppHiddenNoWindows = const ""
, ppSep = xmobarColor red blue " : "
, ppWsSep = " "
, ppLayout = xmobarColor yellow ""
, ppOrder = id
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
, ppSort = fmap
(ppSort def)
--(ppSort defaultPP)
, ppExtras = [] }
-- Workspaces, Layouts, Navigation {{{
-- myWorkspaces = map show [1..9]
myWorkspaces = ["www:1", "wrk:2", "dev:3", "sys:4", "com:5", ":6", ":7", ":8", ":9"]
-- default of lineNavigation gets stuck on gaps sometimes
--myNav2DConf = defaultNavigation2DConfig
myNav2DConf = def
{ defaultTiledNavigation = centerNavigation
, floatNavigation = centerNavigation
, screenNavigation = lineNavigation
, layoutNavigation = [("Full", centerNavigation)
,("TABBED", lineNavigation)
,("MULTIPASS", lineNavigation)]
, unmappedWindowRect = [("Full", singleWindowRect)
,("TABBED", singleWindowRect)
,("MULTIPASS", singleWindowRect)]
myLayoutHook = showWS
( tiledP
||| bordercrossing
||| masterTabbedP
||| tabbedP
||| bsp
||| multipassA
||| OneBig (3/4) (3/4)
||| oneBig
||| threeColP
||| mirrorP
-- ||| tabbedP
||| simplestFloat
||| fullscreenFull Full
-- ||| (myBigGaps myTabbed)
-- ||| (fullscreenFull Full)
-- ||| (maximize $ TriPaneTall 1 (1/3) 1 (1/2))
showWS = showWName' myShowWNameTheme
consoleOn i = simpleDrawer 0 0.5 (Title "console") `onBottom` i
testLayout = consoleOn (Tall 1 0.03 0.5)
nmaster = 1
delta = 1/300
ratio = 1/2
tiled' = maximize $ ResizableTall nmaster delta ratio []
masterTabbedP = named "MASTER TABBED"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ mastered (1/100) (1/2) $ tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme
bsp = named "BSP"
$ borderResize (avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ emptyBSP )
-- $ borderResize (emptyBSP)
oneBig = named "1BG"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ OneBig (3/4) (3/4)
tiledP = named "TILED"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ consoleOn
$ tiled'
oneUp = named "1UP"
$ avoidStruts
$ myGaps
$ combineTwoP (ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2))
(Tall 1 0.03 0.5)
(ClassName "Google-chrome-beta")
bordercrossing = named "Border Crossing"
$ avoidStruts
$ combineTwoP (TwoPane 0.03 (3/4))
(ClassName "Google-chrome-beta")
tabbedR = named "TABBEDR"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ myCustomGaps
$ tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme
refTall = named "refTall"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ reflectHoriz
$ Tall 1 0.03 (2/3)
-- bordercrossing = named "Border Crossing"
-- $ avoidStruts
-- $ mySpacing
-- $ myGaps
-- $ combineTwoP (TwoPane 0.03 (3/4))
-- (reflectHoriz $ Tall 1 0.03 (2/3))
-- (tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme)
-- (ClassName "Google-chrome-beta")
multipass = named "MULTIPASS"
$ avoidStruts
$ myGaps
$ combineTwoP (TwoPane 0.03 0.5)
(Dishes 2 (1/6))
(Dishes 2 (1/6))
(ClassName "Google-chrome-beta")
multipassA = named "MULTIPASSA"
$ avoidStruts
$ myGaps
$ combineTwoP (TwoPane 0.03 0.5)
(ClassName "Google-chrome-beta")
--threeColP = renamed [Replace "THREECOL" ] $ avoidStruts $ addTopBar $ mySpacing $ myGaps $ ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
threeColP = named "THREECOL"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ ThreeColMid 1 (3/100) (1/2)
mirrorP = named "MIRROR"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ mySpacing
$ myGaps
$ Mirror tiled'
-- X.A.Navigation2D doesn't work well with tabs. I was able to get to function
-- but it tore up the tab decorations
tabbedP = named "TABBED"
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
$ myBigGaps
$ tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme
-- variation on tabs to be used inside multipass
-- tabbedQ = named "TABBED"
-- $ addTopBar
-- $ myGaps
-- $ tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme
--multipassP = combineTwoP (TwoPane 0.03 0.5) (tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme) (tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme) (ClassName "Terminator")
--(Title "mutt" `Or` Title "newsbeuter")
-- $ avoidStruts $ addTopBar $ mySpacing $ myGaps $
named n = renamed [Replace n ]
addTopBar = noFrillsDeco shrinkText topBarTheme
mySpacing = spacing gap
sGap = quot gap 2
myGaps = gaps [(U, gap),(D, gap),(L, gap),(R, gap)]
mySmallGaps = gaps [(U, sGap),(D, sGap),(L, sGap),(R, sGap)]
myBigGaps = gaps [(U, gap*2),(D, gap*2),(L, gap*2),(R, gap*2)]
myCustomGaps = gaps [(U, gap*2),(D, gap*2),(L, 0),(R, gap*2)]
-- General Hooks (event, fade, window management) {{{
myHandleEventHook =
<+> fadeWindowsEventHook
<+> handleEventHook def --aultConfig
-- <+> handleEventHook defaultConfig
<+> XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops.fullscreenEventHook
<+> ewmhDesktopsEventHook
myFadeHook = composeAll
[ opaque -- default to opaque
, isUnfocused --> opacity 0.85
, isFloating --> opacity 0.75
, (className =? "Terminator") <&&> (isUnfocused) --> opacity 0.9
, fmap ("Google" `isPrefixOf`) className --> opaque
, isDialog --> opaque
--isTermScratchPad = (className =? "Gnome-terminal") <&&> (stringProperty "WM_WINDOW_ROLE" =? "Scratchpad")
myManageHook = composeAll
[ className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
, className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
, resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
, resource =? "kdesktop" --> doIgnore
, resource =? "stalonetray" --> doIgnore
] <+> manageDocks
-- myManageHookShift = composeAll
-- myManageHookFloat = composeAll
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}}
-- -- myManageHookFloat: new window will created in Float mode {{{
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- myManageHookFloat = composeAll
-- [ className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
-- , className =? "Tk" --> doFloat
-- , className =? "mplayer2" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "mpv" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "feh" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "Display.im6" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "Shutter" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "Thunar" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "Nautilus" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "Plugin-container" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "Screenkey" --> (doRectFloat $ W.RationalRect 0.7 0.9 0.3 0.1)
-- , className =? "Websearch" --> doCenterFloat
-- , className =? "XClock" --> doSideFloat NE
-- , title =? "Speedbar" --> doCenterFloat
-- , title =? "urxvt_float" --> doSideFloat SC
-- , isFullscreen --> doFullFloat
-- , isDialog --> doCenterFloat
-- , stringProperty "WM_NAME" =? "LINE" --> (doRectFloat $ W.RationalRect 0.60 0.1 0.39 0.82)
-- , stringProperty "WM_NAME" =? "Google Keep" --> (doRectFloat $ W.RationalRect 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.82)
-- , stringProperty "WM_NAME" =? "tmptex.pdf - 1/1 (96 dpi)" --> (doRectFloat $ W.RationalRect 0.29 0.25 0.42 0.5)
-- , stringProperty "WM_NAME" =? "Figure 1" --> doCenterFloat
-- ]
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}}
-- -- newMouse: Right click is used for resizing window {{{
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- myMouse x = [ ((modm, button3), (\w -> focus w >> Flex.mouseResizeWindow w)) ]
-- newMouse x = M.union (mouseBindings defaultConfig x) (M.fromList (myMouse x))
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}}
-- vim: ft=haskell:foldmethod=marker
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