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Created March 28, 2018 18:29
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Using tidync versus ncdf4
This documents the ease with which I used `tidync` to extract data from the drought index database [SPEI]( compared with using `ncdf4` directly.
### Setup necessary for both methods
# Establish dimensions ------------------------------------------------------------------
### Time limits.
time_first_idx <- as.integer(difftime(as.Date("1990-01-01"), as.Date("1900-01-01"))) + 15
### Spatial limits. These are based on available SCAD data points for
# Africa and Latin America, but including the whole continent, so all of
# Mexico and south and then the continent of Africa.
# Latitude: -57.75 to 37.75 degrees north
# Longitude: -117.75 to 59.75 degrees east
box <- list(lat = c(-57.75, 37.75), lon = c(-117.75, 57.75))
# Open the file for reading and grab just the data we want. --------------------
ncfile <- paste0(raw, "")
### Using tidync
### Get the data for the given dimensions
d <- tidync(ncfile) %>%
lat = between(lat, box$lat[[1]], box$lat[[2]]),
lon = between(lon, box$lon[[1]], box$lon[[2]]),
time = time >= time_first_idx
) %>% hyper_tibble() %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(time, origin = as.Date("1900-01-01"))) %>%
### Using ncdf4
con <- nc_open(ncfile)
### Defining Dimensions
## Dates ("time") are "days since 1900-1-1". Probably this actually means "Days
# starting with 1900-1-1"
time_vals <- con$dim$time$vals
# We start with 1990 January
time_start <- as.integer(difftime(as.Date("1990-01-01"), as.Date("1900-01-01"))) + 15
time_start_idx <- which(time_start == time_vals)
time_count <- length(time_vals) - time_start_idx
first_date <- as.Date(time_vals[time_start_idx], origin = as.Date("1900-01-01"))
last_date <- as.Date(time_vals[length(time_vals)], origin = as.Date("1900-01-01"))
## Spatial points are defined by a box
# Latitude ("lat") is "degrees_north" and runs from -89.75 to 89.75, having
# 360 values
lat_vals <- con$dim$lat$vals
# Longitude ("lon") is "degrees_east" and runs from -179.75 to 179.25, having
# 720 values.
lon_vals <- con$dim$lon$vals
# create a grid of all the points
latlons <- expand.grid(lon_vals, lat_vals)
### Get the data
# We cycle through each time period, converting the data to long format, then
# append it all. We also limit by lat/lon to keep just Africa and LA
dim_counts <- c(720, 360, 1)
d <- rbindlist(lapply(0:time_count, function(t) {
t2 <- time_start_idx + t # this iterations time index
#initial dimension, collecting just 1 time dimension
dim_starts <- c(1, 1, t2)
# bind the data with the lat/lon points attached, and drop any NAs
d <- cbind(
matrix(ncvar_get(con, "spei", start = dim_starts, count = dim_counts), ncol = 1))
d <- data.table(d)
setnames(d, c("lon", "lat", "spei"))
# Filter just the lat/lons within the box and values over land
d <- d[lat %between% box$lat & lon %between% box$lon &]
# Exclude NAs
# We don't want to do this so that we maintain a full grid.
#d <- d[!]
# set the date
today <- as.Date(time_vals[t2], origin = as.Date("1900-01-01"))
d[, date := today]
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