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Created August 8, 2019 04:19
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Google Apps Script to accompany "email to task mechanism" post
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Globals, contants
// -----------------------------------------------------
TASKLIST = "DJ's list";
LABEL_PENDING = "newtask";
LABEL_DONE = "newtaskdone";
// -----------------------------------------------------
// getTasklistId_(tasklistName)
// Returns the id of the tasklist specified
// Oddly, we should be able to use:
// Tasks.Tasklists.get(tasklistName)
// but it always gives an error "Invalid Value".
// -----------------------------------------------------
function getTasklistId_(tasklistName) {
var tasklistsList = Tasks.Tasklists.list();
var taskLists = tasklistsList.getItems();
for (tl in taskLists) {
var title = taskLists[tl].getTitle();
if (title == tasklistName) {
return taskLists[tl].getId();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// processPending(sheet)
// Process any pending emails and then move them to done
// -----------------------------------------------------
function processPending_(sheet) {
var label_pending = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(LABEL_PENDING);
var label_done = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(LABEL_DONE);
// The threads currently assigned to the 'pending' label
var threads = label_pending.getThreads();
// Process each one in turn, assuming there's only a single
// message in each thread
for (var t in threads) {
var thread = threads[t];
// Grab the task data
var taskTitle = thread.getFirstMessageSubject();
// Insert the task
addTask_(taskTitle, TASKLIST);
// Set to 'done' by exchanging labels
// Increment the processed tasks count
var processedRange = sheet.getRange("B1");
processedRange.setValue(processedRange.getValue() + threads.length)
// -----------------------------------------------------
// addTask_(title, taskListId)
// Create new task and insert into given tasklist
// -----------------------------------------------------
function addTask_(title, tasklistId) {
var newTask = Tasks.newTask().setTitle(title);
Tasks.Tasks.insert(newTask, getTasklistId_(tasklistId));
// -----------------------------------------------------
// main()
// Starter function; to be scheduled regularly
// -----------------------------------------------------
function main_taskconverter() {
// Get the active spreadsheet and make sure the first
// sheet is the active one
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh = ss.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheets()[0]);
// Process the pending task emails
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