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Code to make a network out of the shortest N cosine-distances (or, equivalently, the strongest N associations) between a set of words in a gensim word2vec model.
Code to make a network out of the shortest N cosine-distances (or, equivalently, the strongest N associations)
between a set of words in a gensim word2vec model.
To use:
Set the filenames for the word2vec model.
Set `my_words` to be a list of your own choosing.
Set `num_top_dists` to be a number or a factor of the length of `my_words.`
Choose between the two methods below to produce distances, and comment-out the other one.
# Import gensim and load the model
import gensim
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format('[model].txt.gz', '[vocab].txt')
# Set the the words we want to find connections between
my_words = ['a','b', ...]
my_words = [word for word in my_words if word in model] # filter out words not in model
# The number of connections we want: either as a factor of the number of words or a set number
num_top_conns = len(my_words) * 2
# Make a list of all word-to-word distances [each as a tuple of (word1,word2,dist)]
## Method 1 to find distances: use gensim to get the similarity between each word pair
for i1,word1 in enumerate(my_words):
for i2,word2 in enumerate(my_words):
if i1>=i2: continue
cosine_similarity = model.similarity(word1,word2)
cosine_distance = 1 - cosine_similarity
dist = (word1, word2, cosine_distance)
## Or, Method 2 to find distances: use scipy (faster)
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist,squareform
Matrix = np.array([model[word] for word in my_words])
dist = squareform(pdist(Matrix,'cosine'))
for i1,word1 in enumerate(my_words):
for i2,word2 in enumerate(my_words):
if i1>=i2: continue
cosine_distance = Matrix[i1, i2]
dist = (word1, word2, cosine_distance)
# Sort the list by ascending distance
dists.sort(key=lambda _tuple: _tuple[-1])
# Get the top connections
top_conns = dists[:num_top_conns]
# Make a network
import networkx as nx
g = nx.Graph()
for word1,word2,dist in top_conns:
weight = 1 - dist # cosine similarity makes more sense for edge weight
g.add_edge(word1, word2, weight=float(weight))
# Write the network
nx.write_graphml(g, 'my-semantic-network.graphml')
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