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Created May 7, 2013 10:40
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rCharts NVD3 Shiny App
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$myChart <- renderChart({
hair_eye =
p6 <- nPlot(Freq ~ Hair, group = 'Eye', data = subset(hair_eye, Sex == input$gender),
type = input$type, dom = 'myChart', width = 800)
p6$chart(color = c('brown', 'blue', '#594c26', 'green'), stacked = input$stack)
headerPanel("rCharts: Interactive Charts from R | NVD3"),
selectInput(inputId = "gender",
label = "Choose Gender",
choices = c("Male", "Female"),
selected = "Male"),
selectInput(inputId = "type",
label = "Choose Chart Type",
choices = c("multiBarChart", "multiBarHorizontalChart"),
selected = "multiBarChart"),
checkboxInput(inputId = "stack",
label = strong("Stack Bars?"),
value = FALSE)
showOutput("myChart", "nvd3")
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patilv commented Oct 2, 2013

Ramnath, I'm running into some trouble moving a couple of shiny apps with rCharts on to glimmer. As a test case, I just copied this server/ui code and its in a "dummy" application folder (identical code as this):
Can you please see if you are able to run it? Thanks.

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patilv commented Oct 3, 2013

Its funny but it works from a different computer... in both instances, chrome browser. The other apps are fine too. Thanks. No issue here.

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anujku commented Oct 17, 2014

Wish I could put this code along side my tomcat web app but cant :(

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I don't understand where you get the data? How can I use my own data (eg,csv or excel file)?
May you help me? I'm new in this area. Regards

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I'm having trouble implementing a slightly different example where the nplot is a scatterplot that switches between two variables. The plot doesn't appear even if I remove the switch by replacing datasetInput() with Murder in server.R.

Any ideas on how I can make this work?



shinyServer(function(input, output) {   
  datasetInput <- reactive({
           "assault" = Assault,
           "murder"  = Murder)
  output$arrestPlot <- renderChart({
    w2 <- nPlot(datasetInput() ~ UrbanPop, 
                data = USArrests, 
                type = 'scatterChart') 
    w2$chart(tooltipContent =   "#! function(key, x, y, e){ 
             return e.point.row.names
  } !#")
    w2$set(title = "Water Footprint vs. Protein: California")
    w2$xAxis(axisLabel = 'Protein (%)')
    w2$yAxis(axisLabel = "Water Footprint: California (L/100g)" )
    w2$chart(showControls = F)  ## turn off magnify.



  headerPanel("rCharts: Interactive Charts from R | NVD3"),

    selectInput(inputId = "crime",
                label = "Crime:",
                choices = c("assault","murder"),
                selected = "assault")
    showOutput("arrestPlot", "nvd3")

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