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Created March 12, 2023 23:04
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A couple of quick hacks that can be done with a scraped IBA cocktails dataset
# This script takes the scraped IBA cocktails dataset found here:
# And produces a four page PDF with all the IBA cocktails and animated GIFs that
# loops through these, as well.
cocktails_url = ""
cocktails <- read_csv(cocktails_url)
a4_width <- 21.0 # cm
a4_height <- 29.7 # cm
n_drinks_wide <- 4
n_drinks_high <- 6
drink_margin <- 0.1 # cm
drink_width <- a4_width / n_drinks_wide - drink_margin * 2
drink_height <- a4_height / n_drinks_high - drink_margin * 2
text_plots <- cocktails |>
ingredients_text = ingredients |>
str_split(',') |>
map_chr(~ glue_collapse(glue("- {.x}"), sep = "<br>")),
cocktail_text = glue(.sep = "<br>",
) |>
rowwise() |>
mutate(text_plot = list(
ggplot(tibble(cocktail_text = cocktail_text), aes(label = cocktail_text)) +
theme_void() +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0)) +
x = 0.5, y = 0.5, size = 2.35,
width = unit(drink_width, "cm"),
height = unit(drink_height, "cm"),
box.margin = unit(c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05), "cm")
)) |>
plot = marrangeGrob(text_plots, ncol=n_drinks_wide, nrow=n_drinks_high, top = NULL),
width = a4_width, height = a4_height, units = "cm"
# Now making animated GIF version of the above, one fast and one slow
# scaling and res found by trial and error
scaling = 100
res = 250
walk(text_plots, print), gif_file = "iba-cocktails-fast.gif", delay = 0.1,
width = drink_width * scaling, heigh = drink_height * scaling, res = res
walk(text_plots, print), gif_file = "iba-cocktails-slow.gif", delay = 2,
width = drink_width * scaling, heigh = drink_height * scaling, res = res
# Now making a searchable datatable
cocktails_dt <- cocktails |>
select(name, ingredients, method) |>
mutate(ingredients = ingredients |>
str_split(",") |>
map_chr(~ paste0("- ", .x, collapse = "<br>"))
) |>
datatable(escape = FALSE)
saveWidget(cocktails_dt, "cocktails-table.html")
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