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Created June 11, 2021 21:50
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another proof of turning completeness — 4 years later

there's a somewhat older github issue in the typescript repo that made the observation that typescript was turning complete

linked was also a proof via implement a turing machine within the typesystem.

that proof no longer works, and with the addition of template literal types, there comes a much more straightforward way to do this. that's what this is — a proof that typescript's type system is turning complete, 4 years later

see here for a typescript playground link

type First<T extends string> = T extends `${infer U}${string}` ? U : ''
type RemoveFirst<T extends string> = T extends `${string}${infer U}` ? U : ''
type Reverse<U extends string> = U extends ''
? ''
: U extends '1' | '0'
? U
: `${Reverse<RemoveFirst<U>>}${First<U>}`
type Last<T extends string> = First<Reverse<T>>
type RemoveLast<T extends string> = Reverse<RemoveFirst<Reverse<T>>>
type Tape = {left: string; current: string; right: string}
type MoveLeft<T extends Tape> = {
left: `${T['left']}${T['current']}`
current: First<T['right']>
right: RemoveFirst<T['right']>
type MoveRight<T extends Tape> = {
left: RemoveLast<T['left']>
current: Last<T['left']>
right: `${T['current']}${T['right']}`
type Write<T extends Tape, Value extends '0' | '1'> = {
left: T['left']
current: Value
right: T['right']
// program is 3 state busy beaver
type StateA<T extends Tape> = T['current'] extends '1'
? StateC<MoveLeft<T>>
: StateB<MoveRight<Write<T, '1'>>>
type StateB<T extends Tape> = T['current'] extends '1'
? StateB<MoveRight<T>>
: StateA<MoveLeft<Write<T, '1'>>>
type StateC<T extends Tape> = T['current'] extends '1'
? Halt<MoveRight<T>>
: StateB<MoveLeft<Write<T, '1'>>>
type Halt<T extends Tape> = `${T['left']}${T['current']}${T['right']}`
type Start = {left: ''; current: ''; right: ''}
type Result = StateA<Start>
// type Result = "111111"
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ricokahler commented Jun 11, 2021

apparently i can't type "turing" lol

honestly the most interesting thing about this is probably how readable it is. it doesn’t take much imagination to make this work nowadays lol

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