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Last active January 3, 2016 18:59
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Line chart, clean

A clean version of this block. The curve above shows the world's life expectancy over time.

year lifeExpectancy
1/1/1961 53.00618814
1/1/1962 53.49544588
1/1/1963 54.14244036
1/1/1964 54.97746907
1/1/1965 55.82684751
1/1/1966 56.74868644
1/1/1967 57.61738778
1/1/1968 58.33389775
1/1/1969 59.00507154
1/1/1970 59.59217127
1/1/1971 60.08082426
1/1/1972 60.49296656
1/1/1973 60.85638163
1/1/1974 61.26343093
1/1/1975 61.62668426
1/1/1976 61.97408697
1/1/1977 62.33021711
1/1/1978 62.63088187
1/1/1979 62.94032196
1/1/1980 63.18719679
1/1/1981 63.49452384
1/1/1982 63.79853101
1/1/1983 64.03326825
1/1/1984 64.29128534
1/1/1985 64.54567853
1/1/1986 64.84644025
1/1/1987 65.10007882
1/1/1988 65.3044991
1/1/1989 65.51592402
1/1/1990 65.69645159
1/1/1991 65.86228667
1/1/1992 65.99723977
1/1/1993 66.08334808
1/1/1994 66.25878373
1/1/1995 66.43599275
1/1/1996 66.69034593
1/1/1997 66.95916797
1/1/1998 67.18587271
1/1/1999 67.41704789
1/1/2000 67.69058418
1/1/2001 67.98333357
1/1/2002 68.23767908
1/1/2003 68.49809111
1/1/2004 68.80300304
1/1/2005 69.03462379
1/1/2006 69.33145142
1/1/2007 69.59024029
1/1/2008 69.81932781
1/1/2009 70.07339995
1/1/2010 70.31041664
1/1/2011 70.53933561
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var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50},
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data.forEach(function(d) {
d.year = parseDate(d.year);
d.lifeExpectancy = +d.lifeExpectancy;
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