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Created March 13, 2017 21:06
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flatten geometry series (3D to 2D) in geopandas dataframe
# Often when reading in a ShapeFile from Basemap, you'll get: "ValueError: readshapefile can only handle 2D shape types"
# A trick can be to convert your geometry in your GeoPandas Dataframe and restoring the new flattened 2D geometry
# series back into a shapefile and try again.
# edit from
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon, shape, Point
import geopandas as gp
def convert_3D_2D(geometry):
Takes a GeoSeries of 3D Multi/Polygons (has_z) and returns a list of 2D Multi/Polygons
new_geo = []
for p in geometry:
if p.has_z:
if p.geom_type == 'Polygon':
lines = [xy[:2] for xy in list(p.exterior.coords)]
new_p = Polygon(lines)
elif p.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
new_multi_p = []
for ap in p:
lines = [xy[:2] for xy in list(ap.exterior.coords)]
new_p = Polygon(lines)
return new_geo
geodf_2d = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_file(shp_file) # plug_in your shapefile
geodf_2d.geometry = convert_3D_2D(geodf_2d.geometry) # new geodf with 2D geometry series
# geodf_2d.to_file(path + shapefile.shp, driver = 'ESRI Shapefile') will sore a shapefile with 2D shape types
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amazing function thanks a lot

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You saved my project. Thanks a lot!!!

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Really helped me out - thank you :)

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aw-west-defra commented Aug 1, 2022

Thanks above, output_dimensions=2 ftw!

import geopandas as gpd
from shapely import wkb

_drop_z = lambda geom: wkb.loads(wkb.dumps(geom, output_dimension=2))
df.geometry = df.geometry.transform(_drop_z)
%timeit drop_z(df.geometry)                # 42.9 s ± 270 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_pygeos(df.geometry)         # 568 ms ± 12.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_convert_3D_2D(df.geometry)  # 43.6 s ± 541 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


  • The convert_3D_2D above only works for (Multi)Polygons.
  • drop_z_convert_3D_2D is a rewrite of convert_3D_2D for all shapely geometry objects.
  • drop_z_pygeos requires pygeos to be installed. at least until shapely 2 is released.
  • drop_z_shapely_for uses a method suggested: shapely/shapely#709
  • drop_z_shapely_transform is to compare between the transform and for method for looping between rows/geoms. I did these to explain why I changed the suggested method. >10% improvement.
  • I ran this on LineStrings of UK rivers with 186,255 rows.
import shapely 
import geopandas as gpd

df = gpd.read_file(<Your Data Here>)

def convert_3D_2D(geometry):
  ''' Drop Z coordiates from GeoSeries, returning list if (Multi)Polygons
  Taken from:

  Takes a GeoSeries of 3D Multi/Polygons (has_z) and returns a list of 2D Multi/Polygons
  new_geo = []
  for p in geometry:
    if p.has_z:
      if p.geom_type == 'Polygon':
        lines = [xy[:2] for xy in list(p.exterior.coords)]
        new_p = Polygon(lines)
      elif p.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
        new_multi_p = []
        for ap in p:
          lines = [xy[:2] for xy in list(ap.exterior.coords)]
          new_p = Polygon(lines)
  return new_geo

def drop_z_shapelywkb(ds):
  ''' Drop Z coordinates from GeoSeries, returns GeoSeries
  Using this method:
  _drop_z_wkb = lambda geom:  shapely.wkb.loads(shapely.wkb.dumps(geom, output_dimension=2))
  return ds.transform(_drop_z_wkb)

def drop_z_pygeos(ds):
  ''' Drop Z coordinates from GeoSeries, returns GeoSeries
  Requires pygeos to be installed, and such I've added `import pygeos` to check.
  import pygeos
  return gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkb(ds.to_wkb(output_dimension=2))

def drop_z_convert_3D_2D(ds):
  ''' Drop Z coordinates from GeoSeries, returns GeoSeries
  A rewrite of convert_3D_2D but to fit the form of these other drop_z... functions.
  _get_coords = lambda g:  (
    if not g.geom_type == 'Polygon' else  # isinstance(g, Polygon)?
  _drop_z = lambda geom:  type(geom)(
    (_drop_z(g) for g in geom.geoms)  # nest for iterables
    if hasattr(geom, '__iter__') else
    (coord[:2] for coord in _get_coords(geom))  # keep x,y
  return gpd.GeoSeries(_drop_z(geom) for geom in ds)

_drop_z_shapely = lambda geom:  shapely.ops.transform(lambda *args: args[:2], geom)

def drop_z_shapely_for(ds):
  ''' Drop Z coordinates from GeoSeries, returns GeoSeries
  Using this method:
  return gpd.GeoSeries(_drop_z_shapely(geom) for geom in ds)

def drop_z_shapely_transform(ds):
  ''' Drop Z coordinates from GeoSeries, returns GeoSeries
  Same as drop_z_shapely_for but using the pandas transform operation instead.
  return ds.transform(lambda geom: _drop_z_shapely(geom))

a = convert_3D_2D(df.geometry)             # [] (empty list because I have only LineStrings)
b = drop_z_shapelywkb(df.geometry)         # GeoSeries, 2D geoms
c = drop_z_pygeos(df.geometry)             # GeoSeries, 2D geoms
d = drop_z_convert_3D_2D(df.geometry)      # GeoSeries, 2D geoms
e = drop_z_shapely_for(df.geometry)        # GeoSeries, 2D geoms
f = drop_z_shapely_transform(df.geometry)  # GeoSeries, 2D geoms
print( all([
]) )  # True

%timeit convert_3D_2D(df.geometry)             # 19.7 s ± 430 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_shapelywkb(df.geometry)         # 42.9 s ± 270 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_pygeos(df.geometry)             # 568 ms ± 12.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_convert_3D_2D(df.geometry)      # 43.6 s ± 541 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_shapely_for(df.geometry)        # 45.6 s ± 310 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit drop_z_shapely_transform(df.geometry)  # 37.7 s ± 722 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

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Thanks! it helped me get 2D Polygons from the KML file from Google Earth.

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Thanks so much! This really helped me getting 2D polygons from Google Earth pro!

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