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Created February 14, 2012 23:57
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Save rwaldron/1831792 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Inspired by Robert O'Callahan's blog

To reduce the need for "visual confirmation" tests:

  • store the base-64 encoded data-uri of a reference png as a string
  • copy the outerHTML of your test fixture into an SVG wrapper, prefixed with "data:image/svg+xml,"
  • set the src of an image to the value of the SVG wrapper
  • copy the image into a canvas context
  • assert equality of canvas.context.toDataURL() and previously stored reference string
<!-- Copy this to into the svg-->
<div id="cssboxsizing"></div>

<!-- Copy svg to img into this-->
<canvas id="canvas-cssboxsizing" width="10" height="10"></canvas>
(function() {

  var img, svg, width, height,
      style = [
        "-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;",
        "-moz-box-sizing: border-box;",
        "-ms-box-sizing: border-box;",
        "-o-box-sizing: border-box;",
        "box-sizing: border-box;",
        "background: white;",
        "border-left: 10px solid blue;",
        "display: inline-block;",
        "height: 10px;",
        "width: 10px;"

      reference = "",

      fixture = document.getElementById("cssboxsizing"),
      canvas = document.getElementById("canvas-cssboxsizing"),
      context = canvas.getContext("2d");

  fixture.setAttribute( "style", style );

  width =;
  height =;

  svg = [
    "<svg xmlns='' width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "'>",
    "<foreignObject width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "' style='line-height:" + height + "'>",
    "<div xmlns='' style='width:" + width + ";height:" + height + ";padding:0px;margin:0px'>",



  img = new Image();
  img.src = svg;


  img.onload = function() {

    context.createImageData( canvas.width, canvas.height );

    context.drawImage( img, 0, 0 );

    // Warning: The canvas is not in fact origin clean at this time in either
    // Firefox or Chrome; in Firefox, this is due to bug 672013 . In Chrome, this is due
    // to a general WebKit bug that causes documents loaded from object URLs and data:
    // URIs incorrectly having a different origin from their containing documents.

    // WORKS!! In Firefox 11+
    // console.log( context.getImageData( 0, 0, 10, 10 ) );

      context.canvas.toDataURL() === reference ? "PASS" : "FAIL"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Using a Canvas to Test CSS</title>
<!-- Copy this to into the svg-->
<div id="cssboxsizing"></div>
<!-- Copy svg to img into this-->
<canvas id="canvas-cssboxsizing" width="10" height="10"></canvas>
(function() {
var img, svg, width, height,
style = [
"-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;",
"-moz-box-sizing: border-box;",
"-ms-box-sizing: border-box;",
"-o-box-sizing: border-box;",
"box-sizing: border-box;",
"background: white;",
"border-left: 10px solid blue;",
"display: inline-block;",
"height: 10px;",
"width: 10px;"
reference = "",
fixture = document.getElementById("cssboxsizing"),
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas-cssboxsizing"),
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
fixture.setAttribute( "style", style );
width =;
height =;
svg = [
"<svg xmlns='' width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "'>",
"<foreignObject width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "' style='line-height:" + height + "'>",
"<div xmlns='' style='width:" + width + ";height:" + height + ";padding:0px;margin:0px'>",
img = new Image();
img.src = svg;
img.onload = function() {
context.drawImage( img, 0, 0 );
// Warning: The canvas is not in fact origin clean at this time in either
// Firefox or Chrome; in Firefox, this is due to bug 672013 . In Chrome, this is due
// to a general WebKit bug that causes documents loaded from object URLs and data:
// URIs incorrectly having a different origin from their containing documents.
// WORKS!! In Firefox 11+
// console.log( context.getImageData( 0, 0, 10, 10 ) );
context.canvas.toDataURL() === reference ? "PASS" : "FAIL"
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