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Created July 7, 2023 13:59
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from typing import List, Tuple
from collections import defaultdict, deque
def next_moves(stones: List[int], stone: int, previous_jump: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
return [
(stone + next_jump, next_jump)
for next_jump in [previous_jump-1, previous_jump, previous_jump+1]
if next_jump > 0 and stone + next_jump in stones
class SolutionBFSWithDP:
def canCross(self, stones: List[int]) -> bool:
if stones[1] != 1:
return False
last_stone = stones[-1]
seen = set()
queue = deque([(0, 0)])
while queue:
stone, previous_jump = queue.popleft()
for move in next_moves(stones, stone, previous_jump):
# As soon as we encounter a move that lands on the last stone
# we can return true as our frog has reached the other side
# of the river.
if move[0] == last_stone:
return True
# We skip any move (stone, jump) that has already been seen.
if move in seen:
# And only update our queue with new move (stone, jump) elements.
return False
class Solution:
def canCross(self, stones: List[int]) -> bool:
# We can only jump 1 stone on our first move.
if stones[1] != 1:
return False
dp = defaultdict(set)
# The frog starts on the stone containing 0 (which happens to be the first stone).
# They were placed there with no jump -- a jump of 0.
# We are going to build `dp` bottom-up by iterating through the stones
# and then iterating through the previous jumps that would reach each stone.
# Basically, as the stones are ascending and the frog can only jump forwards
# it's implied that if we reach a stone and there are no jumps that landed
# on it we skip to the next stone and if none of the stones after this have
# jumps that reached them then the frog has gotten trapped and we will return
# false.
# But if a stone has been jumped to we will test to see where future jumps from
# this stone land and update `dp[next_stone]` with these jumps so that a future
# iteration of `for stone in stones` can consider them. As `next_moves` takes a
# `previous_jump` value and produces moves that are `[jump-1, jump, jump+1]`
# the frog might be jumping over stones in some cases.
# If at any point the last stone has a non-empty set of jumps that reach it
# we immediately bail from the loop by returning `True` as this means the frog
# was able to jump to the last stone.
last_stone = stones[-1]
for stone in stones:
for previous_jump in dp[stone]:
for (next_stone, next_jump) in next_moves(stones, stone, previous_jump):
if len(dp[last_stone]) > 0:
return True
return False
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