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Created December 9, 2023 14:58
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Day Eight 2023 AOC
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module DayEight (module DayEight) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Text.Read as TR
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Map as DM
import qualified Data.Set as DS
import qualified Safe as S
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import Data.Range((+=+))
import qualified Data.Range as R
import Lib (operateOnFile)
data Node = Node { leftChild :: Node, rightChild :: Node, nodeName :: T.Text }
instance Ord Node where
left `compare` right = (nodeName left) `compare` (nodeName right)
instance Eq Node where
a == b = (nodeName a == nodeName b)
a /= b = (nodeName a /= nodeName b)
data InputFact = InputFact { inputName :: T.Text, leftChildName :: T.Text, rightChildName :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq)
data Instruction = GoLeft | GoRight deriving (Show, Eq)
parseInstruction 'L' = GoLeft
parseInstruction 'R' = GoRight
buildTree :: [InputFact] -> T.Text -> Node
buildTree facts name = buildNode name
where findFact name = S.findJust (\fact -> (inputName fact) == name) facts
cache :: DM.Map T.Text Node
cache = DM.fromList $ map (\name -> (name, buildNode name)) allNames
allNodes = map buildNode allNames
allNames = map inputName facts
buildNode name = Node { nodeName=name, leftChild= cache `unsafeLookup` (leftChildName found), rightChild=cache `unsafeLookup` (rightChildName found)}
where found = findFact name
unsafeLookup map key = M.fromJust $ DM.lookup key map
applyInstruction GoLeft n = leftChild n
applyInstruction GoRight n = rightChild n
treepath (head:rest) n = n:(treepath rest (applyInstruction head n))
treepathByName instructions facts name = treepath (cycle instructions) $ buildTree facts name
-- gives the period and offset
--cycleDescribe instructions facts name = (secondOccurrence - firstOccurrence, firstOccurrence)
-- where indexed = zip path allNums
-- allNums = cycle $ enumFromTo 0 (length instructions - 1)
-- path = map nodeName $ treepathByName instructions facts name
-- fde = firstDuplicatedEntry (DS.fromList []) indexed
-- firstOccurrence:(secondOccurrence:[]) = take 2 $ L.elemIndices fde indexed
--cheapPath instructions facts name = (take offset expensive) ++ (cycle (take cycleLength (drop offset expensive)))
-- where expensive = map nodeName $ treepathByName instructions facts name
-- (cycleLength, offset) = cycleDescribe instructions facts name
--firstDuplicatedEntry seenSoFar (head:rest)
-- | head `elem` seenSoFar = head
-- | otherwise = firstDuplicatedEntry (DS.insert head seenSoFar) rest
countStepsToEnd (instruction:rest) currentLocation
| nodeName currentLocation == "ZZZ" = 0
| otherwise = 1 + (countStepsToEnd rest) (applyInstruction instruction currentLocation)
testInput :: [T.Text]
testInput = ["LLR",
"AAA = (BBB, BBB)",
"BBB = (AAA, ZZZ)",
"ZZZ = (ZZZ, ZZZ)"]
parseLines :: [T.Text] -> ([Instruction], [InputFact])
parseLines lines = (instructions, facts)
where firstLine:(blank:factLines) = lines
instructions = map parseInstruction $ T.unpack firstLine
facts = map parseFactLine factLines
parseFactLine line = InputFact self left right
where self:(left:(right:_)) = filter (/= "") $ T.split (not . (`Prelude.elem` ('A' `enumFromTo` 'Z'))) line
partOne input = countStepsToEnd (cycle instructions) (buildTree facts "AAA")
where (instructions, facts) = parseLines input
partTwo instructions facts = foldl1 lcm indices
where startNodes = filter (\s -> T.last s == 'A') $ map inputName facts
check startName = head $ L.findIndices (\a -> T.last a == 'Z') $ map nodeName (treepathByName instructions facts startName)
indices = map check startNodes
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