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Last active November 5, 2021 21:41
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Dependent Relationships in Ember Data
Ember Data: Dependent Relationships
This package extends Ember Data to support creating relationships
where a model's dirty state depends not only on its own attributes
but on the dirty state of models in dependent relationships as well.
App.Thing = DS.Model.extend({
name : DS.attr('string'),
children : DS.hasMany('thing', { dependent: true })
// Load all the things
var thing = store.findById('thing', '1');
var child = thing.get('children.firstObject');
thing.get('isDirty'); // false
child.get('name'); // 'foo'
child.set('name', 'bar');
thing.get('isDirty'); // true
child.get('name'); // 'foo'
Note that saving dependent relations automatically, and handling
'isValid' state based on dependent relations is not supported.
/* global Ember, DS */
(function() {
var get = Ember.get;
var set = Ember.set;
function isDescriptor(value) {
// Ember < 1.11
if (Ember.Descriptor !== undefined) {
return value instanceof Ember.Descriptor;
// Ember >= 1.11
return value && typeof value === 'object' && value.isDescriptor;
// State machine handlers
// Object/array agnostic 'isDirty' check
function isRelatedRecordDirty(value) {
return Ember.isArray(value) ? Ember.A(value).isAny('isDirty') : get(value, 'isDirty');
// Original-state aware dirty check
function isRelationshipDirty(record, key) {
var value = get(record, key).toArray();
var originalValue = record._dependentRelationships[key];
return, originalValue) !== 0;
// The new de facto check to determine if a record is dirty
function isRecordDirty(record) {
// First check normal attributes
if (Ember.keys(record._attributes).length) {
return true;
// Then check dependent relations
return Ember.A(Ember.keys(record._dependentRelationships)).any(function(key) {
return isRelationshipDirty(record, key) || isRelatedRecordDirty(get(record, key));
// A dependent relationship can change if:
// * a belongsTo gets changed to another record
// * a belongsTo record dirties/cleans
// * a hasMany array gets added to or removed from
// * a hasMany array has a record that dirties/cleans
var dependentRelationshipDidChange = function(record, context) {
if (, context.originalValue) !== 0 || isRelatedRecordDirty(context.value)) {
} else {
// The check for whether the record is still dirty now has to account for dependent relations
var propertyWasReset = function(record) {
if (!isRecordDirty(record)) {
// Check to see if the saved record is dirty
var savedSetup = function(record) {
if (isRecordDirty(record)) {
// Perform some state machine surgery
// TODO: figure out how to make this less ass
// Handle dependent relationship change
DS.RootState.loaded.dependentRelationshipDidChange = dependentRelationshipDidChange;
// Changes to dependent relations while in-flight, invalid, or deleted should not alter its state
DS.RootState.loaded.created.inFlight.dependentRelationshipDidChange = Ember.K;
DS.RootState.loaded.updated.inFlight.dependentRelationshipDidChange = Ember.K;
DS.RootState.loaded.created.invalid.dependentRelationshipDidChange = Ember.K;
DS.RootState.loaded.updated.invalid.dependentRelationshipDidChange = Ember.K;
DS.RootState.deleted.dependentRelationshipDidChange = Ember.K;
// Override the property reset handler to account for dependent relations
DS.RootState.loaded.created.uncommitted.propertyWasReset = propertyWasReset;
DS.RootState.loaded.updated.uncommitted.propertyWasReset = propertyWasReset;
// Handle the case when a record that is in the 'root.deleted.uncommitted' state
// is rolled back but has dirty dependent relations
DS.RootState.loaded.saved.setup = savedSetup;
// Modify DS.Model
// Add dependent property helpers
// Loop over each dependent relation, passing the property name and the relationship meta
eachDependentRelationship: function(callback, binding) {
get(this, 'relationshipsByName').forEach(function(relationship, name) {
if (relationship.options.dependent) {, name, relationship);
DS.Model.reopen(Ember.Comparable, {
// Initialize dependent relationship snapshot object
_setup: function() {
this._dependentRelationships = {};
// Loop over each dependent property
eachDependentRelationship: function(callback, binding) {
this.constructor.eachDependentRelationship(callback, binding || this);
// Hook into the object creation lifecycle in order to add dirty observers
didDefineProperty: function(proto, key, value) {
this._super(proto, key, value);
if (isDescriptor(value)) {
var meta = value.meta();
if (meta.isRelationship && meta.options.dependent) {
if (meta.kind === 'belongsTo') {
Ember.addObserver(proto, key + '.isDirty', null, 'dependentRelationshipDidChange');
} else if (meta.kind === 'hasMany') {
Ember.addObserver(proto, key + '.@each.isDirty', null, 'dependentRelationshipDidChange');
// Returns object describing of changed relationships, like `changedAttributes`
changedRelationships: function() {
var record = this;
var dependentRelations = record._dependentRelationships;
var relationship;
var changed = {};
record.eachDependentRelationship(function(name, relationshipMeta) {
if (record._relationships[name] && isRelationshipDirty(record, name)) {
relationship = get(record, name);
changed[name] = [
relationshipMeta.kind === 'belongsTo' ? relationship : relationship.toArray(),
return changed;
// Observer for relationship change, should send state machine message 'dependentRelationshipDidChange'
dependentRelationshipDidChange: Ember.immediateObserver(function(record, key) {
var dependentRelations = record._dependentRelationships;
var name = key.split('.')[0];
if (name in dependentRelations) {
var value = get(record, name);
// Make DS.ManyArray into a vanilla array for comparison with original
if (Ember.isArray(value)) {
value = value.toArray();
record.send('dependentRelationshipDidChange', {
name : name,
value : value,
originalValue : dependentRelations[name],
// Update the dependent relations when the adapter loads new data
adapterDidCommit: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Relationship updates don't trigger data changes anymore, so manually
// notify all relationship properties of possible change
this.eachDependentRelationship(function(name, relationship) {
if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
this.dependentRelationshipDidChange(this, name);
// When the record is loaded/saved, save its relations so they can be reverted
snapshotDependentRelations: function() {
var record = this;
var dependentRelations = record._dependentRelationships;
var relationship;
record.eachDependentRelationship(function(name, relationshipMeta) {
if (record._relationships[name]) {
relationship = get(record, name);
dependentRelations[name] = relationshipMeta.kind === 'belongsTo' ? relationship : relationship.toArray();
// Dependent relations rely on the 'isDirty' CP, which may not get called
precomputeIsDirty: function() {
get(this, 'isDirty');
// Rollback relations as well as attributes
rollback: function() {
// Revert attributes like normal
var record = this;
var dependentRelations = this._dependentRelationships;
record.eachDependentRelationship(function(name, relationshipMeta) {
if (name in dependentRelations) {
var originalRelationship = dependentRelations[name];
if (relationshipMeta.kind === 'belongsTo') {
set(record, name, originalRelationship);
} else {
get(record, name).setObjects(originalRelationship);
// Rollback child/field records that have changed as well
// Basic identity comparison to allow `` to work on models
compare: function(r1, r2) {
return r1 === r2 ? 0 : 1;
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@Leooo @kellyselden I need a fix for this as well. Did you guys make any progress?

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cyk commented Sep 9, 2015

Here is an attempt at internal model compatibility for dependent relations that is based on lytics/ember-data.model-fragments's compatibility work.

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Ember 1.13.7
Data 1.13.14

got error here
if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.isDescriptor) {
var meta = value.meta(); <-- meta is not a function

I'm not a familiar with ember data, so my solution is quite simple
if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.isDescriptor && typeof value.meta === 'function')

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