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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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  • Save spond/228989e3f19d6faf021a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/* 1. include a file to define the genetic code
Note the use of base directory and path forming variables to make this analysis
independent of directory placement
/*incFileName = HYPHY_LIB_DIRECTORY+"TemplateBatchFiles"+DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR+"TemplateModels"+DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR+"chooseGeneticCode.def"; */
/* ExecuteCommands ("#include \""+incFileName+"\";"); */
/* #include "functions.txt";*/ /*functions.txt has the genetic code*/
LoadFunctionLibrary("chooseGeneticCode", {"0" : "Universal"});
/* 2. load a codon partition */
SetDialogPrompt ("Please locate a coding alignment:");
DataSet ds = ReadDataFile (PROMPT_FOR_FILE);
DataSetFilter filteredData = CreateFilter (ds,3,"","","TAA,TAG,TGA");
coding_path = LAST_FILE_PATH;
fprintf (stdout, "\nLoaded a ", filteredData.species, " sequence alignment with ", filteredData.sites, " codons from\n",coding_path,"\n");
/* 3. include a file to prompt for a tree */
LoadFunctionLibrary ("queryTree");
/* 4. Compute nucleotide counts by position for the F3x4 estimator */
HarvestFrequencies (baseFreqs,filteredData,3,1,1);
fprintf(stdout, "baseFreqs:", baseFreqs);
fprintf (stdout, "\nBase composition:\n\tA: ", Format (baseFreqs[0][0],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[0][1],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[0][2],10,5),
"\n\tC: ", Format (baseFreqs[1][0],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[1][1],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[1][2],10,5),
"\n\tG: ", Format (baseFreqs[2][0],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[2][1],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[2][2],10,5),
"\n\tT: ", Format (baseFreqs[3][0],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[3][1],10,5),",",Format (baseFreqs[3][2],10,5), "\n");
/* 5. prompt for the type of model to run */
ChoiceList (modelKind, "Model", 1, SKIP_NONE,
"Alternative", "Fit Model A with 4 rate classes. Class 1: Negative selection in FG and BG. Class 2: Neutral evolution in FG and BG. Class 3: Negative selection in BG, Positive in FG. Class 4: Neutral evolution in BG, Positive in FG",
"Null for Test 1", "Fit a model with 2 rate classes. Class 1: Negative selection in FG and BG. Class 2: Neutral evolution in FG and BG.",
"Null for Test 2", "Fit Model A with 3 rate classes. Class 1: Negative selection in FG and BG. Class 2: Neutral evolution in FG and BG. Class 3: Negative selection in BG, Neutral in FG.",
if (modelKind < 0)
return 0;
/* 6. define the 'site_kind' variable as a discrete category variable;
it decides which class a site belongs to, but does not
determine omega ratios directly (see below for this) */
global P_0 = 0.5;
if (modelKind == 1)
rateClasses = 2;
categFreqMatrix = {{P_0,1-P_0}} ;
categRateMatrix = {{1,2}};
P_0 = 1/4;
global P_1_aux = 1/4;
global P_1 := Min(P_1_aux,1-P_0);
if (modelKind == 0)
rateClasses = 4;
categFreqMatrix = {{P_0,P_1,(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1)*P_0,(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1)*P_1}} ;
categRateMatrix = {{1,2,3,4}};
rateClasses = 3;
categFreqMatrix = {{P_0,P_1/(P_0+P_1),(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1)*P_0}} ;
categRateMatrix = {{1,2,3}};
category site_kind = (rateClasses, categFreqMatrix , MEAN, ,categRateMatrix, 1, 4);
/* 7. define the GY94 rate matrix; for now each branch will have it's own
dS and dN, we will constrain them later */
global kappa_inv = 1;
global delta = 1;
ModelMatrixDimension = 64 - (+ _Genetic_Code["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_==10"]);
fprintf (stdout, ModelMatrixDimension, " sense codons\n");
GY_Matrix = {ModelMatrixDimension,ModelMatrixDimension};
hshift = 0;
for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1)
if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10)
hshift = hshift+1;
vshift = hshift;
for (v = h+1; v<64; v=v+1)
first1 = v$16;
second1 = v%16$4;
third1 = v%4;
first2 = h$16;
second2 = h%16$4;
third2 = h%4;
diff = v-h;
if (_Genetic_Code[v]==10)
vshift = vshift+1;
if ((h$4==v$4)||((diff%4==0)&&(h$16==v$16))||(diff%16==0) ) /* one step */
if (h$4==v$4)
transition = v%4;
transition2= h%4;
transition = v$16;
transition2= h$16;
transition = v%16$4;
transition2= h%16$4;
if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) /* synonymous */
if (Abs(transition-transition2)%2) /* transversion */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := kappa_inv*synRate;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := kappa_inv*synRate;
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate;
if (Abs(transition-transition2)%2) /* transversion */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := kappa_inv*nonSynRate;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := kappa_inv*nonSynRate;
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate;
/*populate codons with 2 differences*/
if ( (first1!=first2) && (second1 != second2) && (third1 == third2)) /* differ in pos 1 and 2 only */
transition_pos1 = v$16; /* get targets nucleotides for h->v and v->h substitutions */
transition2_pos1 = h$16;
transition_pos2 = v%16$4; /* get targets nucleotides for h->v and v->h substitutions */
transition2_pos2 = h%16$4;
if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) /* synonymous */
if ( ((Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2)) || ((((transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) == 0) && (((transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2) == 0)) ) /* both transversions or both transitions resp; for transversions, difference is not divisible by 2 */
if ( (Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2) )
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
else /* both transitions */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta;
else /*transversion and transition*/
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv;
else /* non-synonymous */
if ( ((Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2)) || (((transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2 == 0) && ((transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2 == 0)) ) /* both transversions or both transitions resp*/
if( (Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2))
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
else /* both transitions */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta;
else /*transversion and transition*/
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv;
/*end insert pos 1 and 2*/
/*BEGIN INSERT pos 2 and 3*/
if ( (first1 == first2) && (second1 != second2) && (third1 != third2))/* differ in pos 2 and 3 only */
transition_pos3 = v%4; /* get targets nucleotides for h->v and v->h substitutions */
transition2_pos3 = h%4;
transition_pos2 = v%16$4; /* get targets nucleotides for h->v and v->h substitutions */
transition2_pos2 = h%16$4;
if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) /* synonymous */
if ( ((Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2)) || (((transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2 == 0) && ((transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2 == 0)) ) /* both transversions: difference is not divisible by 2 */
if( (Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2) )
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
else /* both transitions */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv;
else /* non-synonymous */
if ( ((Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2)) || (((transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2 == 0) && ((transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2 == 0)) ) /* both transversions or transitions: difference is not divisible by 2 */
if( (Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos2-transition2_pos2)%2) )
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
else /* both transitions */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv;
/*END INSERT pos 2 and 3*/
/*BEGIN INSERT pos 1 and 3*/
if ( (first1 != first2) && (second1 == second2) && (third1 != third2)) /* differ in pos 1 and 3 only */
transition_pos1 = v$16; /* get targets nucleotides for h->v and v->h substitutions */
transition2_pos1 = h$16;
transition_pos3 = v%4; /* get targets nucleotides for h->v and v->h substitutions */
transition2_pos3 = h%4;
if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) /* synonymous */
if ( ((Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2)) || (((transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2 == 0) && ((transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2 == 0)) ) /* both transversions: difference is not divisible by 2 */
if( (Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2) )
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
else /* both transitions */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := synRate*delta*kappa_inv;
else /* non-synonymous */
if ( ((Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2)) || ( ((transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2 == 0) && ( (transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2 == 0)) ) /* both transversions: difference is not divisible by 2 */
if((Abs(transition_pos1-transition2_pos1)%2) && (Abs(transition_pos3-transition2_pos3)%2) )
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv*kappa_inv;
else /* both transitions */
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta;
GY_Matrix[h-hshift][v-vshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv;
GY_Matrix[v-vshift][h-hshift] := nonSynRate*delta*kappa_inv;
/*end insert*/
/*8. build codon frequencies (use the F3x4 estimator) */
PIStop = 1.0;
codonFreqs = {ModelMatrixDimension,1};
hshift = 0;
for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1)
first = h$16;
second = h%16$4;
third = h%4;
if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10)
hshift = hshift+1;
PIStop = PIStop-baseFreqs[first][0]*baseFreqs[second][1]*baseFreqs[third][2];
codonFreqs = codonFreqs*(1.0/PIStop);
fprintf(stdout,"built codonFreqs, now defining codon model\n");
fprintf(stdout, "codonFreqs", codonFreqs);
/*9. define the codon model */
Model GY_Model = (GY_Matrix,codonFreqs,1);
fprintf(stdout, "\nMatrix element definition\n");
codon_strings = ComputeCodonCodeToStringMap (_Genetic_Code);
codon_strings_with_aa = {};
codonToAA = defineCodonToAA ();
function addAA (key, value) {
codon_strings_with_aa[key] = value + " (" + codonToAA[value] + ")";
function print_value (row, column) {
if (row != column) {
GetString (rate_ij, GY_Model, row, column);
if (rate_ij != None) {
fprintf (stdout, codon_strings_with_aa [row], " => ", codon_strings_with_aa [column], " = ", rate_ij, "\n");
return 0;
/*10. Define the tree and pick the foreground branch, displaying a tree window to facilitate selection;
the latter step is executed for 2 of 3 model choices */
Tree givenTree = treeString;
LikelihoodFunction test_lf = (filteredData, givenTree);
GetString(whatsinthis, test_lf, -1);
fprintf(stdout, "test lf on the GY matrix looks like", whatsinthis);
/* Approximate kappa and branch lengths using an HKY85 fit */
HKY85_Matrix = {{*,t*kappa_inv,t,t*kappa_inv}
fprintf(stdout, "HKY85", HKY85_Matrix);
HarvestFrequencies (nucFreqs,ds,1,1,1);
fprintf(stdout, "nucFreqs",nucFreqs);
Model HKY85_Model = (HKY85_Matrix,nucFreqs);
Tree nucTree = treeString;
DataSetFilter nucData = CreateFilter (ds,1);
fprintf (stdout, "Obtaining nucleotide branch lengths and kappa to be used as starting values...\n");
LikelihoodFunction nuc_lf = (nucData,nucTree);
fprintf(stdout, "nucleotide likelihood function", nuc_lf);
GetString(whatsinthis, nuc_lf, -1);
fprintf(stdout, "lets see if this works", whatsinthis);
/*delta below is not an approx at all, its just for the purpose of printing out the starting value*/
fprintf (stdout, "\n", Format (nucTree,1,1), "\nkappa=", Format (1/kappa_inv,8,3), "\ndelta=", Format(delta, 8, 3),"\n");
if (modelKind != 1) {
leafNodes = TipCount (givenTree);
internalNodes = BranchCount(givenTree);
choiceMatrix = {internalNodes+leafNodes,2};
for (bc=0; bc<internalNodes; bc=bc+1)
choiceMatrix[bc][0] = BranchName(givenTree,bc);
choiceMatrix[bc][1] = "Internal Branch Rooting " + givenTree[bc];
for (bc=0; bc<leafNodes; bc=bc+1)
choiceMatrix[bc+internalNodes][0] = TipName(givenTree,bc);
choiceMatrix[bc+internalNodes][1] = "Leaf node " + choiceMatrix[bc+internalNodes][0];
ChoiceList (stOption,"Choose the foreground branch",0,NO_SKIP,choiceMatrix);
if (stOption[0] < 0)
return -1;
fprintf (stdout, "\n\n", Columns (stOption)," foreground branch(es) set to: ", "\n");
for (bc = 0; bc < Columns (stOption); bc = bc + 1)
fprintf (stdout, choiceMatrix[stOption[bc]][0], "\n");
OpenWindow (CLOSEWINDOW, "Tree givenTree");
/* 15. Constrain dS and dN in the tree to based upon different models */
global omega_0 = 0.25;
omega_0 :< 1;
ClearConstraints (givenTree);
if (modelKind == 1)
global omega := ((site_kind==1)*omega_0+(site_kind==2));
/* will evaluate to omega_0 for sites in class site_kind=1 and to 1 for sites in class site_kind=2 */
ReplicateConstraint ("this1.?.nonSynRate:=omega*this2.?.synRate",givenTree,givenTree);
if (modelKind == 2)
global omega_FG := ((site_kind==1)*omega_0+(site_kind>1)); /* foreground model */
global omega_BG := (((site_kind==1)+(site_kind==3))*omega_0+(site_kind==2)); /* background model */
global omega_2 = 2.0;
omega_2:>1; /*think here is where you will constrain it to 1 for the null model*/
global omega_FG := ((site_kind==1)*omega_0+(site_kind==2)+(site_kind>2)*omega_2); /* foreground model */
global omega_BG := (((site_kind==1)+(site_kind==3))*omega_0+(site_kind==2)+(site_kind==4)); /* background model */
/* constrain the foreground branch first */
for (bc = 0; bc < Columns (stOption); bc = bc + 1)
ExecuteCommands ("givenTree."+choiceMatrix[stOption[bc]][0]+".nonSynRate:=omega_FG*givenTree."+choiceMatrix[stOption[bc]][0]+".synRate;");
/* constrain other branches next */
ReplicateConstraint ("this1.?.nonSynRate:=omega_BG*this2.?.synRate",givenTree,givenTree);
/* 16. define and optimize the likelihood function */
bNames = BranchName (givenTree,-1);
nucBL = BranchLength (nucTree,-1);
for (bc=0; bc<Columns(bNames)-1; bc=bc+1)
ExecuteCommands ("givenTree."+bNames[bc]+".synRate=nucTree."+bNames[bc]+".t;");
codBL = BranchLength (givenTree,-1);
for (bc=0; bc<Columns(bNames)-1; bc=bc+1)
if (nucBL[bc]>0)
ExecuteCommands ("givenTree."+bNames[bc]+".synRate=nucTree."+bNames[bc]+".t*"+nucBL[bc]/codBL[bc]+";");
LikelihoodFunction lf = (filteredData, givenTree);
while (1)
Optimize (mles,lf);
fprintf(stdout, "mles:", mles);
fprintf (stdout, lf);
GetString (lfParameters, lf, -1);
glV = lfParameters["Local Independent"];
stashedValues = {};
for (glVI = 0; glVI < Columns (glV); glVI = glVI + 1)
ExecuteCommands ("stashedValues[\""+glV[glVI]+"\"] = " + glV[glVI] + ";\n");
glV = lfParameters["Global Independent"];
for (glVI = 0; glVI < Columns (glV); glVI = glVI + 1)
ExecuteCommands ("stashedValues[\""+glV[glVI]+"\"] = " + glV[glVI] + ";\n");
mlBL = BranchLength (givenTree,-1);
samples = 500;
fprintf (stdout, "\nChecking for convergence by Latin Hypercube Sampling (this may take a bit of time...)\n");
steps = 50;
if (modelKind == 0)
vn = {{"P_0","P_1_aux","omega_0", "omega_2"}};
ranges = {{0.0001,1}{0.0001,1}{0.0001,1}{1,10}};
if (modelKind==2)
vn = {{"P_0","P_1_aux","omega_0"}};
ranges = {{0.0001,1}{0.0001,1}{0.0001,1}};
if (modelKind==1)
vn = {{"P_0","omega_0"}};
ranges = {{0.0001,1}{0.0001,1}};
for (sample = 0; sample < samples; sample = sample + 1)
rv = Random({1,steps}["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_"],0);
for (vid = 0; vid < Columns (vn); vid = vid + 1)
ctx = vn[vid] + "=" + (ranges[vid][0] + (ranges[vid][1]-ranges[vid][0])/steps*rv[vid]);
ExecuteCommands (ctx);
currentBL = BranchLength (givenTree,-1);
for (bc=0; bc<Columns(bNames)-1; bc=bc+1)
if (currentBL[bc]>0)
ExecuteCommands ("givenTree."+bNames[bc]+".synRate=givenTree."+bNames[bc]+".synRate*"+mlBL[bc]/currentBL[bc]+";");
LFCompute (lf,sample_value);
if (sample_value>mles[1][0])
fprintf (stdout, "\nFound a better likelihood score. Restarting the optimization routine.\n");
if (sample < samples)
storedV = Rows (stashedValues);
for (k=0; k<Columns (storedV); k=k+1)
ExecuteCommands (storedV[k] + "=" + stashedValues[storedV[k]]);
fprintf (stdout, "\nThe estimation procedure appears to have converged.\n");
/* 17. Report inferred rate distribition to screen */
if (modelKind == 0)
fprintf (stdout, "\nInferred rate distribution:",
"\n\tClass 0. omega_0 = ", Format (omega_0, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_0,5,3),
"\n\tClass 1. omega := ", Format (1, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_1,5,3),
"\n\tClass 2a. Background omega_0 = ", Format (omega_0, 5,3), " foreground omega_2 = ", Format (omega_2, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_0(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1),5,3),
"\n\tClass 2b. Background omega := ", Format (1, 5,3), " foreground omega_2 = ", Format (omega_2, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_1(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1),5,3), "\n");
if (modelKind == 1)
fprintf (stdout, "\nInferred rate distribution:",
"\n\tClass 0. omega_0 = ", Format (omega_0, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_0,5,3),
"\n\tClass 1. omega := ", Format (1, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (1-P_0,5,3), "\n");
if (modelKind == 2)
fprintf (stdout, "\nInferred rate distribution:",
"\n\tClass 0. omega_0 = ", Format (omega_0, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_0,5,3),
"\n\tClass 1. omega := ", Format (1, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_1,5,3),
"\n\tClass 2a. Background omega_0 = ", Format (omega_0, 5,3), " foreground omega_2 := ", Format (1, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_0(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1),5,3),
"\n\tClass 2b. Background omega := ", Format (1, 5,3), " foreground omega_2 := ", Format (1, 5,3), " weight = ", Format (P_1(1-P_0-P_1)/(P_0+P_1),5,3), "\n");
/* 18. Prepare and open a window of conditional probabilities at every site (this requires a GUI but will still run -
- just not open any windows in a console build */
ConstructCategoryMatrix (posteriorMatrix, lf, COMPLETE);
posteriorMatrix = Transpose (posteriorMatrix);
GetInformation (siteProfile, site_kind);
/* this call returns the distribution function {{value1,..., valueN}{prob1, ..., probN}} for site_kind */
headers = {1, rateClasses};
for (k=1; k<=rateClasses;k=k+1)
headers [k-1] = "Class " + k;
/* convert distribution info to the form expected by OpenWindow */
disributionInfo = "site_kind";
for (k = 0; k < rateClasses; k=k+1)
disributionInfo = disributionInfo + ":" + siteProfile[1][k];
for (k = 0; k < rateClasses; k=k+1)
disributionInfo = disributionInfo + ":" + siteProfile[0][k];
OpenWindow (DISTRIBUTIONWINDOW,{{"Conditional probabilities by site"}
_MARGINAL_MATRIX_ = Transpose(posteriorMatrix);
_CATEGORY_VARIABLE_CDF_ = siteProfile[1][-1];
siteCount = Columns(_MARGINAL_MATRIX_);
siteCounter = {};
for (k=0; k<siteCount; k=k+1)
siteCounter[k] = k + 1;
classCount = Columns(_CATEGORY_VARIABLE_CDF_);
columnHeaders = {1,classCount+1};
columnHeaders[0] = "Site";
for (k=1; k<=classCount; k=k+1)
columnHeaders[k] = "Class "+k;
SetDialogPrompt ("Write site-by-site conditional probabilities to this file:");
WriteSeparatedTable("",columnHeaders,Transpose(_MARGINAL_MATRIX_), siteCounter,",");
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