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Last active November 3, 2023 23:09
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library(effectsize) # cohens_d()
# reproducible
# simulate one experiment
simulate = function(count_a, count_b, replicate_count) {
count_total = count_a + count_b
higher_proportion_for_b = 0.1
# generate the subjects and conditions
data = tibble(
subjectID = paste0("S", 1:count_total),
condition = c(rep("A", count_a), rep("B", count_b))
# simulate responses
data = data %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(response = rbinom(1, replicate_count, ifelse(condition=="A", 0.4, 0.4 + higher_proportion_for_b))) %>%
effectsize::cohens_d(response ~ condition, data = data)$Cohens_d
# cohen's d from many experiments:
cohens_d = replicate(10000, simulate(38, 43, 90))
# Alterantive approach to calculating Cohen's D that is not impacted by the number of replicate trials
# h/t Aaron Caldwell
# reproducible
# simulate one experiment
simulate = function(count_a, count_b, replicate_count) {
count_total = count_a + count_b
higher_proportion_for_b = 0.1
# 81 subjects each perform 90 replicate trials
data = tibble(
subjectID = paste0("S", 1:count_total),
condition = c(rep("A", count_a), rep("B", count_b))
) %>%
expand_grid(rep = 1:replicate_count)
# simulate responses
data = data %>%
mutate(response = rbinom(n(), 1, ifelse(condition=="A", 0.4, 0.4 + higher_proportion_for_b)))
fit = lmer(response ~ condition + (1|subjectID), data) %>% summary()
# cohen's d from fit
denominator = fit$varcor %>% as_tibble() %>% pull(vcov) %>% sum() %>% sqrt()
numerator = data %>% group_by(condition) %>% summarise(response = mean(response)) %>% pull(response)
numerator = sum(numerator * c(-1, 1))
numerator / denominator # mean diff over sd
# cohen's d from many experiments:
cohens_d = replicate(1000, simulate(38, 43, 90))
hist(abs(cohens_d), breaks=seq(0.15,0.25,0.01))
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