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Created February 18, 2024 22:41
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A fun little utility that I'm looking forward to using in Svelte 5.

Here is a cool thing we can do in Svelte 5 with Runes. Let's say we make a little utility type like this:

type Holocene<T> = T extends { extends: keyof SvelteHTMLElements }
	? Omit<Partial<SvelteHTMLElements[T['extends']]>, keyof T> & Omit<T, 'extends'>
	: T;

Now, we can pass an extends key to the type we give to the props of a component and it will automatically inherit whatever HTML element we choose.

<script lang="ts">
	let { label, id, ...props } = $props<Holocene<{ label: string; extends: 'button' }>>();

<button {id} {...props}>{label}</button>

Since the utility type is clever about omiting properties, you don't have to worry about dumb collisions (e.g. ClassList is really just a string in practice, but TypeScript doesn't believe that).

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