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Last active October 8, 2018 18:51
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'use strict';
// Import dependencies
const crypto = require('crypto');
const bunyan = require('bunyan');
const levelup = require('levelup');
const encoding = require('encoding-down');
const leveldown = require('leveldown');
const kadence = require('@kadenceproject/kadence');
// Prepare required options
const storage = levelup(encoding(leveldown(`${__dirname}/db2`)));
const logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'kadence example' });
const transport = new kadence.HTTPTransport();
const identity = kadence.utils.getRandomKeyBuffer();
const contact = { hostname: 'localhost', port: 1337 };
// Construct a kademlia node interface; the returned `Node` object exposes:
// - router
// - rpc
// - storage
// - identity
const node = new kadence.KademliaNode({
// Use rule "extensions" from plugins to add additional functionality.
// Plugins can also extend the `KademliaNode` object with additional methods
// Use "global" rules for preprocessing *all* incoming messages
// This is useful for things like blacklisting certain nodes
node.use((request, response, next) => {
let [identityString] =
if ([/* identity blacklist */].includes(identityString)) {
return next(new Error('You have been blacklisted'));
// Use existing "base" rules to add additional logic to the base kad routes
// This is useful for things like validating key/value pairs
node.use('STORE', (request, response, next) => {
let [key, val] = request.params;
let hash = crypto.createHash('rmd160').update(val).digest('hex');
// Ensure values are content-addressable
if (key !== hash) {
return next(new Error('Key must be the RMD-160 hash of value'));
// Use "userland" (that's you!) rules to create your own protocols
node.use('ECHO', (request, response, next) => {
if ([/* some naughty words */].includes(request.params.message)) {
return next(new Error(
`Oh goodness, I dare not say "${request.params.message}"`
// Define a global custom error handler rule, simply by including the `err`
// argument in the handler
node.use((err, request, response, next) => {
response.send({ error: err.message });
// Define error handlers for specific rules the same way, but including the
// rule name as the first argument
node.use('ECHO', (err, request, response, next) => {
error: err.message.replace(request.params.message, '[redacted]')
// Extend the Node interface with your own plugins
// In many cases, you probably want parity with any userland message routes
// you have defined - in this case for the ECHO method
node.plugin(function (node) {
node.sendNeighborEcho = (text, callback) => {
const neighbor = [
node.send('ECHO', {
message: text
}, neighbor, callback);
// When you are ready, start listening for messages and join the network
// The Node#listen method takes different arguments based on the transport
// adapter being used
node.join(['ea48d3f07a5241291ed0b4cab6483fa8b8fcc126', {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 8080
}], () => {
// Add 'join' callback which indicates peers were discovered and
// our node is now connected to the overlay network`Connected to ${node.router.length} peers!`)
node.quasarSubscribe('save-msg', (data) => {
console.log(`save-msg catchet`)
let buf = createHash('rmd160').update(Buffer.from('Holi')).digest('hex')
node.iterativeStore(buf, data, (err, data) => {
console.log('stored data into network')
// Base protocol exposes:
// * node.iterativeFindNode(key, callback)
// * node.iterativeFindValue(key, callback)
// * node.iterativeStore(key, value, callback)
// Quasar plugin exposes:
// * node.quasarPublish(topic, content)
// * node.quasarSubscribe(topic, handler)
// * node.quasarUpdate(callback)
// Example plugin exposes:
// * node.sendNeighborEcho(text, callback)
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