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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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IRC logs for PyconIndia Meeting on 10th July 2015
19:00 Topic: Welcome to #pyconindia | This channel is for planning meetings of Pycon India ( |
19:00 satyag set the topic at: 12-Sep-2014 10:00 am
18:12 rangzen_: Hey Everyone..
18:54 kracekumar: hi
19:00 zz_theskumar is now known as theskumar
19:00 Mode: +cnt
19:00 Created at: 07-Jun-2012 1:33 pm
19:00 kracekumar: Hi all
19:01 kracekumar: We will wait for 5 minutes and get started
19:02 zz_satyag is now known as satyag
19:02 theskumar: Hi everyone!!
19:03 shrayasr: Hellooo!
19:03 kracekumar: Hi
19:03 kracekumar: Slowly people are joining!
19:03 punchagan: Hi
19:03 ani_magg: hi everyone :)
19:03 sagaragarwal94: Hello all :)
19:04 kracekumar: Any volunteering to share irc logs after meeting ?
19:04 satyag: @theskumar ^^
19:04 theskumar: I'll do it.
19:04 kracekumar: Thanks @theskumar.
19:05 theskumar: :)
19:05 kracekumar: Thanks for joining. We will get started.
19:06 kracekumar: I will be moderating the session.
19:06 haseeb: Hello everyone!
19:06 kracekumar: We will pick up one item and discuss about it. We will fix time as 15 minutes.
19:06 kracekumar: If we need more time, we will extend 5 more minutes and resume at the end.
19:07 kracekumar: Is the approach ok ?
19:07 theskumar: +1
19:07 shrayasr: +1
19:07 satyag: Sounds good
19:07 sagaragarwal94: +1
19:08 kracekumar: Ok. I will remind on time to stop the topic.
19:08 kracekumar: Agenda are Dev sprint steps, poster session, open space, sponsorship.
19:08 kracekumar: We will get started with sponsorship.
19:09 kracekumar: As of now we have 3 sponsors Zopper (platinum), RedHat(Gold), MySQL(Silver).
19:09 kracekumar: We are lacking on this aspect.
19:09 kracekumar: We are having discussion with few more.
19:10 kracekumar: We need to find way to increase the sponsors.
19:10 kracekumar: Ideas ?
19:10 satyag: Anywhere any list is shared to whom we have approached or approaching ?
19:11 kracekumar: It is internal so far, but we contacted all previous year sponsors.
19:11 satyag: ok , may be should be shared to the people who show interest in this part
19:11 satyag: count me in
19:11 punchagan: It may be worth contacting sponsors from all the previous editions.
19:12 satyag: well i always am afraid of duplication of the approach process , thats the reason asking if we know then we can systematically approach each
19:12 kracekumar: @punchagan, you're right, we contacted all previous editions whom we are able to approach.
19:13 theskumar: I would also help to to put email copy and presentation for companies so that anyone can approach to companies very easily.
19:13 theskumar: ** put at an accessible location/url.
19:14 theskumar: and if that start to happen we need a way to track which company is getting contacted, to avoid duplicates
19:14 theskumar: Not sure, if something like this is possible now.
19:15 kracekumar: We have prospectus we can make the link public and add to
19:15 kracekumar: Good point
19:16 theskumar: Anything we can/are doing for tracking leads at a central place.
19:16 kracekumar: We have internal spreadsheet to track, that has information about the contact person etc ...
19:16 punchagan: Would it be worth contacting folks who sponsor other PyCons? In Asia and world wide?
19:17 kracekumar: We can make a simple spreadsheet without contact info can be viewed by anyone and status.
19:17 kracekumar: Point noted, will find a way to figure this out.
19:17 theskumar: @kracekumar i think that should work pretty well.
19:18 kracekumar: @punchagan: Yes, good idea. We contacted few.
19:18 kracekumar: Few companies have policies to sponsor location specific events
19:19 exploreshaifali: punchagan, there is no harm in contacting them
19:19 satyag: kracekumar: what do you mean by " without contact info " ?
19:19 kracekumar: We don't want to reveal email/phone of the company sponsorship contact info
19:20 satyag: yeah that is ok , but we should know internally who is approaching a particular company , this can be kept open ?
19:20 punchagan: PyCon US seems to have 50 or more sponsors. I'm guessing atleast a few would be interested in growing in India. We can try to talk to them and get them to sponsor.
19:20 shrayasr: +1 for @punchagen's point
19:20 kracekumar: * We have 5 more minutes to wrap up sponsorship *
19:20 shrayasr: should try sponsors of other pycons too.
19:20 kracekumar: Yes, internally we know
19:21 punchagan: Can we also advertise on python related lists? Like Pycoder's weekly, and other lists that people follow...
19:21 punchagan: Not sure what their advertisement policies/costs are, though.
19:21 satyag: kracekumar: my point is lets say i approach X company , i am ok with sharing that i am approaching this can be shared between us .
19:22 kracekumar: @satyag: got it.
19:22 kracekumar: Punchagan: Point noted
19:22 punchagan: Anybody who has a blog on Planet Python could blog about it and get more eyeballs.
19:22 kracekumar: +1 for that.
19:22 shrayasr: +1
19:22 vnbang2003: we should list all companies based in different cities. Take help of local group to reach out to them . Discuss with companies to understand what stopping them to sponsor event like PyCon India.
19:23 theskumar: +1 for vnbang2003
19:23 shrayasr: The idea seems good, but becomes too distributed IMO
19:23 shrayasr: everyone might have a different view of the whys and hows of sponsorship
19:24 shrayasr: Reach out and point back to planning commitee?
19:24 vnbang2003: It needs to distributed if you ask me
19:24 satyag: shrayasr: yeah all the mails will be marked to the sponsor id
19:24 satyag: too
19:24 kracekumar: sponsorship queries can directed to
19:26 shrayasr: @satyag: Right. Initial reach can be done with the local groups, not decisions
19:26 kracekumar: Any volunteers for posting MoM, thsskumar will post irc logs ?
19:26 kracekumar: *theskumar
19:26 kracekumar: Let's move on to next topic?
19:27 kracekumar: Ok. Next topic is open space planning.
19:28 kracekumar: We had open session in Audi 3 and first floor last year.
19:28 satyag: shrayasr: you got it , looping in the the sponsorhip mail id
19:28 theskumar: MoM, can be don't collaboratively here:
19:28 theskumar: s/don't/done/
19:28 kracekumar: theskumar: Awesome
19:29 kracekumar: We had sponsor session in Audi 3 last year. We will stick with that and add the sponsor session
19:29 kracekumar: and open session in schedule page
19:30 shrayasr: Open spaces, thoughts from last year:
19:30 shrayasr: - There was one board to manage the spaces
19:30 kracekumar: We need to discuss whether we will use first floor or not ? How are we managing open space this year
19:30 shrayasr: - 2 just in time volunteers (major kudos to them)
19:31 shrayasr: - Overall disorganized-ish
19:31 shrayasr: - But had good response
19:31 kracekumar: Correct, few people suggested to have online system to track for open sessions.
19:31 satyag: kracekumar: first floor is not the place for it it afaik it did not work out may be due to AC not working or i don't know what
19:32 kracekumar: satyag: Yep
19:32 satyag: i think room is better
19:32 vnbang2003: We will fix AC this year
19:32 shrayasr: Room was a problem last year since majority of them were taken by the sponsors
19:32 shrayasr: IIRC, 2 rooms on the first floor and the audi 3
19:32 kracekumar: Vijay you mean we will have AC in first floor hall ?
19:33 kracekumar: It is going to be same this year, with clear schedule share in advance
19:33 kracekumar: *shared
19:33 vnbang2003: kracekumar: Yes
19:33 shrayasr: The problem with online management is connectivity, thats why we dropped the idea
19:33 satyag: vnbang2003: yeah if AC works i think it should work , also we need to talk more about this space IMHO
19:33 shrayasr: one interesting thing that popped up last year was a shared google calendar
19:34 kracekumar: satyag: Correct, we will put up in schedule and while sending participants reminder email we can say about open spaces.
19:34 shrayasr: Options: Shared Google Calendar, Public Trello board
19:34 kracekumar: We can also blog and share in social media
19:34 satyag: kracekumar: cool , i will love to manage it , let me know what are the rules like
19:34 vnbang2003: nihmans team said they have fixed AC issue hence we can hope
19:34 satyag: who can use it and for what ?
19:35 satyag: one idea comes to my mind is BOF in that space
19:35 satyag: kaakku: hey you are late :P
19:36 kracekumar: Any sessions can be scheduled, that shouldn't be an issue
19:36 kracekumar: satyag: ^
19:36 kaakku: satyag, Sorry. Will have to leave quickly as well. Hope the logs will be shared.
19:36 satyag: except it should be like flash talks i suppose
19:36 satyag: kaakku: yes they will be
19:37 kracekumar: We need to set max time for open sessions
19:37 shrayasr: satyag: Not really flash talks. But have a max time
19:37 shrayasr: its a longer flash talk, if you may
19:37 vnbang2003: open space is talk between 10-30 minutes ?
19:37 satyag: ok
19:37 satyag: and do we need to propose one now or it will be imprompto ?
19:38 kracekumar: Ok, how about this we will collect topics/talks online and people who miss out can come and patch during the days ?
19:38 kracekumar: Similar to barcamp.
19:38 punchagan: I feel like the max. time should be longer than 30 minutes, if its going to be a group participating. 45 minutes to an hour, may be good.
19:39 shrayasr: I agree with @punchagan
19:39 kracekumar: We have few slots right ?
19:39 kracekumar: 45 minutes can be too long.
19:39 shrayasr: If we collect topics/talks how will it be different compared to actual talks except that there won't be a stage?
19:39 kracekumar: sorry, 1 hours is too long
19:39 punchagan: Open spaces would lean more towards a group discussion, than a (lightning) talk.
19:39 kracekumar: There is no selection
19:39 satyag: kracekumar: no idea what happens there in Barcamp
19:40 kracekumar: Barcamp people submit talks online and when they speak is decided by them on the day
19:40 punchagan: I guess, people could just go out and continue the discussion. But, for a group to settle down and get to the meaty part of the discussion itself may take 10-15 minutes, IMO.
19:40 satyag: punchagan: thats my undertsanding of this space
19:40 kracekumar: We have 5 more minutes to wrap it up.
19:41 shrayasr: Let us create the space and let the community figure it out? What I mean by this is that we just need a few chairs and a table for these things to work. In case bigger places are required, they can probably move to an audi for better support.
19:41 kracekumar: Not all are discussions, people whose talk is not selected want to present in open spaces
19:41 kracekumar: We need to consider both the cases give the chance
19:42 shrayasr: just an initial idea, lots of minor details need to be figured out
19:42 shrayasr: Yes. I liked that idea last year as well. Speakers whos ideas aren't selected can present in open spaces
19:42 satyag: shrayasr: agree ^^
19:42 punchagan: kracekumar: I think such talks would be better suited as a poster/lightning talk.
19:43 kracekumar: punchagan: We will come to poster session next. Let's say I proposed about Django templates and if the talk isn't selected, it will be had to speak in 5 minutes right ?
19:43 satyag: thinks the first floor is large space , just keep it open things will happen , no structure needed
19:44 punchagan: kracekumar: agreed.
19:45 kracekumar: that is also an option @satyag.
19:46 kracekumar: Closing thoughts, We will have open space in first floor and audi 3. We will fix AC in first floor, collect talks in advance, still people can pitch in during the days. We will some space for unplanned discussions.
19:46 vnbang2003_: We need to see logistics issue in first floor before counting it. AC is not only problem
19:46 kracekumar: You mean white board, projector etc ?
19:46 satyag: vnbang2003_: what are the issues you forsee
19:47 vnbang2003_: mike, projector , echoing
19:47 vnbang2003_: seating arrangement
19:47 kracekumar: Hey we can come back to this at the end ?
19:47 punchagan: 45 minutes to an hour is the max. time, if there is a limit. Discussions/talks can last for less than that, definitely.
19:47 satyag: vnbang2003_: echo is there you cannot control it, the walls are not insulated
19:47 vnbang2003_: yes so we need to plan better
19:48 kracekumar: Next topic is poster session.
19:48 kracekumar: We are discussing this for first time.
19:48 kracekumar: Can some explain to the crowd ?
19:48 kracekumar: *someo ne
19:48 kracekumar: **someone
19:49 theskumar: I'll be also helpful if everyone contributes to MoM here:
19:49 punchagan: is a good explanation, I guess.
19:49 vnbang2003_: kracekumar Is this what you mean by poster session :
19:51 kracekumar: @vnbang @punchagan yes
19:51 kracekumar: This is first time we are discussing so we need to think about logistics, reach out
19:51 kracekumar: So lets start what is required to do this and where
19:53 theskumar: possible to spread the word in school/colleges, sort of a competition maybe?
19:54 vnbang2003_: spread in companies also.
19:54 kracekumar: I think this we can stick to open source projects this year ?
19:54 vnbang2003_: logistics is question , how many can we have ?
19:54 kracekumar: Can people speak about properitary stuff ?
19:54 vnbang2003_: should we do between audi 2 and audi3
19:55 exploreshaifali: I think opensource should be preferred
19:55 vnbang2003_: kracekumar: i think properitary stuff might not come
19:55 vnbang2003_: should we make it paid ?
19:55 kracekumar: Between Audi 2 and Audi 3 there will be sponsors stalls correct ?
19:56 vnbang2003_: kracekumar: No
19:56 kracekumar: Got it
19:56 shrayasr: Don't see why yes/no to propreitary stuff is a question. Its the choice of the person presenting
19:57 exploreshaifali: does its Inpycon volunteers who will print posters in a large format and display it at the conference?
19:57 kracekumar: Because there will be limited space correct ?
19:57 punchagan: I'm assuming that posters are going to be reviewed/filtered. Is that right?
19:57 kracekumar: Yes we nee to do it
19:57 vnbang2003_: I think we need to take this to mailing list and wet the idea there
19:57 kracekumar: *need
19:58 satyag: vnbang2003_: +1 this one needs wider discussion
19:58 kracekumar: Ok. It makes sense to move to ML.
19:58 vnbang2003_: but we can get sense from all what do they think ?
19:58 vnbang2003_: Should we plan for poster session this year ?
19:59 satyag: vnbang2003_: so what i have read explaining the concept itself is an excercise :P , then to motivate people to make one is another.
19:59 kracekumar: +1 for this year
19:59 shrayasr: Well good question @vnbang2003
19:59 anuvrat: sure, if we have bandwidth for it ...
19:59 shrayasr: Open spaces (better organized), dev sprints AND poster sessions?
19:59 vnbang2003_: We need volunteers for all new idea
19:59 shrayasr: @anuvrat: +1
20:00 anuvrat: vnbang2003_: indeed
20:00 kracekumar: So if we don't get enough volunteers we should be ojk drop correct ?
20:00 kracekumar: *ok
20:00 vnbang2003_: without volunteer -1
20:01 shrayasr: +1
20:01 kracekumar: Ok. We will move to next topic, we will open this discussion in ML, most people are +1 for this year
20:01 vnbang2003_: more important volunteer need to understand expectations not like other tasks
20:01 anuvrat: kracekumar: certainly, managing these sub-events shall also be a lot of work - and there is no point doing something poorly.
20:01 vnbang2003_: anuvrat: +1
20:02 kracekumar: anurat: Yes, as long as people are on same point it is good.
20:02 kracekumar: Ok, next topic is dev sprint.
20:02 kracekumar: Sayan/Chandan are leading it.
20:03 kracekumar: I am not able to see them here
20:03 satyag: kracekumar: how much time is left ?
20:03 kracekumar: 1 hour is done :-) we can extend for 15 minutes max.
20:03 satyag: kracekumar: this too can be done on ML if they are not here
20:03 kracekumar: We can schedule one in next week if sayan/chandan are not present
20:03 satyag: move on
20:04 vnbang2003_: make it after 15 days
20:04 kracekumar: ok. vnbang2003.
20:05 kracekumar: We can extend 15 more minutes. What topic needs to discussed for PyCon India ?
20:05 kracekumar: More of open space and/or poster session ?
20:06 anuvrat: kracekumar: may I request for a quick recap? I was delayed.
20:06 kracekumar: anurat: sure, After 15 minutes and before we close ?
20:06 anuvrat: unless someone would be releasing a minutes of the meeting somewhere ...
20:06 anuvrat: kracekumar: oh ... cool
20:07 kracekumar: Any volunteers for open space ? satyag has volunteered
20:07 vnbang2003_: Volunteers for sponsorship ?
20:07 satyag: ^^
20:09 vnbang2003_: volunteer for create list of companies in india ?
20:09 kracekumar: Ok. We will use github wiki ?
20:09 vnbang2003_: we need still volunteers right ?
20:09 kracekumar: yep
20:10 vnbang2003_: still need *
20:10 satyag: kracekumar: no to wiki , a secured doc
20:10 satyag: vnbang2003_: so do we have some doc to start or we need to create a new one
20:11 satyag: ?
20:11 kracekumar: Last 5 minutes
20:11 vnbang2003_: We need to create new one. The one is in wiki :
20:12 vnbang2003_: it was update long long back
20:12 satyag: vnbang2003_: hmm is that wiki still live , last i checked it was dead
20:12 satyag: lemme check
20:12 vnbang2003_: it dead
20:13 vnbang2003_: we are done ?
20:13 satyag: well this one i see is not gone
20:13 satyag: but one of our local user group page is no more on the wiki , donna what has happened to it
20:14 kracekumar: Looks like, before wrapping up, theskumar paste the link of enrire chat in etherpad too.
20:14 kracekumar: Everyone contribute to
20:14 satyag: vnbang2003_: yeah we are done
20:14 vnbang2003_: thanks
20:14 theskumar: kracekumar: will do
20:14 theskumar: i'm on on a call, i
20:15 theskumar: i'll do as soon as i get free.
20:15 kracekumar: Ok. Thanks for everyone joining. We will have one more meeting in this month
20:15 kracekumar: MoM will be shared in the ML..
20:15 kracekumar: Bye
20:16 anuvrat: k kracekumar, goodbye
20:16 satyag: bye for now
20:17 satyag is now known as zz_satyag
20:17 shrayasr: Thanks
20:17 shrayasr: bye!
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