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Created May 11, 2018 20:30
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Music Chart Ring V1
* Foundation for Sites by ZURB
* Version 6.4.3
* Licensed under MIT Open Source
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<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="en">
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<title>Music Chart Ring</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css">
<div class="global-chart-container">
<div class="timp-dv-container" id="musicChart">
<p class="song-title">"She Thinks I Still Care"</p>
<p class="song-composer">George Jones</p>
<div class="plot-wrap w-svg"></div>
<script src="music-chart.js"></script>
<script src="music-chart-init.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
// set global variables
var path = '';
var dataFile = 'stillcare-lyrics.csv';
var elemContainer = ['#musicChart'];
var uiEl = '.chart-ui-container input';
var cssFile = 'music-chart.css';
var strNumHeaders = ['bar number','beat']; // to convert to numbers
var musicChart = new MusicChart({
// fire chart and events
chartInit(musicChart, elemContainer[0], dataFile);
function chartInit(chartInst, elem, dataFile) {
d3.csv((path + dataFile), function(data) {
data.forEach(function(d) {
for (var i = 0; i < strNumHeaders.length; i++) {
d[strNumHeaders[i]] = +d[strNumHeaders[i]];
var lyricsData = d3.nest()
.key(function(d){ return d['section' ]; })
.key(function(d){ return d['lyrics' ]; })
var obj = {}
obj['section'] = d.key;
obj['lyrics'] = d.values[0].key;
return obj;
var barsData = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d['bar number']; })
var obj = {}
obj['bar'] = d.key;
obj['section'] = d.values[0]['section'];
obj['beats'] = d.values.length;
obj['values'] = d.values;
obj['lyrics'] = d.values[0]['lyrics'];
return obj;
var sectionData = d3.nest() // section data for section arc
.key(function(d) { return d['section']; })
chartInst.setData(barsData, sectionData, lyricsData);
// include resize event'resize', function(){
// inject custom chart css
function styleLink(){
var linkElem = document.createElement('link');
linkElem.rel = 'stylesheet';
linkElem.type = 'text/css';
linkElem.href = (path + cssFile);
var MusicChart = function(opts){
this.transSpeed = opts.transSpeed;
this.dataCount = opts.dataCount;
this.colorScheme = d3.schemeCategory20b || this.colorScheme; // set up customize
this.element = opts.elem.querySelector('.plot-wrap.w-svg');
MusicChart.prototype.setData = function(newData, sectionData, lyricsData){ = newData;
this.sectionData = sectionData;
this.lyricsData = lyricsData;
MusicChart.prototype.draw = function(){
var self = this
this.margin = {
this.width = this.element.offsetWidth - this.margin.left - this.margin.right;
this.height = this.width / 2 - ( - this.margin.bottom);
this.element.innerHTML = '';
var svg ='svg');
svg.attr('width', this.width + (this.margin.left + this.margin.right));
svg.attr('height', (this.height + + this.margin.bottom));
this.plot = svg.append('g')
.attr("transform", "translate(" + this.width / 2 + "," + this.height / 2 + ")");
MusicChart.prototype.createRadii = function() {
var self = this
this.radiusTwo = Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 2.25;
this.ringTwoSize = this.height / 35;
this.radiusOne = Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 2.5;
this.ringOneSize = this.height / 30;
MusicChart.prototype.createScales = function() {
var self = this
this.colorRange = ['#D15F8F', '#00B5CC', '#F2BA00', '#00B5CC', '#F2BA00', '#DB60E0', '#00B5CC', '#F2BA00', '#F2BA00'];
// ["intro", "verse 1", "chorus 1", "verse 2", "chorus 2", "bridge", "verse 3", "chorus 3", "chorus 4"]
this.sectionKeys ={
return d.key; // ["intro", "verse 1", "chorus 1", "verse 2", "chorus 2", "bridge", "verse 3", "chorus 3", "chorus 4"]
this.color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
MusicChart.prototype.createArcs = function() {
var self = this
this.arcOne = d3.arc()
.outerRadius(this.radiusOne - this.ringOneSize);
this.outerArcOne = d3.arc() // for labels
.innerRadius(this.radiusOne * 0.9)
.outerRadius(this.radiusOne * 0.9);
this.arcTwo = d3.arc()
.outerRadius(this.radiusTwo - this.ringTwoSize);
this.outerArcTwo = d3.arc() // for labels
.innerRadius(this.radiusTwo * 0.9)
.outerRadius(this.radiusTwo * 0.9);
MusicChart.prototype.createPies = function() {
var self = this
this.pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d,i) {return d['beats'];})
this.pieTwo = d3.pie()
.value(function(d,i) { return d.values.length; })
MusicChart.prototype.createDonut = function() {
var self = this
this.barsPath = this.plot.selectAll("path.slice")
this.sectionPath = this.plot.selectAll("path.slice")
.attr("class", "slice-two")
.attr("fill", function(d, i) {
return self.color(;
return self.width / 200;
.attr('d', this.arcTwo)
.each(function(d){this._current = d;});
.attr("class", "slice")
.attr("fill", function(d, i) {
return self.color(['section']);
.attr("opacity", function(d, i) {
return '0';
.attr('d', this.arcOne)
return self.width / 150;
.each(function(d){this._current = d;});
this.textCard ='');
this.sectionWrap = this.textCard.insert('p.section-wrap');
this.chordsWrap = this.textCard.insert('p.chords-wrap');
this.lyricsWrap = this.textCard.insert('p.lyrics-wrap');
// mouseover
.on('mouseenter', function(d){
var elem = this;
var section = [];
var chords = [];
var thisData = d3.nest()
.key(function(d){ return d['bar number']})
.key(function(d){ return d['chord']})
.key(function(d){ return d['section']})
var obj = {}
return obj;
chords = chords.toString().replace(/,/g , ' | ');
.style('color', function(d, i) {
return self.color(section[0]);
.style('font-size', function(d){
return (self.height / 30) + "px";
.style('color', function(d, i) {
return self.color(section[0]);
.style('font-size', function(d){
return (self.height / 20) + "px";
.style('margin-top', function(d){
return (self.height / 80) + "px";
var lyric;
if (l['section'] === section[0]) {
lyric = l['lyrics'];
return '"' + lyric + '"';
.style('font-size', function(d){
return (self.height / 22) + "px";
.style('margin-top', function(d){
return (self.height / 40) + "px";
if ( elem !== this ) {
return '.15';
return ===['section'] ? '1' : '0';
.on('mouseleave', function(d){
return '1';
MusicChart.prototype.resize = function(){
this.width = parseInt('width'), 10);
bar number beat section chord lyrics
1 1 intro C she thinks I still care
1 2 intro C
1 3 intro C
1 4 intro C
2 1 intro G
2 2 intro G
2 3 intro G
2 4 intro G
3 1 intro C
3 2 intro C
3 3 intro C
3 4 intro C
4 1 intro C
4 2 intro C
4 3 intro C
4 4 intro C
5 1 verse 1 C just because I asked a friend about her, just because I spoke her name somewhere, just because I ran her number by mistake today
5 2 verse 1 C
5 3 verse 1 C
5 4 verse 1 C
6 1 verse 1 F
6 2 verse 1 F
6 3 verse 1 F
6 4 verse 1 F
7 1 verse 1 C
7 2 verse 1 C
7 3 verse 1 C
7 4 verse 1 C
8 1 verse 1 C
8 2 verse 1 C
8 3 verse 1 C
8 4 verse 1 C
9 1 verse 1 C
9 2 verse 1 C
9 3 verse 1 C
9 4 verse 1 C
10 1 verse 1 G
10 2 verse 1 G
10 3 verse 1 G
10 4 verse 1 G
11 1 verse 1 C
11 2 verse 1 C
11 3 verse 1 C
11 4 verse 1 C
12 1 verse 1 C
12 2 verse 1 C
12 3 verse 1 C
12 4 verse 1 C
13 1 verse 1 C
13 2 verse 1 C
13 3 verse 1 C
13 4 verse 1 C
14 1 verse 1 C7
14 2 verse 1 C7
14 3 verse 1 C7
14 4 verse 1 C7
15 1 verse 1 F
15 2 verse 1 F
15 3 verse 1 F
15 4 verse 1 F
16 1 verse 1 F
16 2 verse 1 F
16 3 verse 1 F
16 4 verse 1 F
17 1 chorus 1 C she thinks I still care
17 2 chorus 1 C
17 3 chorus 1 C
17 4 chorus 1 C
18 1 chorus 1 G
18 2 chorus 1 G
18 3 chorus 1 G
18 4 chorus 1 G
19 1 chorus 1 C
19 2 chorus 1 C
19 3 chorus 1 C
19 4 chorus 1 C
20 1 chorus 1 C
20 2 chorus 1 C
20 3 chorus 1 C
20 4 chorus 1 C
21 1 verse 2 C just because I haunt the same old places where the memory of her lingers everywhere, just because I'm not the happy guy I used to be
21 2 verse 2 C
21 3 verse 2 C
21 4 verse 2 C
22 1 verse 2 F
22 2 verse 2 F
22 3 verse 2 F
22 4 verse 2 F
23 1 verse 2 C
23 2 verse 2 C
23 3 verse 2 C
23 4 verse 2 C
24 1 verse 2 C
24 2 verse 2 C
24 3 verse 2 C
24 4 verse 2 C
25 1 verse 2 C
25 2 verse 2 C
25 3 verse 2 C
25 4 verse 2 C
26 1 verse 2 G
26 2 verse 2 G
26 3 verse 2 G
26 4 verse 2 G
27 1 verse 2 C
27 2 verse 2 C
27 3 verse 2 C
27 4 verse 2 C
28 1 verse 2 C
28 2 verse 2 C
28 3 verse 2 C
28 4 verse 2 C
29 1 verse 2 C
29 2 verse 2 C
29 3 verse 2 C
29 4 verse 2 C
30 1 verse 2 C7
30 2 verse 2 C7
30 3 verse 2 C7
30 4 verse 2 C7
31 1 verse 2 F
31 2 verse 2 F
31 3 verse 2 F
31 4 verse 2 F
32 1 verse 2 F
32 2 verse 2 F
32 3 verse 2 F
32 4 verse 2 F
33 1 chorus 2 C she thinks I still care
33 2 chorus 2 C
33 3 chorus 2 C
33 4 chorus 2 C
34 1 chorus 2 G
34 2 chorus 2 G
34 3 chorus 2 G
34 4 chorus 2 G
35 1 chorus 2 C
35 2 chorus 2 C
35 3 chorus 2 C
35 4 chorus 2 C
36 1 chorus 2 C
36 2 chorus 2 C
36 3 chorus 2 C
36 4 chorus 2 C
37 1 bridge 1 F but if she's happy thinking I still need her then let that silly notion bring her cheer. Oh, how could she ever be so foolish and where did she get such an idea
37 2 bridge 1 F
37 3 bridge 1 F
37 4 bridge 1 F
38 1 bridge 1 F
38 2 bridge 1 F
38 3 bridge 1 F
38 4 bridge 1 F
39 1 bridge 1 C
39 2 bridge 1 C
39 3 bridge 1 C
39 4 bridge 1 C
40 1 bridge 1 C
40 2 bridge 1 C
40 3 bridge 1 C
40 4 bridge 1 C
41 1 bridge 1 C
41 2 bridge 1 C
41 3 bridge 1 C
41 4 bridge 1 C
42 1 bridge 1 C
42 2 bridge 1 C
42 3 bridge 1 C
42 4 bridge 1 C
43 1 bridge 1 G
43 2 bridge 1 G
43 3 bridge 1 G
43 4 bridge 1 G
44 1 bridge 1 G
44 2 bridge 1 G
44 3 bridge 1 G
44 4 bridge 1 G
45 1 bridge 1 F
45 2 bridge 1 F
45 3 bridge 1 F
45 4 bridge 1 F
46 1 bridge 1 F
46 2 bridge 1 F
46 3 bridge 1 F
46 4 bridge 1 F
47 1 bridge 1 C
47 2 bridge 1 C
47 3 bridge 1 C
47 4 bridge 1 C
48 1 bridge 1 C
48 2 bridge 1 C
48 3 bridge 1 C
48 4 bridge 1 C
49 1 bridge 1 D
49 2 bridge 1 D
49 3 bridge 1 D
49 4 bridge 1 D
50 1 bridge 1 D
50 2 bridge 1 D
50 3 bridge 1 D
50 4 bridge 1 D
51 1 bridge 1 G
51 2 bridge 1 G
51 3 bridge 1 G
51 4 bridge 1 G
52 1 bridge 1 G
52 2 bridge 1 G
52 3 bridge 1 G
52 4 bridge 1 G
53 1 verse 3 C just because I asked a friend about her, just because I spoke her name somewhere, just because I saw her then went all to pieces
53 2 verse 3 C
53 3 verse 3 C
53 4 verse 3 C
54 1 verse 3 F
54 2 verse 3 F
54 3 verse 3 F
54 4 verse 3 F
55 1 verse 3 C
55 2 verse 3 C
55 3 verse 3 C
55 4 verse 3 C
56 1 verse 3 C
56 2 verse 3 C
56 3 verse 3 C
56 4 verse 3 C
57 1 verse 3 C
57 2 verse 3 C
57 3 verse 3 C
57 4 verse 3 C
58 1 verse 3 G
58 2 verse 3 G
58 3 verse 3 G
58 4 verse 3 G
59 1 verse 3 C
59 2 verse 3 C
59 3 verse 3 C
59 4 verse 3 C
60 1 verse 3 C
60 2 verse 3 C
60 3 verse 3 C
60 4 verse 3 C
61 1 verse 3 C
61 2 verse 3 C
61 3 verse 3 C
61 4 verse 3 C
62 1 verse 3 C7
62 2 verse 3 C7
62 3 verse 3 C7
62 4 verse 3 C7
63 1 verse 3 F
63 2 verse 3 F
63 3 verse 3 F
63 4 verse 3 F
64 1 verse 3 F
64 2 verse 3 F
64 3 verse 3 F
64 4 verse 3 F
65 1 chorus 3 C she thinks I still care
65 2 chorus 3 C
65 3 chorus 3 C
65 4 chorus 3 C
66 1 chorus 3 G
66 2 chorus 3 G
66 3 chorus 3 G
66 4 chorus 3 G
67 1 chorus 3 C
67 2 chorus 3 C
67 3 chorus 3 C
67 4 chorus 3 C
68 1 chorus 3 C
68 2 chorus 3 C
68 3 chorus 3 C
68 4 chorus 3 C
69 1 chorus 4 C she thinks I still care
69 2 chorus 4 C
69 3 chorus 4 C
69 4 chorus 4 C
70 1 chorus 4 G
70 2 chorus 4 G
70 3 chorus 4 G
70 4 chorus 4 G
71 1 chorus 4 F
71 2 chorus 4 F
71 3 chorus 4 F
71 4 chorus 4 F
72 1 chorus 4 C
72 2 chorus 4 C
72 3 chorus 4 C
72 4 chorus 4 C
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