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Last active September 25, 2018 21:10
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A very simple console version of tictactoe implemented in dart
import 'dart:io';
var cells = List.generate(3, (_) => [0, 0, 0]);
var player = 1;
void main(List<String> arguments) {
while (true) {
print("Player $player's turn");
var input = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()) - 1;
var row = (input / 3).floor();
var col = (input % 3);
if (cells[row][col] == 1 || cells[row][col] == 2) {
print("That field is already taken");
cells[row][col] = player;
if (isWinningMove(col, row)) {
//Don't switch the players so the winner, because the winner should start the next round.
print("Player $player has won the game! Restarting...");
cells = List.generate(3, (_) => [0, 0, 0]);
} else {
if (isTie()) {
print("It's a tie! Restarting...");
cells = List.generate(3, (_) => [0, 0, 0]);
player = player == 1 ? 2 : 1;
bool isTie() {
var tie = true;
cells.forEach((r) => r.forEach((e) => e == 0 ? tie = false : {}));
return tie;
bool isWinningMove(int col, int row) {
return (cells[row][0] == player && cells[row][1] == player && cells[row][2] == player) ||
(cells[0][col] == player && cells[1][col] == player && cells[2][col] == player) ||
(row == col && cells[0][0] == player && cells[1][1] == player && cells[2][2] == player) ||
(row + col == 2 && cells[0][2] == player && cells[1][1] == player && cells[2][0] == player);
void printGameField() {
cells.forEach((r) {
var line = "";
r.forEach((f) => line += "$f ");
print(" ");
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