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Last active July 30, 2023 22:51
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An alternative API for st.session_state using a class decorator.
"""An alternative API for st.session_state using a class decorator.
So instead of doing this...
if "run_counter" in st.session_state:
st.session_state.run_counter = 0
st.session_state.run_counter += 1
st.write("Number of reruns:", st.session_state.run_counter)
st.button("Rerun") do this:
import state_class_patch
class UserSession:
run_counter = 0
UserSession.run_counter += 1
st.write("Number of reruns:", UserSession.run_counter)
This may not look like much of an improvement, but it becomes more useful
when you have multiple properties to instantiate...
class UserInfo:
name = "Alice"
job = "Student"
age = 33
...or when you want to more cleanly operate on your session variables via
class Session:
counter = 0
def increment(self):
self.counter += 1
def reset(self):
self.counter = 0
st.metric("Counter", UserSession.counter)
st.button("Increment", on_click=UserSession.increment)
st.button("Reset", on_click=UserSession.reset)
import streamlit as st
from dataclasses import dataclass
def session_state__call__(self, cls):
"""Wrapper around the dataclass decorator, which also adds the
instance to st.session_state.
name = cls.__name__
wrapped_cls = dataclass(cls)
if name not in st.session_state:
st.session_state[name] = wrapped_cls()
return st.session_state[name]
# Monkey-patch st.session_state so it can be called like a function.
_SessionStateClass = type(st.session_state)
_SessionStateClass.__call__ = session_state__call__.__get__(st.session_state, _SessionStateClass)
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