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Created April 28, 2017 14:12
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Compound Radial Waves v3 [WARNING: LOUD!]
license: mit
border: no
scrolling: no

This is a big update from the previous version, including the addition of sound!

Please note that this is part of an ongoing series of experiments. While it should run smoothly in Chrome, it hasn't been optimized for other browsers at this time.

Previous blocks in this series:

One note on the sound synthesis: I started with generating the sound for the compound wave by calculating each sample and pushing it to the sound buffer. The idea being that it would be a more 'pure' demonstration of how sound waves interact by synthesizing the sound using an algorithm rather than using Web Audio's built-in oscillators. But this was causing a lot of problems. Namely, the longer waves would never be able to fit in the buffer unless treated like a queue - but that was causing a lot of clipping when changing the frequencies due to difficulties ensuring that the waves meet at a zero crossing point. The workaround for this was to just use the built-in oscillator.

All that said, the end result is ultimately the same since the sound generated by the oscillators gets combined when it goes to the AudioDestinationNode.

Other features include:

  • Highlighting of the individual waves when the cursor is over its controls
  • The ability to toggle visibility of the compound wave and the individual waves
  • The sweep button makes all but two oscillators innactive adn sweeps one of them through the available frecuencies to show how the two waves interact.
  • The shuffle button shuffles all the oscillators 10 times.

I chose to only use three oscillators because more than that can cause the drawn compound wave to be too busy. But there's a hidden feature for adding more oscillators by running addNewOsc() in the console. This is included for stress-testing and exploring more complex combinations.

forked from alexmacy's block: Compound Radial Waves v3 [WARNING: LOUD!]

<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(10, 10, 10);
margin: 0px;
.container {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 20px;
canvas {
position: absolute;
.bottom-row {
position: absolute;
bottom: 20px;
left: 20px;
.osc {
margin: 0px;
.f-text {
margin-top: 20px;
.slider {
direction: rtl;
<div class="container"></div>
<div class="bottom-row">
<div> Compound wavelength: <text id="compound-text"></text></div>
<button onclick="newURL()">Save This Wave</button>
<button id="sweep" onclick="sweep()">Sweep</button>
<input id="compound-wave" type="checkbox" onchange="update()" checked>Show Compound Wave
<button onclick="shuffle(10)">Shuffle</button>
<input id="indiv-waves" type="checkbox" onchange="update()">Show Individual Waves
// using mm instead of cm because that allows for more data points
// and smoother drawing for the shorter waves.
const mmPerSec = 345000;
const wLRange = [7450, 150];
const oscCount = 3;
const oscContainer = document.querySelector('.container');
let LCM;
// setup the visual dimensions
const oscWidth = oscContainer.offsetWidth + 20,
width = innerWidth - oscWidth,
height = innerHeight,
radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); = oscWidth + 'px' ;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasCtx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
// set up the audio context
const audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
// create the oscillators and their controls
let oscs = [];
for (let i=0; i<oscCount; i++) addNewOsc(null)
function addNewOsc(callback = update) {
const newOsc = new Oscillator(oscs.length)
if (callback != undefined) callback();
function Oscillator(num) {
// create the main div for this oscillator
const thisDiv = document.createElement('div');
thisDiv.className = 'osc';
thisDiv.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {update(num)});
thisDiv.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {update()});
// add the child elements to be bound to this below
// this is done as one string as a means to be more concise
thisDiv.innerHTML = '<div class="f-text"></div>' +
'<div class="wl-text"></div>' +
'<input class="slider" ' +
'type="range" ' +
'min="' + wLRange[1] + '" ' +
'max="' + wLRange[0] + '" ' +
'step="10"' +
'oninput="update(' + num + ')" ' +
'onchange="update()">' +
'<div class="a-text"></div>' +
'<input class="amplitude" ' +
'type="range" ' +
'min="0" ' +
'max="100" ' +
'oninput="update(' + num + ')" ' +
this.div = thisDiv;
this.oscNum = num;
this.a = thisDiv.querySelector('.amplitude');
this.wL = thisDiv.querySelector('.slider');
this.aText = thisDiv.querySelector('.a-text');
this.fText = thisDiv.querySelector('.f-text');
this.wlText = thisDiv.querySelector('.wl-text');
const thisGainNode = audioCtx.createGain();
thisGainNode.gain.value = .5;
const thisOsc = audioCtx.createOscillator();
thisOsc.frequency.value = 0;
thisOsc.type = 'sine';
this.osc = thisOsc.frequency;
this.gain = thisGainNode.gain;
return this;
function getQuery() {
const search =,
wLVals = getQueryVals('w'),
aVals = getQueryVals('a');
oscs.forEach(function(d, i) {
d.wL.value = +wLVals[i] || Math.round(Math.random() * 3300) + 150;
d.a.value = aVals[i] != undefined ? +aVals[i] : Math.round(Math.random() * 50) + 50;
function getQueryVals(variable) {
if (search === '' || !search.includes(variable)) return []
return search.split(variable + '=')[1].split('&')[0].split(',')
function update(num) {
const compoundText = document.getElementById('compound-text');
const indivWaves = document.getElementById('indiv-waves').checked;
const compoundWave = document.getElementById('compound-wave').checked;
// find LCM and update oscs array, text fields
LCM = 1;
for (let osc of oscs) {
const wL = +osc.wL.value;
osc.fText.innerHTML = '<td><i>f</i>: '+ (mmPerSec/wL).toLocaleString() + ' Hz</td>';
osc.wlText.innerHTML = '<td>&lambda;: ' + wL/10 + ' cm</td>';
osc.aText.innerHTML = '<td>amplitude: ' + osc.a.value + '%</td>';
LCM = osc.a.value == 0 ? LCM : getLCM(LCM, wL);
osc.osc.value = mmPerSec/osc.wL.value;
osc.gain.value = osc.a.value/100;
compoundText.innerHTML = LCM == 2 ? 'N/A' : (LCM/10).toLocaleString() + ' cm';
LCM *= 2;
// reset the canvas
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// hover over oscillator div, highlights that wave (testing)
if (num != undefined && +oscs[num].a.value != 0) return drawIndivWaves([oscs[num]], true);
// draw the individual waves if requested
if (indivWaves) drawIndivWaves();
if (compoundWave) drawCompoundWave();
function drawIndivWaves(waves, highlighted) {
canvasCtx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(150, 150, 250)';
canvasCtx.lineWidth = LCM > 1e7 ? .05 : LCM > 1e6 ? .1 : LCM > 1e5 ? .25 : .5;
if (highlighted) canvasCtx.lineWidth *= 2;
waves = waves ? waves : oscs;
for (let d of waves) {
const wL = +d.wL.value;
const amp = d.a.value/100;
if (amp == 0) continue;
canvasCtx.moveTo(width/2, height/2)
for (let n=1; n<10000; n++) {
const i = n/10000 * LCM;
const angle = i / LCM * Math.PI * 2;
const val = getVal(i, wL) * amp;
const x = width/2 + val * radius * Math.cos(angle);
const y = height/2 + val * radius * Math.sin(angle);
canvasCtx.lineTo(x, y);
// draw the compound wave
function drawCompoundWave() {
const active = oscs.filter(function(d) {return d.a.value != 0});
canvasCtx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255, 50, 50)';
canvasCtx.lineWidth = LCM > 1e7 ? .1 : LCM > 1e6 ? .2 : LCM > 1e5 ? .5 : 1;
canvasCtx.moveTo(width/2, height/2)
for (let i=1; i<50000; i++) {
nextPoint(Math.round((i/50000) * LCM), active, LCM);
function nextPoint(i, active, LCM) {
const angle = i / LCM * Math.PI * 2;
let combinedVal = 0;
for (let d of active) {
combinedVal += getVal(i, d.wL.value) * d.a.value/100;
combinedVal /= active.length
const x = width/2 + combinedVal * radius * Math.cos(angle);
const y = height/2 + combinedVal * radius * Math.sin(angle);
canvasCtx.lineTo(x, y);
function getVal(i, f) {
return 1 - (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * (i % (f * 2) - f) / f)) / 2;
function shuffle(limit, i=0) {
if (i < limit) setTimeout(function() {
for (let osc of oscs) {
osc.wL.value = +osc.wL.value + Math.round(200 * (Math.random() * 2 - 1));
osc.a.value = +osc.a.value + Math.round(10 * (Math.random() * 2 - 1));
shuffle(limit, ++i)
}, 10);
function getLCM(a, b) {
return (a / getGCD(a, b) * b)
function getGCD(a,b) {
while (true) {
if (b == 0) return a;
a %= b;
if (a == 0) return b;
b %= a;
function newURL() {
let params = oscs.reduce(function(a, b) {
return [[...a[0], b.wL.value], [...a[1], b.a.value]];
}, [[], []])
prompt('URL for these frequencies:', window.location.href.split('?')[0] +
'?w=' + params.join('&a='));
function sweep() {
for (let osc of oscs) {
osc.a.value = 0;
osc.wL.value = wLRange[0];
oscs[0].wL.value = wLRange[0]/2;
oscs[0].a.value = 100;
oscs[1].a.value = 100;
let wL = wLRange[0];
var t = setInterval(function() {
if (wL > wLRange[1]) {
wL -= 10;
oscs[1].wL.value = wL;
} else {
}, 50)
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