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Last active January 30, 2019 23:08
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Search trees like ctrl-F ?


{:deps {fix/me {:git/url "" :sha ""}}}
{:paths ["."]
:deps {gist-uwo/osxclip {:git/url ""
:sha "ceee392df6d3f7607bd5e80f0eb80aafcdcda348"}}}
(ns tsearch
(:require [ :as z]
[osxclip :refer [pbslurpe pbslurp]]))
(defn zip
"Zip the given clojure data. Assumes a shape, like what would be
returned from a d/pull"
;; mostly taken from
(letfn [(branch? [x]
(or (map? x)
(sequential? x)
(set? x)))
(make-node [p xs]
(if (map-entry? p)
(vec xs)
(into (empty p) xs)))]
(z/zipper branch? seq make-node root)))
(defn searchable?
"Does text search make sense against the string representation of the
given value?"
((some-fn number? string? keyword?) x))
(defn tsearch
#_(test #'tsearch)
"Goal: Search a tree like ctrl-F in a browser :)"
{:test (fn []
;; search edn in paste buffer
(clojure.pprint/pprint (tsearch (pbslurpe) "text")))}
[tree text]
(let [z (zip tree)
re (re-pattern text)
match? #(when (searchable? %)
(re-find re (str %)))]
(loop [loc z results []]
(if (z/end? loc)
(let [loc (z/next loc)
node (z/node loc)
result (when (map-entry? node)
(let [[k v] node]
(when (or (match? k) (match? v))
node #_{:node node})))]
(recur loc (if result (conj results result) results)))))))
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